Available Books

These are the available books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

  • Ethiopian Collection
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Shelf No : 7
Approaches to Teaching Joyce's Ulysses
approaches to teaching joyce's ulysses, floor 3 mccormick kathleen, new york : modern language association of america, 1993. joyce, james, 1882-1941. ulysses.
Shelf No : 3
Approaches to Teaching the Arthurian Tradition
approaches to teaching the arthurian tradition, floor 3 fries, maureen new york : modern language association of america, 1992. arthurian romances--study and teaching.
Shelf No : 21
 An introduction to Old French
an introduction to old french, floor 1 kibler, william w. modern language association of america, new york, 1984 french language
Shelf No : 9
Spanish and Spanish-American Literature
spanish and spanish-american literature, floor 1 woodbridge, hensley charles modern language association of america, new york, n.y., 1983
Shelf No : 7
Approaches to Teaching Thoreau's Walden and Other Works
approaches to teaching thoreau's walden and other works, floor 3 schneider, richard j. ed modern language association of america, new york, 1996 18.06 anglo-american literature
Shelf No : 21
An introduction to Old Irish
an introduction to old irish, floor 1 lehmann r. p. m. the modern language association of america, new york, n.y., 1975 grammer
Shelf No : 2
E-Learning - alltagstaugliche Innovation?
e-learning - alltagstaugliche innovation?, floor 3 gibaldi joseph the modern language association of america, new york, 1998 znanstveno delo metodologija znanstvena
Shelf No : 2
MLA handbook for writers of research papers
mla handbook for writers of research papers, floor 3 gibaldi, joseph,,achtert, walter s.;,harada, keiichi the modern language association of america, new york, 2009 authorship
Shelf No : 1
Forthcoming Books
forthcoming books, ground floor gibaldi, joseph modern language association of america, new york, 2003 report writing
Shelf No : 7
Approaches to Teaching Achebe's Things Fall Apart
approaches to teaching achebe's things fall apart, floor 3 lindfors, bernth modern language association of america, new york, 1991 things fall apart (achebe, chinua)
Shelf No : 7
Approaches to teaching Swift's Gulliver's travels
approaches to teaching swift's gulliver's travels, floor 3 rielly, edward j. [editor] modern language association of america, new york, 1988 gulliver's travels (swift, jonathan)
Shelf No : 10
Approaches to teaching Camus's The plague
approaches to teaching camus's the plague, floor 3 kellman, steven g modern language association of america, new york, 1985 plague in literature
Shelf No : 3
MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers
mla handbook for writers of research papers, floor 3 gibaldi, joseph,achtert, walter s,harada, keiichi modern language association of america, new york, 1995 report writing
Shelf No : 8
Approaches to teaching Dickens' David Copperfield
approaches to teaching dickens' david copperfield, floor 3 dunn, richard j modern language association of america, new york, 1984 dickens, charles, 1812-1870
Shelf No : 1
The MLA Style Manual
the mla style manual, floor 4 walter s. achtert,joseph gibaldi modern language association of america, new york, 1985 authorship
Shelf No : 2
MLA handbook for writers of research papers
mla handbook for writers of research papers, floor 3 gibaldi, joseph,,achtert, walter s.; modern language association of america, new york, 1995 report writing,research
Shelf No : 21
 Introduction to scholarship in modern languages and literatures
introduction to scholarship in modern languages and literatures, floor 1 gibaldi, joseph the modern language association of america, new york, 1992 philology, modern--research
Shelf No : 2
 Literature as exploration
literature as exploration, floor 3 louise m. rosenblatt modern language association of america, new york, 1983, ©1976 literature--study and teaching
Shelf No : 7
Redrawing the boundaries : the transformation of English and American literary studies
redrawing the boundaries : the transformation of english and american literary studies, floor 3 greenblatt, stephen(ed) modern language association of america, new york, 1992 canon (literature),english literature--theory, etc
Shelf No : 2
MLA handbook for writers of research papers
mla handbook for writers of research papers, floor 3 gibaldi, joseph the modern language association of america, new york, 1999 report writing,research
Shelf No : 2
 Literature as exploration
literature as exploration, floor 3 rosenblatt, louise m. modern language association of america, new york, 1983 literature--study and teaching
Shelf No : 3
Studies in American Indian literature : critical essays and course designs
studies in american indian literature : critical essays and course designs, floor 3 paula gunn allen(ed) modern language association of america, new york, n.y., ©1983 american literature--indian authors
Shelf No : 21
 Introduction to scholarship in modern languages and literatures
introduction to scholarship in modern languages and literatures, floor 1 gibaldi, joseph, 1942 modern language association of america, new york, 1992 philology, modern--research
Shelf No : 2
MLA handbook for writers of research papers
mla handbook for writers of research papers, floor 3 gibaldi, joseph, modern language association of america, new york, 1992 report writing
Shelf No : 2
MLA handbook
mla handbook, floor 3 modern language association of america report writing
Shelf No : 2
MLA handbook for writers of research papers
mla handbook for writers of research papers, floor 3 gibaldi, joseph the modern language association of america, new york, 2009 report writing
Shelf No : 1
 MLA handbook for writers of research papers
mla handbook for writers of research papers, ground floor gibaldi, joseph modern language association of america, new york, 1995 report writing

Popular Books

These are the popular books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

The art of seduction

Shelf No: 14

Disney Princess Story Collection

Shelf No: 21


Shelf No: 15

Good Queen Bess

Shelf No: 3


Shelf No: 5


Shelf No: 4

Smithsonian Kids Digging for Dinosaurs

Shelf No: 1

How do dinosaurs go up and down

Shelf No: 21

A Fabumouse Vacation for Geronimo

Shelf No: 2

The Secret of the Fairies (Thea Stilton: Special Edition #2)

Shelf No: 2

A Cheese-colored Camper

Shelf No: 2

The magical gabi /written by Heldana Afework and edited by Essey Workie.

Shelf No: 3

Recent Books

These are the recent books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

365 ways to boost your brain power : tips, exercise, advice / Carolyn Dean, Valentine Dmitriev, Donna Raskin

Shelf No: 11

 Study guide to accompany Marriage and the family : diversity and strengths

Shelf No: 14

Essential maths : book 8C / David Rayner, Michael White.

Shelf No: 1

Español a lo vivo

Shelf No: 21

Biological psychology / James W. Kalat.

Shelf No: 7

The Role of Plant Nutrients for Sustainable Food Crop Production in Sub-Saharan Africa

Shelf No: 13

 Dream dictionary & record book : a simple guide to interpreting your dreams / Pamela Ball.

Shelf No: 1

The feng shui dictionary / Lillian Too

Shelf No: 1

Simple Ways to bring out the best in your employees

Shelf No: 16

 State of the world 2005 : a Worldwatch Institute Report on progress toward a sustainable society /Michael Renner, Hilary F. French, Erik Assadourian

Shelf No: 17

A student's guide to the Value-Added Tax Act

Shelf No: 18

Block 2 : Arctic approach / Mark Brandon ... [et al.]

Shelf No: 17


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