selective estrogen receptor modulators : research and clinical applications,
floor 2
manni, andrea,; verderame, michael,
humana press, totowa, n.j., ©2002
estrogen replacement therapy methods menopause
cytokines and autoimmune diseases,
floor 2
kuchroo, vijay k.
humana press, totowa, n.j., ©2002
auto-immunité autoaggressionskrankheit
protein kinase c protocols,
floor 2
newton, alexandra c.
humana press, totowa, n.j., ©2003
protein kinase c
buprenorphine therapy of opiate addiction,
floor 2
kintz, pasca,marquet, pierre (eds.)
humana press, totowa, n.j., ©2002
buprenorphine buprenorphine pharmacology
turn the wheel: poems 1997-2002,
floor 3
cope, david,
humana press, totowa, n.j., ©2003
american poetry
floor 2
borden, ernest
humana press, totowa, n.j., ©2002
proteins--therapeutic use
two-hybrid systems,
floor 2
humana press, totowa, n.j., ©2001
plasmids,yeast fungi
quantitative trait loci,
floor 2
camp, nicola j.
humana press, totowa, n.j., ©2002v
platinum-based drugs in cancer therapy,
floor 2
kelland, lloyd r,farrell, nicholas[etal]
humana press, totowa, n.j., ©2000
pathogen genomics,
floor 2
shaw, karen joy
humana press, totowa, n.j., ©2002
microbial genetics
coming home,
floor 3
cope, david
humana press, totowa, n.j., ©1993
biologic therapy of leukemia,
floor 2
humana press, totowa, n.j., ©2003
biological products--therapeutic use
leukemia and lymphoma,
floor 2
zipf, theodore f.(ed)
humana press, totowa, n.j., ©2003
recombinant antibodies for cancer therapy,
floor 2
welschof, martin,krauss, jürgen
humana press, totowa, n.j., ©2003
recombinant antibodies
t cell protocols,
floor 2
kearse, kelly p.
humana press, totowa, n.j., ©2000
t cells
capillary electrophoresis of nucleic acids,
floor 2
mitchelson, keith r.
humana press, totowa, n.j., ©2001
electrophoresis, capillary
allogeneic stem cell transplantation : clinical research and practice,
floor 2
: lazarus, hillard m.(ed)
humana press, totowa, n.j., ©2003
blood--diseases,hematopoietic stem cells--transplantation
chiral separations ,
floor 2
gübitz, gerald(ed),schmid, martin g(ed)
humana press, totowa, n.j., ©2004
cancer cytogenetics : methods and protocols,
floor 2
swansbury john /editore/
humana press, totowa, n.j., ©2003
cancer genetic aspects
cell migration in inflammation and immunity : methods and protocols,
floor 2
editor: d'ambrosio, daniele,editor: sinigaglia, francesco
humana press, totowa, n.j., ©2004
fatty acids : physiological and behavioral functions,
floor 2
mostofsky david i.; salem norman; yehuda shlomo /editores/
humana press, totowa, n.j., ©2001
acides gras indispensables physiologie
clinical and forensic applications of capillary electrophoresis,
floor 2
petersen, john r.,mohammad, amin a.
humana press, totowa, n.j., 2001
capillary electrophoresis
mitochondrial dna,
floor 2
copeland, william c. /editor/
humana press, totowa, n.j., ©2002
anticoagulants, antiplatelets, and thrombolytics,
floor 2
mousa shaker a. /editores/
humana press, totowa, n.j., ©2004
dna methylation protocols,
floor 2
ramsahoye bernard h.; mills ken i. /editores/
humana press, totowa, n.j., ©2002
dna methylation laboratory manuals
mammalian artificial chromosomes : methods and protocols,
floor 2
v. sgaramella, sandro eridani
humana press, totowa, n.j., ©2004
directed enzyme evolution : screening and selection methods,
floor 2
arnold, frances hamilton
humana press, totowa, n.j., ©2003
molecular evolution
inflammation protocols,
floor 2
humana press, totowa, n.j., [2003]
anti-inflammatory agents,inflammation
tumor suppressor genes : vol. 1,. pathways and isolation strategies,
floor 2
el-deiry, wafik s. /editors/
humana press, totowa, n.j., ©2003
chemoradiation in cancer therapy,
floor 2
humana press, totowa, n.j., ©2003
cancer--radiotherapy,cancer--chemotherapy,cancer--adjuvant treatment
acute gastrointestinal bleeding : diagnosis and treatment,
floor 2
kim, karen e.
humana press, totowa, n.j., 2003
gastrointestinal hemorrhage
lentivirus gene engineering protocols,
floor 2
federico, maurizio
humana press, totowa, n.j., 2003
gene targeting methods
hypothermia and cerebral ischemia : mechanisms and clinical applications,
floor 2
humana press, totowa, n.j
brain effect of cold on brain injuries therapy
aging, immunity, and infection,
floor 2
albright, joseph f.,albright, julia w.
humana press, totowa, n.j., ©2003
natural immunity,older people
seizures : medical causes and management,
floor 2
delanty, norman [editor]
humana press, totowa, n.j., 2002