Available Books

These are the available books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

  • Ethiopian Collection
  • Reference
  • Computer Science
  • Philosophy And Psychology
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  • Art And Creation
  • Literature
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  • Elementary And High School Text Books
Shelf No : 8
Sams teach yourself Visual Basic 6 in 21 days
sams teach yourself visual basic 6 in 21 days, floor 1 perry, greg m. indianapolis, ind. : sams, c1998. microsoft visual basic for windows.
Shelf No : 8
Macromedia Dreamweaver MX Unleashed
macromedia dreamweaver mx unleashed, floor 1 pizzi, matthew. indianapolis, in : sams, c2003. dreamweaver (computer file)
Shelf No : 8
ASP.NET unleashed
asp.net unleashed, floor 1 walther, stephen. indianapolis, ind. : sams, c2004. active server pages.
Shelf No : 8
Programming data-driven web applications with ASP.NET
programming data-driven web applications with asp.net, floor 1 mack, donny. indianapolis, ind. : sams, c2002. active server pages.
Shelf No : 7
Sams teach yourself Visual Basic .NET in 21 days
sams teach yourself visual basic .net in 21 days, floor 1 mackenzie, duncan indianapolis, ind. : sams, c2002. visual basic.
Shelf No : 8
Dynamic Web Publishing Unleashed
dynamic web publishing unleashed, floor 1 powers, shelley. indianapolis, in : sams.net, c1998. web publishing.
Shelf No : 8
Linux Unleashed
linux unleashed, floor 1 parker, tim, sams, indianapolis, ind., ©2000 linux
Shelf No : 7
Dan Appleman's developing COM/ActiveX components with visual Basic 6
dan appleman's developing com/activex components with visual basic 6, floor 1 appleman, dan. indianapolis, in : sams, c1999. microsoft visual basic for windows. activex. com (computer architecture) basic (computer program language)
Shelf No : 8
: Teach yourself Visual C++ 2 in 21 days
: teach yourself visual c++ 2 in 21 days, floor 1 : shammas, namir clement sams pub., indianapolis, ind., ©1994 c++ (computer program language)
Shelf No : 8
 yourself Visual Basic
yourself visual basic, floor 1 perry, greg m. sams pub., indianapolis, ind., ©2008 basic (computer program language)
Shelf No : 11
Using and Understanding Miniature Neon Lamps
using and understanding miniature neon lamps, floor 2 miller, w.g h.w. sams, indianapolis, [1969] neon lamps
Shelf No : 11
TTL Cookbook
ttl cookbook, floor 2 lancaster, don h.w. sams, indianapolis, 1974 transistor-transistor logic circuits
Shelf No : 11
How to read schematics
how to read schematics, floor 2 herrington, donald e. h.w. sams, indianapolis, ind., u.s.a., ©1986 electronics
Shelf No : 11
Know your oscilloscope
know your oscilloscope, floor 2 smith, paul c.,middleton, robert gordon h.w. sams, indianapolis, ind., ©1980 oscilloscopes,cathode ray oscillographs
Shelf No : 11
Design of op-amp circuits with experiments
design of op-amp circuits with experiments, floor 2 berlin, howard m. howard sams & co., united states, 1977 operational amplifiers
Shelf No : 6
Troubleshooting with the oscilloscope
troubleshooting with the oscilloscope, floor 2 middleton, robert gordon h.w. sams, indianapolis, ind., usa, ©1988 television--repairing
Shelf No : 8
UNIX Shell programming
unix shell programming, floor 1 kochan, stephen g.; wood, patrick h. sams, indianapolis, ind., ©2003 unix shells
Shelf No : 8
 The Waite Group's MS-DOS bible
the waite group's ms-dos bible, floor 1 simrin, steven h.w. sams, indianapolis, ind., usa, ©1988 ms-dos
Shelf No : 7
Sams' Teach Yourself the Internet Starter Kit in 24 Hours
sams' teach yourself the internet starter kit in 24 hours, floor 1 snell, ned sams pub., indianapolis, ind., ©1998 internet
Shelf No : 8
How to Use Windows 95
how to use windows 95, floor 1 hergert, douglas. sams publishing c1998,sams publihing c 1998 how it works series,how it works series (emeryville, calif.),microsoft windows (computer file)
