Available Books

These are the available books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

  • Ethiopian Collection
  • Reference
  • Computer Science
  • Philosophy And Psychology
  • Religion
  • Social Sciences
  • Languages
  • Natural Science
  • Technology
  • Art And Creation
  • Literature
  • History And Geography
  • Elementary And High School Text Books
Shelf No : 1
Dictionary of African biography
dictionary of african biography, ground floor akyeampong, emmanuel kwaku(edi) oxford university press, oxford, ©2012 africa
Shelf No : 17
Global Banking
global banking, floor 1 smith, roy c., 1938-,walter, ingo,delong, gayle oxford university press, oxford, ©2012 banks and banking, international
Shelf No : 15
 Business and management for the IB diploma : standard and higher level
business and management for the ib diploma : standard and higher level, floor 2 gutteridge, lloyd oxford university press, oxford, ©2012 business--examinations--study guides.
Shelf No : 17
Good Growth and Governance in Africa
good growth and governance in africa, floor 1 noman, akbar oxford university press, oxford, ©2012 sub-saharan africa

Popular Books

These are the popular books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

The art of seduction

Shelf No: 14

Disney Princess Story Collection

Shelf No: 21


Shelf No: 15

Good Queen Bess

Shelf No: 3


Shelf No: 5


Shelf No: 4

Smithsonian Kids Digging for Dinosaurs

Shelf No: 1

How do dinosaurs go up and down

Shelf No: 21

A Fabumouse Vacation for Geronimo

Shelf No: 2

The Secret of the Fairies (Thea Stilton: Special Edition #2)

Shelf No: 2

A Cheese-colored Camper

Shelf No: 2

The magical gabi /written by Heldana Afework and edited by Essey Workie.

Shelf No: 3

Recent Books

These are the recent books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

Handbook of North American Indians

Shelf No: 6

Engineering / course, Fundamentals of engineering design ; instructor. Greg Nordstram.

Shelf No: 10

Comparative advertising and product disparagement : legal confrontation / Prashat Amin.

Shelf No: 18

A short guide to a long life / David B. Agus.

Shelf No: 7

A better way to live / Og Mandino

Shelf No: 11

365 ways to boost your brain power : tips, exercise, advice / Carolyn Dean, Valentine Dmitriev, Donna Raskin

Shelf No: 11

 Study guide to accompany Marriage and the family : diversity and strengths

Shelf No: 14

Essential maths : book 8C / David Rayner, Michael White.

Shelf No: 1

Español a lo vivo

Shelf No: 21

Biological psychology / James W. Kalat.

Shelf No: 7

The Role of Plant Nutrients for Sustainable Food Crop Production in Sub-Saharan Africa

Shelf No: 13

 Dream dictionary & record book : a simple guide to interpreting your dreams / Pamela Ball.

Shelf No: 1


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