Available Books

These are the available books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

  • Ethiopian Collection
  • Reference
  • Computer Science
  • Philosophy And Psychology
  • Religion
  • Social Sciences
  • Languages
  • Natural Science
  • Technology
  • Art And Creation
  • Literature
  • History And Geography
  • Elementary And High School Text Books
Shelf No : 6
Information Systems Concepts for Management
information systems concepts for management, floor 2 lucas, henry c. mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1982 management information systems
Shelf No : 12
Foundation Analysis and Design
foundation analysis and design, floor 2 bowles, joseph e. mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1982 foundations
Shelf No : 3
 Principles of physics
principles of physics, floor 2 bueche, frederick j. mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1982 physics
Shelf No : 3
Basic statistics for business and economics
basic statistics for business and economics, floor 2 bowen, earl k mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1982 commercial statistics
Shelf No : 1
Chemistry IB Diploma Study and Revision Guide
chemistry ib diploma study and revision guide, floor 2 talbot, christopher, 1967-;,harwood, richard, 1946- mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1982 chemistry--examinations
Shelf No : 16
Quantitative Approaches to Management
quantitative approaches to management, floor 2 levin, richard i.; kirkpatrick, charles a. 1908-1985; rubin, david s. mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1982 operations research
Shelf No : 17
Production and operations management
production and operations management, floor 2 mayer, raymond r mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1982 production management
Shelf No : 10
Electronics Engineers' Handbook
electronics engineers' handbook, floor 2 fink, donald g [et al] mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1982 electronics
Shelf No : 18
metalforming, floor 2 metalforming mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1982 metal-work
Shelf No : 1
Basic statistics for business and economics
basic statistics for business and economics, floor 2 bowen, earl k mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1982 commercial statistics
Shelf No : 10
The testing of engineering materials
the testing of engineering materials, floor 2 davis, harmer e mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1982 engenharia metalurgica e de materiais
Shelf No : 10
The Testing of Engineering Materials
the testing of engineering materials, floor 2 davis, harmer e.,hauck, george f. w.; troxell, george earl, mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1982 materials--testing
Shelf No : 2
Schaum's outline of theory and problems of essential computer mathematics
schaum's outline of theory and problems of essential computer mathematics, floor 2 lipschutz, seymour mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1982 computer science mathematics
Shelf No : 15
Study Guide to Accompany Introduction to Business Data Processing
study guide to accompany introduction to business data processing, floor 2 orilia, lawrence mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1982
Shelf No : 11
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
refrigeration and air conditioning, floor 2 stoecker, w. f mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1982 air conditioning
Shelf No : 7
Software engineering : a practitioner's approach
software engineering : a practitioner's approach, floor 1 pressman, roger s mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1982 computer programming génie logiciel
Shelf No : 7
Introduction to reference work
introduction to reference work, floor 1 katz, william a mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1982 reference books
Shelf No : 9
 Introduction to reference work
introduction to reference work, floor 1 katz, william a mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1982 bibliographies
Shelf No : 6
Community Health Nursing
community health nursing, floor 2 leahy, kathleen m mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1982
Shelf No : 10
Data transmission : analysis, design, applications
data transmission : analysis, design, applications, floor 2 tugal, dogan a. mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1982 data transmission systems
Shelf No : 7
Data Processing, Systems and Concepts
data processing, systems and concepts, floor 1 verzello, robert j ] mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1982 data processing
Shelf No : 3
College English and communication
college english and communication, floor 3 stewart, marie m.,zimmer, kenneth,lanham, frank w gregg division, mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1982 english language--rhetoric
Shelf No : 3
College English and communicatio
college english and communicatio, floor 3 stewart, marie m,zimmer, kenneth gregg division, mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1982 english language--rhetoric
Shelf No : 2
 Effective technical communication
effective technical communication, floor 3 eisenberg, anne mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1982 technical writing
Shelf No : 17
Industrial organization : theory, evidence, and public policy
industrial organization : theory, evidence, and public policy, floor 1 kenneth w. clarkson, roger leroy miller mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1982 industrial organization (economic theory)
Shelf No : 1
Signage : graphic communications in the built world
signage : graphic communications in the built world, floor 3 mclendon, charles b mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1982 united states
Shelf No : 11
Electronic circuits and applications
electronic circuits and applications, floor 2 grob, bernard gregg division, mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1982 electronic circuits
Shelf No : 18
 Standard plumbing engineering design
standard plumbing engineering design, floor 2 nielsen, louis s. publisher:mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1982 plomberie
Shelf No : 7
Schaum's outline of theory and problems of computers and programming
schaum's outline of theory and problems of computers and programming, floor 1 scheid, francis mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1982 computer programming
Shelf No : 1
 Basic statistics for business and economics
basic statistics for business and economics, floor 2 bowen earl k.; starr martin k. mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1982
Shelf No : 17
Operations management : theory and problems
operations management : theory and problems, floor 2 monks, joseph g. mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1982 production management
Shelf No : 14
 Accounting : systems and procedures
accounting : systems and procedures, floor 2 david weaver et al gregg division, mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1982 accounting
Shelf No : 17
Marketing management : strategies and programs
marketing management : strategies and programs, floor 2 guiltinan, joseph p.; paul, gordon w.; madden, thomas j. mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1982 marketing--management
Shelf No : 13
People in organizations : an introduction to organizational behavior
people in organizations : an introduction to organizational behavior, floor 1 mitchell, terence r, mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1982 bank management,compottement organisationnal,organication
Shelf No : 6
Classification of nursing diagnoses
classification of nursing diagnoses, floor 2 kim, mi ja mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1982 nursing diagnosis--classification
Shelf No : 1
Encyclopedia of economics
encyclopedia of economics, ground floor mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1982 economics
Shelf No : 3
Principles of Physics
principles of physics, floor 2 bueche, frederick j. mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1982 physics
Shelf No : 9
Software Engineering
software engineering, floor 1 pressman mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1982 programmation (informatique)