Shelf No : 7
Eclipse 3.0 Kick Start
eclipse 3.0 kick start, floor 1 valcarcel, carlos sams, indianapolis, ind., ©2005 computers programming open source
Shelf No : 1
Discover the World Wide Web with Your Sportster
discover the world wide web with your sportster, ground floor u.s. robotics sams net, indianapolis, ind., ©1996 internet
Shelf No : 8
The Windows NT Registry
the windows nt registry, floor 1 james causey sams pub., indianapolis, in, ©1997 operating systems (computers)
Shelf No : 7
Windows NT Server 4 Unleashed
windows nt server 4 unleashed, floor 1 garms, jason. sams pub., indianapolis, ind., ©1998 microsoft windows nt.
Shelf No : 14
Accounting & Finance
accounting & finance, floor 2 purdum, jack j sams, indianapolis, ©1995 access (computer file)
Shelf No : 8
Teach Yourself Delphi 2 in 21 Days
teach yourself delphi 2 in 21 days, floor 1 osier, dan (daniel);,batson, steve,grobman, steve sams pub., indianapolis, ind., ©1996 computer software--development
Shelf No : 7
Sams Teach Yourself to Create Web Pages in 24 Hours
sams teach yourself to create web pages in 24 hours, floor 1 snell ned sams, indiana, 1999 internet
Shelf No : 8
Sams teach yourself Visual C++ 6 in 21 days
sams teach yourself visual c++ 6 in 21 days, floor 1 chapman, davis howard sams, indianapolis, ind., ©1998 c++ (computer program language),microsoft visual c++
Shelf No : 8
Sams Teach Yourself Office 97 in 10 Minutes
sams teach yourself office 97 in 10 minutes, floor 1 sams, indianapolis, in, ©1998
Shelf No : 8
Sams Teach Yourself Mac OS X in 24 Hours
sams teach yourself mac os x in 24 hours, floor 1 ray, john,ness, robyn sams, indianapolis, ind., ©2002 operating systems (computers),mac os
Shelf No : 1
Sams Teach Yourself IMovie and IDVD in 24 Hours
sams teach yourself imovie and idvd in 24 hours, floor 3 todd kelsey sams, indianapolis, ind., ©2003 macintosh (computer)
Shelf No : 8
Teach yourself Excel programming with Visual Basic for applications in 21 days
teach yourself excel programming with visual basic for applications in 21 days, floor 1 harris, matthew" sams pub., indianapolis, ind., ©1996 microsoft excel (computer file)
Shelf No : 7
Building an intranet
building an intranet, floor 1 evans, tim sams.net, indianapolis, ind., ©1996 intranets (computer networks)
Shelf No : 1
Video tape recorders
video tape recorders, floor 3 kybett, harry h.w. sams, indianapolis, [1974],h.w. sams, indianapolis, [1976] video tape recorders
Shelf No : 7
Handbook of computer-communications standards
handbook of computer-communications standards, floor 1 stallings, william sams & comp., indianapolis, ind., 1988 norm
Shelf No : 8
Turbo Pascal 4.0, developer's library
turbo pascal 4.0, developer's library, floor 1 rought edward r. howard w. sams, indianapolis, indiana, 1988 computer programming
Shelf No : 7
 Microcomputer dictionary
microcomputer dictionary, floor 1 sippl, charles j. h.w. sams, indianapolis, ind., ©1981 microcomputers
Shelf No : 8
Sams Teach Yourself XML in 10 Minutes
sams teach yourself xml in 10 minutes, floor 1 andrew watt sams pub., indianapolis, in, ©2003 xml (document markup language)
Shelf No : 7
Discover the world wide web with your sportster
discover the world wide web with your sportster, floor 1 december john; randall neil sams net, indianapolis, ind., ©1995 world wide web
Shelf No : 8
Sams Teach Yourself FreeBSD in 24 Hours
sams teach yourself freebsd in 24 hours, floor 1 urban, michael,tiemann, brian sams pub., indianapolis, in, ©2003 free computer software
Shelf No : 8
Sams Teach Yourself XML in 21 Days
sams teach yourself xml in 21 days, floor 1 shepherd, devan sams, indianapolis, ind., ©2001 xml (document markup language)
Shelf No : 8
Sams teach yourself Java 2 in 21 days
sams teach yourself java 2 in 21 days, floor 1 lemay, laura sams, indianapolis, ind., 2000 java (computer program language)
Shelf No : 8
Sams Teach Yourself Web Publishing with HTML 4 in 21 Days
