geostatistical analysis of compositional data,
floor 2
pawlowsky-glahn, vera; olea, r. a.
oxford university press, oxford, 2004
multivariate analysis
how safe is safe enough? : obligations to the children of reproductive technology,
floor 1
peters, philip g.
oxford university press, oxford, 2004
human reproductive technology--moral and ethical aspects
oxford a-z of spelling,
floor 1
soanes catherine
oxford university press, oxford, 2004
anglais (langue) syllabaires dictionaries
oxford reading tree: stage 1 : first words: big book teaching notes,
floor 1
oxford university press
oxford university press, oxford, 2004
great britain lecture (enseignement primaire) grande-bretagne reading (primary) reading (primary) great britain
vocabulary activities,
floor 1
slattery, mary
oxford university press, oxford, 2004
vocabulary study and teaching (elementary) activity programs
common morality,
floor 1
gert, bernard, 1934-
oxford university press, oxford, 2004
global issues,
floor 1
sampedro, ricardo,hillyard, susan
oxford university press, oxford, 2004
english language teaching foreigners
math hysteria: fun and games with mathematics,
floor 3
stewart, ian
oxford university press, oxford, 2004
mathematical recreations
asian development outlook, 2004 : foreign direct investment in developing asia. special chapter,
floor 1
asian development bank
asian development bank by the oxford university press, oxford, 2004
economic history
new english file. elementary student's book,
floor 1
oxenden, clive
oxford university press, oxford, 2004
english language
the oxford esl dictionary,
floor 1
oxfored university
oxford university press, oxford, 2004
english language
new international express pre-intermediate,
floor 1
taylor, liz (elizabeth joan)
oxford university press, oxford, 2004
english language
brain gender,
floor 1
hines, melissa
oxford university press, oxford, 2004
77.50 psychophysiology
ions in the brain,
floor 2
george g. somjen
oxford university press, oxford, 2004
neural transmission
oxford university press, oxford, 2004