moscow's lost empire,
floor 1
rywkin, michael
m.e. sharpe, armonk, n.y., ©1994
minorities,soviet union--former soviet republics
beyond the twin deficits,
floor 1
blecker, robert a.
m.e. sharpe, armonk, n.y., ©1992
monetary policy
financial crises : understanding the postwar u.s. experience,
floor 1
wolfson, martin h
m.e. sharpe, armonk, n.y., ©1994
business cycles
profiles in character,
floor 4
hernon, joseph m.
m.e. sharpe, armonk, n.y., ©1997
politics and government
building security in europe's new borderlands,
floor 1
dwan, renata,editor
m.e. sharpe, armonk, n.y., ©1999
eastern europe
the quest for security in the caribbean,
floor 1
l. griffith ivelaw
m.e. sharpe, armonk, n.y., ©1993
15.85 history of america anglophone karibik caribbean area
the history highway,
floor 1
trinkle, dennis a.,
m.e. sharpe, armonk, n.y., ©1997
history--computer network resources
local power and post-soviet politics,
floor 1
friedgut, theodore h.
m.e. sharpe, armonk, n.y., ©1994
administration locale russie administration locale russie études de ca
moscow dmz,
floor 1
schweitzer, glenn e., 1930-
m.e. sharpe, armonk, n.y., ©1996
nuclear nonproliferation
the coming class war and how to avoid it : rebuilding the american middle class,
floor 1
strobel, frederick r.;,peterson, wallace c.
m.e. sharpe, armonk, n.y., ©1999
middle class united states,social conflict
the geography of survival,
floor 1
komarov, boris
m.e. sharpe, armonk, n.y., ©1994
soviet union--former soviet republics
presidential policymaking,
floor 1
m.e. sharpe, armonk, n.y., ©1999
political planning,presidents
the soviet colossus,
floor 4
kort, michael
m.e. sharpe, armonk, n.y., ©1993
soviet union
from apec to xanadu,
floor 1
m.e. sharpe, armonk, n.y., ©1997
pacific area cooperation
comparative economic systems,
floor 1
carson, richard l.
m.e. sharpe, armonk, n.y., ©1990
comparative economics
the new pacific community in the 1990s,
floor 4
kim, young jeh
m.e. sharpe, armonk, n.y., ©199
pacific area
american civil rights policy from truman to clinton : the role of presidential leadership,
floor 1
shull, steven a.
m.e. sharpe, armonk, n.y., ©1999
african americans civil rights
the soviet colossus : history and aftermath,
floor 4
kort, michael,
m.e. sharpe, armonk, n.y., ©1996
preventing crime in america and japan,
floor 1
thornton, robert y.,endō, katsuya
m.e. sharpe, armonk, n.y., ©1992
crime prevention