sams teach yourself web publishing with html 4 in 21 days, floor 1 lemay, laura,tyler, denise sams pub., indianapolis, in, ©2000 html (document markup language)
Shelf No : 10
Understanding electricity and electronics circuits
understanding electricity and electronics circuits, floor 2 heiserman, david l. h.w. sams & co., indianapolis, in, usa, ©1987 electrical engineering,electronic circuits
Shelf No : 8
Sams teach yourself Visual Basic 5 in 21 days
sams teach yourself visual basic 5 in 21 days, floor 1 gurewich, nathan sams pub., indianapolis, ind., ©1997 basic (computer program language),microsoft visual basic for windows
Shelf No : 8
 Visual Basic 6 unleashed
visual basic 6 unleashed, floor 1 thayer, rob sams, [indianapolis, ind.], 1998 visual basic (computer program language)
Shelf No : 9
SQL Unleashed
sql unleashed, floor 1 ladányi, hans sams publishing sql (computer program language)
Shelf No : 8
Teach Yourself C++ in 21 Days
teach yourself c++ in 21 days, floor 1 liberty, jesse;,jones, bradley sams pub., indianapolis, ind., ©1997 c++ (computer program language)
Shelf No : 8
Teach Yourself JavaScript 1.1 in a Week
teach yourself javascript 1.1 in a week, floor 1 danesh, arman sams.net, indianapolis, ind., c1996 javascript (computer program language)
Shelf No : 7
Visual C++ 6 in 21 Tagen
visual c++ 6 in 21 tagen, floor 1 chapman, davis howard sams, haar bei münchen, 1998 computer programming,microsoft visual c++
Shelf No : 8
Sams teach yourself JavaScript 1.3 in 24 hours
sams teach yourself javascript 1.3 in 24 hours, floor 1 moncur, michael g. sams, indianapolis, ind., ©1999 javascript (computer program language)
Shelf No : 7
Teach Yourself Networking in 24 Hours
teach yourself networking in 24 hours, floor 1 hayden, matt sams publishing computer networks
Shelf No : 8
Teach yourself C in 21 days
teach yourself c in 21 days, floor 1 aitken, peter g sams pub., carmel, ind. basic (computer program language)
Shelf No : 9
Teach Yourself Database Programming with Visual Basic 5 in 21 Days
teach yourself database programming with visual basic 5 in 21 days, floor 1 amundsen, michael" sams,sams pub., indianapolis, ind., ©1997 visual basic (computer program language),database management
Shelf No : 8
Sams teach yourself Borland JBuilder 2 in 21 days
sams teach yourself borland jbuilder 2 in 21 days, floor 1 doherty, don, dr. sams, indianapolis, ind, 1998 jbuilder
Shelf No : 7
 Sams teach yourself Adobe Photoshop Elements 2 in 24 hours
sams teach yourself adobe photoshop elements 2 in 24 hours, floor 1 rose, carla,fulton, jennifer sams computer graphics
Shelf No : 9
 Understanding artificial intelligence
understanding artificial intelligence, floor 1 mishioff, henry c. h.w. sams & co., indianapolis, in, ©1985 artificial intelligence
Shelf No : 8
Teach Yourself C in 24 Hoursc
teach yourself c in 24 hoursc, floor 1 zhang, tony sams pub., indianapolis, in, ©1997 c (computer program language),computer programming
Shelf No : 8
Sams Teach Yourself Java 2 in 24 Hours
sams teach yourself java 2 in 24 hours, floor 1 cadenhead, rogers sams publishing java (computer program language)
Shelf No : 8
Sams Teach Yourself Database Programming with Visual Basic 6 in 24 Hours
sams teach yourself database programming with visual basic 6 in 24 hours, floor 1 rahmel, dan sams, indianapolis, ind., ©1999 basic (computer program language),database design.
Shelf No : 9
DBase III plus : programmer's library
dbase iii plus : programmer's library, floor 1 carrabis, joseph-david h.w. sams dbase iii plus (computer file)
Shelf No : 8
Sams teach yourself beginning databases in 24 hours
sams teach yourself beginning databases in 24 hours, floor 1 plew, ronald r.,stephens, ryan k. sams, indianapolis, ©2003 relational databases
Shelf No : 1
 Peter Norton's complete guide to networking
peter norton's complete guide to networking, ground floor norton, peter, 1943- sams, indianapolis, ind., ©1999 business enterprises computer networks management