Popular Books

These are the popular books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

Disney Princess Story Collection

Shelf No: 21


Shelf No: 15

Good Queen Bess

Shelf No: 3


Shelf No: 5


Shelf No: 4

Smithsonian Kids Digging for Dinosaurs

Shelf No: 1

How do dinosaurs go up and down

Shelf No: 21

A Fabumouse Vacation for Geronimo

Shelf No: 2

The Secret of the Fairies (Thea Stilton: Special Edition #2)

Shelf No: 2

A Cheese-colored Camper

Shelf No: 2

The magical gabi /written by Heldana Afework and edited by Essey Workie.

Shelf No: 3

Peppa Pig: Where's Peppa's Magical Unicorn?

Shelf No: 10

Recent Books

These are the recent books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

 The evolution of personal merit ideology in Uganda / Jack Stevens Alecho-Oita

Shelf No: 15

A textbook of inorganic chemistry

Shelf No: 4

Strategic plan for 2000-2005

Shelf No: 20

Write source 2000 : a guide to writing, thinking & learning / written and compiled by Patrick Sebranek, Verne Meyer, Dave Kemper ; illustrated by Chris Krenzke.

Shelf No: 21

Canon Lenses

Shelf No: 1

Cracking the SAT premium

Shelf No: 1

The economics of development and planning  / M. L. Jhingan.

Shelf No: 16

Food and agricultural legislation = Recueil de législation alimentation et agriculture = Colección legislativa agricultura y alimentación.

Shelf No: 13

Repacking Your Bags: how to live with a new sense of purpose

Shelf No: 11

 African women and development : a history / Margaret C. Snyder, Mary Tadesse.

Shelf No: 14

 Man and sin : a study guide

Shelf No: 12

Bale: From the Playground to the Pitch

Shelf No: 1


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