Available Books

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  • Elementary And High School Text Books
Shelf No : 14
The struggle to be strong : true stories by teens about overcoming tough times / edited by Al Desetta, Sybil Wolin.
the struggle to be strong : true stories by teens about overcoming tough times / edited by al desetta, sybil wolin., floor 1 minneapolis, mn : free spirit pub., 2000. teenagers--united states--social conditions--case studies--juvenile literature.,resilience (personality trait) in adolescence--case studies--juvenile literature.
Shelf No : 11
The Adolescent Brain: reaching for autonomy
the adolescent brain: reaching for autonomy, floor 1 sylwester, robert. thousand oaks, calif. : corwin press, c2007. adolescence.
Shelf No : 14
Adolescence : continuity, change, and diversity
adolescence : continuity, change, and diversity, floor 1 cobb, nancy j. mountain view, calif. : mayfield, c2001. adolescence.
Shelf No : 14
adolescence , floor 1 santrock, john w. mcgraw-hill, boston, ©2007 adolescence
Shelf No : 9
Coping with anxiety and panic attacks / Jordan Lee.
coping with anxiety and panic attacks / jordan lee., floor 2 lee, jordan. new york : the rosen pub., 1997. anxiety.,anxiety in adolescence.
Shelf No : 13
adolescence, floor 1 steinberg, laurence d. mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1993 adolescence adolescent
Shelf No : 13
Adolescence and Youth
adolescence and youth, floor 1 conger, john janeway;,petersen, anne c.;,galambos, nancy l. harper & row, new york, ©1977 adolescence
Shelf No : 14
Study Guide to accompany A child's world: infancy through adolescence
study guide to accompany a child's world: infancy through adolescence, floor 1 micham, wendy,diane e. papalia,sally wendkos olds mcgraw-hill, boston, ©2002 adolescence
Shelf No : 14
adolescence, floor 1 stefoff, rebecca chelsea house publishers, new york, ©1990 adolescence
Shelf No : 14
Adolescence and Youth
adolescence and youth, floor 1 conger, john janeway harpercollins, new york, ny, ©1991 adolescence
Shelf No : 9
Teen Self-injury
teen self-injury, floor 2 higgins, melissa minneapolis, minnesota : essential library, an imprint of abdo publishing, [2015] ©2015 self-mutilation in adolescence--juvenile literature.
Shelf No : 9
Teens Depression and the Blues
teens depression and the blues, floor 2 winkler, kathleen. enslow publishers, berkeley heights, nj, 2000 depression in adolescence
Shelf No : 19
After Suicide
after suicide, floor 1 kuehn eileen lifematters, mankato, minn., ©2001 bereavement in adolescence juvenile literature
Shelf No : 14
A Child's World: Infancy Through Adolescence
a child's world: infancy through adolescence, floor 1 papalia diane e.,feldman ruth duskin,olds sally wendkos mcgraw-hill, new york, ©2011 adolescence,child development
Shelf No : 14
 The adolescent storm
the adolescent storm, floor 1 dooley, :helen penguin, johannesburg, 2010 adolescence adolescent psychology
Shelf No : 14
Young Living, Student Text
young living, student text, floor 1 clayton nanalee glencoe/mcgraw-hill, new york, n.y., ©2000 adolescence
Shelf No : 2
 Bless the beasts
bless the beasts , floor 3 fred swarthout glendon pocket, new york, [1995] adolescence fiction
Shelf No : 14
Adolescence in America
adolescence in america, floor 1 v. lerner jacqueline abc-clio, santa barbara, calif., ©2001 adolescence
Shelf No : 11
Chicken soup for the teenage soul : 101 stories of life, love, and learning
chicken soup for the teenage soul : 101 stories of life, love, and learning, floor 1 canfield, jack; scholastic inc., new york, [1999], ©1997 adolescence,teenagers conduct of life
Shelf No : 3
Teen Angst
teen angst, floor 3 bynoe sara st. martin's griffin, new york, 2005 adolescence
Shelf No : 6
The Fault in Our Stars
the fault in our stars, floor 3 green, john penguin books, new york, 2014 cancer in adolescence
Shelf No : 11
Life Strategies for Teens
life strategies for teens, floor 1 mcgraw jay,xu zheng fireside, new york, 2000 success in adolescence
Shelf No : 5
It's Like This, Cat
it's like this, cat, floor 3 neville, emily harper & row, new york, [1963] adolescence fiction
Shelf No : 7
The Owner's Manual for Driving Your Adolescent Brain
the owner's manual for driving your adolescent brain, floor 2 deak, joann m.;,deak, terrence little pickle press, san francisco, ca, 2013 adolescence juvenile literature
Shelf No : 14
Reviving Ophelia
reviving ophelia, floor 1 pipher, mary bray putnam, new york, ©1994 self-esteem in adolescence
Shelf No : 4
The Fault in Our Stars
the fault in our stars, floor 3 green, john dutton books, new york, 2012 cancer in adolescence
Shelf No : 13
Preparing for Adolescence
preparing for adolescence, floor 1 dobson, james c., 1936- vision house publishers, santa ana, calif., ©1978 adolescence
Shelf No : 14
adolescence, floor 1 steinberg, laurence d mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1989 adolescent psychology,adolescence
Shelf No : 19
 Drugs and peer pressure
drugs and peer pressure, floor 1 myers, arthur rosen pub. group, new york, 1995 peer pressure in adolescence
Shelf No : 19
Drugs and Fitting In
drugs and fitting in, floor 1 george glass rosen pub. group, new york, 1998 peer pressure in adolescence
Shelf No : 11
The Secret to Teen Power
the secret to teen power, floor 1 harrington, paul simon pulse, new york, 2009 happiness in adolescence
Shelf No : 7
The New Teenage Body Book
the new teenage body book, floor 2 kathy mccoy,charles wibbelsman body press/perigee, new york, ny, ©1992 adolescence
Shelf No : 7
To adolescents and parents
to adolescents and parents, floor 2 melgosa, julián editorial safeliz, madrid, (spain), 2000 adolescence
Shelf No : 11
Teens Face to Face with Chronic Illness
teens face to face with chronic illness, floor 1 levert, suzanne j. messner, new york, ny, ©1993 chronic diseases in adolescence
Shelf No : 11
Straight Talk about Death for Teenagers
straight talk about death for teenagers, floor 1 grollman, earl a. beacon press, boston, ©1993 bereavement in adolescence
Shelf No : 11
Coping with grief
coping with grief, floor 1 buckingham, robert w,huggard, sandra k. rosen pub. group, new york, 1991 grief in adolescence
Shelf No : 9
Coping with Tourette Syndrome and tic disorders
coping with tourette syndrome and tic disorders, floor 2 moe, barbara a rosen pub. group, new york, ©2000 tourette syndrome in adolescence
Shelf No : 14
Raising Cain
raising cain, floor 1 daniel j. kindlon,michael thompson,teresa barker ballantine books, new york, 1999 emotions in adolescence
Shelf No : 11
Girl World
girl world, floor 1 ottaviano, patricia sourcebooks fire, naperville, illinois, 2015 self-acceptance in adolescence,self-esteem in adolescence
Shelf No : 11
Life Strategies For Teens
life strategies for teens, floor 1 mcgraw, jay fireside, new york, 2000 success in adolescence
Shelf No : 11
Coping with Stress
coping with stress, floor 1 packard, gwen k. rosen pub. group, new york, 1999 stress in adolescence
Shelf No : 14
The adolescent
the adolescent, floor 1 gouws, eldrie heinemann, johannesburg, 2008 adolescence
Shelf No : 14
Speaking out
speaking out, floor 1 kuklin, susan putnam's sons, new york, ©1993 self-esteem in adolescence
Shelf No : 6
Big Girl Small
big girl small, floor 3 dewoskin, rachel farrar, straus and giroux, new york, 2011 adolescence fiction
Shelf No : 14
Moi, ta mère
moi, ta mère, floor 1 collange, christiane fayard, paris, ©1985 adolescence
Shelf No : 4
Tiger Eyes: a novel
tiger eyes: a novel, floor 3 blume, judy simon & schuster books for young readers, new york, n.y., ©1981 bereavement in adolescence
Shelf No : 14
Starting with "I" : personal essays by teenagers
starting with "i" : personal essays by teenagers, floor 1 estepa, andrea;,youth communication (organization) persea books, new york, 1997 adolescence
Shelf No : 14
 Adolescence: an introduction
adolescence: an introduction, floor 1 santrock, john w. mcgraw-hill, boston, ©2007 adolescence
Shelf No : 7
World Book's managing your teenage life
world book's managing your teenage life, floor 2 world book, inc world book, chicago, ©2003 adolescence juvenile literature
Shelf No : 11
The Code
the code, floor 1 mawi asgedom little, brown, new york, 2003 success in adolescence
Shelf No : 7
 Adolescent health sourcebook
adolescent health sourcebook , floor 2 kimball, chad t. omnigraphics, detroit, mi, 2002 teenagers--health and hygiene,adolescence
Shelf No : 19
Asperger syndrome and adolescence : practical solutions for school success
asperger syndrome and adolescence : practical solutions for school success, floor 1 myles, brenda smith autism asperger pub. co., shawnee mission, ks, ©2001 adolescence
Shelf No : 11
deception, floor 1 taylor, rachel, psychology press, hove, east sussex, 2011 truthfulness and falsehood in adolescence
Shelf No : 14
The Adolescent
the adolescent, floor 1 rice f. philip; dolgin kim gale allyn & bacon, boston, ©1999 adolescence
Shelf No : 14
Infancy, childhood & adolescence : development in context
infancy, childhood & adolescence : development in context , floor 1 steinberg, laurence d., 1952- new york : mcgraw-hill, c1991. child development.,adolescence.
Shelf No : 1
The Gale Encyclopedia of Psychology
the gale encyclopedia of psychology, ground floor susan b. gall,jerome kagan gale, detroit, 1996 child development,adolescence,adolescent psychology