Shelf No : 8
Teach yourself C in 24 hours
teach yourself c in 24 hours, floor 1 zhang, tony sams pub., indianapolis, in, ©1997 c (computer program language)
Shelf No : 7
Networking Essentials Unleashed
networking essentials unleashed, floor 1 sportack sams pub., indianapolis, in, ©1998 computer networks
Shelf No : 8
Sams Teach Yourself Microsoft Windows XP in 24 Hours
sams teach yourself microsoft windows xp in 24 hours, floor 1 greg m. perry sams, indianapolis, in, ©2002 microsoft windows (computer file)
Shelf No : 8
Sams Teach Yourself Windows XP Computer Basics All in One
sams teach yourself windows xp computer basics all in one, floor 1 perry greg m. sams, indianapolis, ind., ©2003
Shelf No : 9
Sams Teach Yourself Mac OS X Digital Media All in One
sams teach yourself mac os x digital media all in one, floor 1 ness, robyn sams, indianapolis, ind., ©2003
Shelf No : 9
Windows NT installation, configuration and customization
windows nt installation, configuration and customization, floor 1 causey, james sams publ
Shelf No : 8
Teach yourself Microsoft Office 97 in 24 hours
teach yourself microsoft office 97 in 24 hours, floor 1 perry greg m sams, indianapolis, ind., ©1997
Shelf No : 8
MS-DOS developer's guide
ms-dos developer's guide, floor 1 angermeyer, john; jaeger, kevin h.w. sams
Shelf No : 7
Teach Yourself the Internet in 24 Hours
teach yourself the internet in 24 hours, floor 1 snell, ned indianapolis, ind.,sams pub., ©2000 internet
Shelf No : 8
Sams Teach Yourself Shell Programming in 24 Hours
sams teach yourself shell programming in 24 hours, floor 1 veeraraghavan, sriranga sams, indianapolis, ind., ©2002 unix (computer file)
Shelf No : 9
Sams teach yourself Adobe Photoshop Elements 2 in 24 hours
sams teach yourself adobe photoshop elements 2 in 24 hours, floor 1 rose, carla sams, indianapolis, ind., ©2003 adobe photoshop elements
Shelf No : 8
Sams teach yourself Red Hat Linux 8 in 24 hours
sams teach yourself red hat linux 8 in 24 hours, floor 1 hsiao, aron. indianapolis, ind. : sams, c2003. linux.
Shelf No : 8
Sams teach yourself Red Hat Linux 8 in 24 hours /                   Aron Hsiao.
sams teach yourself red hat linux 8 in 24 hours / aron hsiao., floor 1 hsiao, aron indianapolis, ind. : sams, c2003. linux-computer science
Shelf No : 9
Sams Teach Yourself Visual J++ 6 in 21 Days
sams teach yourself visual j++ 6 in 21 days, floor 1 leinecker, richard c. sams, indianapolis, ind., ©1999 microsoft visual j++
Shelf No : 8
Sams Teach Yourself Office Productivity
sams teach yourself office productivity, floor 1 greg m. perry sams publishing
Shelf No : 8
Sams Teach Yourself Microsoft Windows Me Millennium Edition in 24 Hours
sams teach yourself microsoft windows me millennium edition in 24 hours, floor 1 perry, greg m. sams publishing
Shelf No : 8
The Waite Group's Visual Basic 6 SuperBible
the waite group's visual basic 6 superbible, floor 1 waite group,,jung, david sams, indianapolis, ind., ©1999
Shelf No : 8
Sams Teach Yourself XML in 24 Hours
sams teach yourself xml in 24 hours, floor 1 morrison, michael sams, indianapolis, indiana
Shelf No : 8
Teach Yourself Visual Basic 6 In 21 Days
teach yourself visual basic 6 in 21 days, floor 1 perry greg m sams, indianapolis, ind., ©1998
Shelf No : 9
Access 2 Unleashed
access 2 unleashed, floor 1 edward jones sams pub., indianapolis, in, ©1994
Shelf No : 8
 Sams teach yourself Visual Basic
sams teach yourself visual basic, floor 1 mackenzie, duncan sams, indianapolis
Shelf No : 9
Sams Teach Yourself HTML and CSS in 24 Hours
sams teach yourself html and css in 24 hours, floor 1 meloni, julie c.;,morrison, michael sams pub., indianapolis, ind., ©2010 cascading style sheets, html (document markup language)
Shelf No : 8
Windows NT Server 4 Unleashed
windows nt server 4 unleashed, floor 1 garms, jason sams pub., indianapolis, ind., ©1997

