Available Books

These are the available books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

  • Ethiopian Collection
  • Reference
  • Computer Science
  • Philosophy And Psychology
  • Religion
  • Social Sciences
  • Languages
  • Natural Science
  • Technology
  • Art And Creation
  • Literature
  • History And Geography
  • Elementary And High School Text Books
Shelf No : 17
The handbook of strategic public relations & integrated communications
the handbook of strategic public relations & integrated communications, floor 2 caywood, clarke l[ed] mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1997 communication in management
Shelf No : 21
Spotlight on literacy : [Grade 6]
spotlight on literacy : [grade 6], floor 1 macmillan/mcgraw macmillan/mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1997-1998 arts du langage (primaire)
Shelf No : 21
Spotlight on literacy
spotlight on literacy, floor 1 macmillan/mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1997-1998 language arts (elementary
Shelf No : 4
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Geology and Mineralogy
mcgraw-hill dictionary of geology and mineralogy, floor 2 parker, sybil p mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1997 mineralogy
Shelf No : 1
Handbook of Separation Techniques for Chemical Engineers
handbook of separation techniques for chemical engineers, floor 3 schweitzer, philip a mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1997 adsorptie
Shelf No : 17
ISO 9000 and beyond: from compliance to performance improvement
iso 9000 and beyond: from compliance to performance improvement, floor 2 harrington, h. j. (h. james);,mathers, dwayne d. mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1997 manufactures quality control standards
Shelf No : 13
Creative living
creative living, floor 2 glosson, linda ruth cox glencoe/mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1997 home economics--study and teaching (secondary)
Shelf No : 6
Creative living
creative living, floor 2 glosson, linda ruth cox glencoe/mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1997 home economics
Shelf No : 10
 Read alouds : plays, poems, and choral readings
read alouds : plays, poems, and choral readings , floor 3 lippert, margaret h macmillan/mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1997 literature
Shelf No : 6
 Creative living
creative living, floor 2 glosson, linda r.,meeks, janis p.,smock, linda g. glencoe/mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1997 home economics
Shelf No : 13
 Creative living
creative living, floor 2 linda r. glosson,(et...al) glencoe/mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1997 home economics
Shelf No : 2
Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of Intermediate Algebra
schaum's outline of theory and problems of intermediate algebra, floor 2 steege, ray,bailey, kerry mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1997 algebra problems, exercises, etc
Shelf No : 3
Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of College Physics
schaum's outline of theory and problems of college physics, floor 2 bueche, frederick j,hecht, eugene mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1997 physics
Shelf No : 21
Deux Mondes
deux mondes, floor 1 terrell, tracy d. mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1997 french language
Shelf No : 13
Consumer Education and Economics
consumer education and economics, floor 1 lowe, ross e.;,jacobson, annette r.;,malouf, charles a. glencoe/mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1997 consumer education
Shelf No : 1
The Middle East
the middle east, floor 4 fisher, sydney nettleton, 1906-1987,ochsenwald, william mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1997 middle east
Shelf No : 17
The Fat Firm
the fat firm, floor 2 zoltners andris a. mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1997 business administration
Shelf No : 6
Engineering drawing and design
engineering drawing and design, floor 2 jensen, cecil h,helsel, jay d gregg division, mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1997 mechanical drawing,engineering design
Shelf No : 6
 Parenting : a life span perspective
parenting : a life span perspective, floor 2 martin, carole a.,colbert, karen karal mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1997 parent and child
Shelf No : 18
Basic Engineering Calculations for Contractors
basic engineering calculations for contractors, floor 2 domel, august w mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1997 structural engineering
Shelf No : 6
Dynamic systems : modeling and analysis
dynamic systems : modeling and analysis, floor 2 vu, hung v. mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1997 system analysis
Shelf No : 7
Software engineering: a practitioner's approach
software engineering: a practitioner's approach, floor 1 pressman, roger s mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1997 software engineering
Shelf No : 11
Troubleshooting and repairing consumer electronics
troubleshooting and repairing consumer electronics, floor 2 davidson, homer l. mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1997 electronic apparatus and appliances maintenance and repair
Shelf No : 2
Pre-Algebra: An Integrated Transition to Algebra & Geometry
pre-algebra: an integrated transition to algebra & geometry, floor 2 glencoe/mcgraw-hill glencoe/mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1997

Popular Books

These are the popular books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

The art of seduction

Shelf No: 14

Disney Princess Story Collection

Shelf No: 21


Shelf No: 15

Good Queen Bess

Shelf No: 3


Shelf No: 5


Shelf No: 4

Smithsonian Kids Digging for Dinosaurs

Shelf No: 1

How do dinosaurs go up and down

Shelf No: 21

A Fabumouse Vacation for Geronimo

Shelf No: 2

The Secret of the Fairies (Thea Stilton: Special Edition #2)

Shelf No: 2

A Cheese-colored Camper

Shelf No: 2

The magical gabi /written by Heldana Afework and edited by Essey Workie.

Shelf No: 3

Recent Books

These are the recent books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

Understanding Modern Warfare

Shelf No: 18

Meningococcal Vaccines: methods and protocols

Shelf No: 9

Neanderthals at Work: how people and politics can drive you crazy-- and what you can do about them

Shelf No: 14

 Trainer's guide project management : a complete package for a one-day training workshop / Michael Davies

Shelf No: 16

 The Which? guide to buying antiques

Shelf No: 1

Guidelines for monitoring and evaluation of public sector projects

Shelf No: 7

Cost analysis in primary health care: a training manual for programme managers

Shelf No: 19

Ethiopia demographic and health survey, 2011 / Central Statistical Agency [and] ICF International.

Shelf No: 7

Calculus - Preliminary Edition

Shelf No: 2

Business Grammar and Practice (Oxford Business English)

Shelf No: 21

Proceedings of the Conference on African Conflicts : their management, resolution and post-conflict reconstruction held at the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, 13-15 December 2000.

Shelf No: 19

Blood price & other stories / edited by Negussie Teffera & Zerihun Asfaw.

Shelf No: 7


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