mill on liberty,
floor 1
riley, jonathan.
london ; new york : routledge, 1998.
mill, john stuart, 1806-1873. on liberty.
economic organization, capabilities and co-ordination : essays in honour of g.b. richardson,
floor 1
/ edited by nicolai j. foss and brian j. loasby.
london ; new york : routledge, 1998.
the politics of environment in southeast asia : resources and resistance ,
floor 1
/ edited by philip hirsch and carol warren.
london ; new york : routledge, 1998.
environmental policy--southeast asia.
the environment, employment, and sustainable development,
floor 1
hale.monica and lachowicz.mike[ed]
london ; new york : routledge, 1998.
sustainable development--europe.
the economics and politics of international trade,
floor 1
geraint parry and hillel steiner.[ed]
london ; new york : routledge, 1998.
free trade--congresses.
african identities : race, nation, and culture in ethnography, pan-africanism, and black literatures,
floor 1
kanneh, kadiatu
london ; new york : routledge, 1998.
black people--race identity.
modern public economics,
floor 1
jha, raghbendra
london ; new york : routledge, 1998
welfare economics.
public policy disasters in europe,
floor 1
pat gray and paul 't hart.[ed]
london ; new york : routledge, 1998.
political planning--europe.
the spanish economy in the 1990s,
floor 1
motamen-scobie, homa.
london ; new york : routledge, 1998.
spain--economic conditions--1975-2008.