Popular Books

These are the popular books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

Disney Princess Story Collection

Shelf No: 21


Shelf No: 15

Good Queen Bess

Shelf No: 3


Shelf No: 5


Shelf No: 4

Smithsonian Kids Digging for Dinosaurs

Shelf No: 1

How do dinosaurs go up and down

Shelf No: 21

A Fabumouse Vacation for Geronimo

Shelf No: 2

The Secret of the Fairies (Thea Stilton: Special Edition #2)

Shelf No: 2

A Cheese-colored Camper

Shelf No: 2

The magical gabi /written by Heldana Afework and edited by Essey Workie.

Shelf No: 3

Peppa Pig: Where's Peppa's Magical Unicorn?

Shelf No: 10

Recent Books

These are the recent books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

Ratanlal & Dhirajlal's the law of evidence (Act I of 1872) : with exhaustive notes, comments, case-law references, state amendments /

Shelf No: 18

Toohey's medicine : a textbook for students in the health care professions /edited by Stephen R. Bloom

Shelf No: 9

The peace negotiations, a personal narrative.

Shelf No: 3

Dinner party economics : the big ideas and intense conversations about the economy / Eveline J Adomait, Richard G. Maranta.

Shelf No: 15

Prescription for Natural Cures: a self-care guide for treating health problems with natural remedies, including diet and nutrition, nutritional supplements, bodywork, and more

Shelf No: 9

Just for the love it : the first woman to climb mount everest frpm both sides.

Shelf No: 2

Small moments : writing with focus, detail, and dialogue

Shelf No: 20

Politics of Latin America: the power game

Shelf No: 15

The North Caucasus barrier : the Russian advance towards the Muslim world

Shelf No: 4

Chemistry DeMYSTiFieD, 2nd Edition

Shelf No: 3

Economic development in Africa : rethinking the role of foreign direct investment.

Shelf No: 17

What on Earth Am I Here For

Shelf No: 12


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