approaches to teaching joyce's ulysses,
floor 3
mccormick kathleen,
new york : modern language association of america, 1993.
joyce, james, 1882-1941. ulysses.
approaches to teaching the arthurian tradition,
floor 3
fries, maureen
new york : modern language association of america, 1992.
arthurian romances--study and teaching.
an introduction to old french,
floor 1
kibler, william w.
modern language association of america, new york, 1984
french language
spanish and spanish-american literature,
floor 1
woodbridge, hensley charles
modern language association of america, new york, n.y., 1983
approaches to teaching thoreau's walden and other works,
floor 3
schneider, richard j. ed
modern language association of america, new york, 1996
18.06 anglo-american literature
an introduction to old irish,
floor 1
lehmann r. p. m.
the modern language association of america, new york, n.y., 1975
e-learning - alltagstaugliche innovation?,
floor 3
gibaldi joseph
the modern language association of america, new york, 1998
znanstveno delo metodologija znanstvena
mla handbook for writers of research papers,
floor 3
gibaldi, joseph,,achtert, walter s.;,harada, keiichi
the modern language association of america, new york, 2009
forthcoming books,
ground floor
gibaldi, joseph
modern language association of america, new york, 2003
report writing
approaches to teaching achebe's things fall apart,
floor 3
lindfors, bernth
modern language association of america, new york, 1991
things fall apart (achebe, chinua)
approaches to teaching swift's gulliver's travels,
floor 3
rielly, edward j. [editor]
modern language association of america, new york, 1988
gulliver's travels (swift, jonathan)
approaches to teaching camus's the plague,
floor 3
kellman, steven g
modern language association of america, new york, 1985
plague in literature
mla handbook for writers of research papers,
floor 3
gibaldi, joseph,achtert, walter s,harada, keiichi
modern language association of america, new york, 1995
report writing
approaches to teaching dickens' david copperfield,
floor 3
dunn, richard j
modern language association of america, new york, 1984
dickens, charles, 1812-1870
the mla style manual,
floor 4
walter s. achtert,joseph gibaldi
modern language association of america, new york, 1985
mla handbook for writers of research papers,
floor 3
gibaldi, joseph,,achtert, walter s.;
modern language association of america, new york, 1995
report writing,research
introduction to scholarship in modern languages and literatures,
floor 1
gibaldi, joseph
the modern language association of america, new york, 1992
philology, modern--research
literature as exploration,
floor 3
louise m. rosenblatt
modern language association of america, new york, 1983, ©1976
literature--study and teaching
redrawing the boundaries : the transformation of english and american literary studies,
floor 3
greenblatt, stephen(ed)
modern language association of america, new york, 1992
canon (literature),english literature--theory, etc
mla handbook for writers of research papers,
floor 3
gibaldi, joseph
the modern language association of america, new york, 1999
report writing,research
literature as exploration,
floor 3
rosenblatt, louise m.
modern language association of america, new york, 1983
literature--study and teaching
studies in american indian literature : critical essays and course designs,
floor 3
paula gunn allen(ed)
modern language association of america, new york, n.y., ©1983
american literature--indian authors
introduction to scholarship in modern languages and literatures,
floor 1
gibaldi, joseph, 1942
modern language association of america, new york, 1992
philology, modern--research
mla handbook for writers of research papers,
floor 3
gibaldi, joseph,
modern language association of america, new york, 1992
report writing
mla handbook,
floor 3
modern language association of america
report writing
mla handbook for writers of research papers,
floor 3
gibaldi, joseph
the modern language association of america, new york, 2009
report writing
mla handbook for writers of research papers,
ground floor
gibaldi, joseph
modern language association of america, new york, 1995
report writing