Popular Books

These are the popular books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

Disney Princess Story Collection

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Good Queen Bess

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Shelf No: 4

Smithsonian Kids Digging for Dinosaurs

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How do dinosaurs go up and down

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A Fabumouse Vacation for Geronimo

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The Secret of the Fairies (Thea Stilton: Special Edition #2)

Shelf No: 2

A Cheese-colored Camper

Shelf No: 2

The magical gabi /written by Heldana Afework and edited by Essey Workie.

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Peppa Pig: Where's Peppa's Magical Unicorn?

Shelf No: 10

Recent Books

These are the recent books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

World of Language 5/Evaluating Writing Holistically (Student Writing Models)

Shelf No: 21

Practice Guidelines for Family Nurse Practitioners

Shelf No: 6

 Organic producer initiatives and rural development : four European case studies / editors,  Peter Midmore, Carolyn Foster, Markus Schermer

Shelf No: 13

Proceedings of the Symposium on Highly Selective Dry Etching and Damage Control

Shelf No: 10

Understanding the Purpose and Power of Men

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Cultural life in the federal republic of Germany

Shelf No: 14

Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Educational Research for Development : May 13-15, 2009, Addis Ababa University, Akaki Campus

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Explaining and Understanding International Relations

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Wondo Genet College of Forestry abstracts of theses and research works -2003 : a bibliography / compiled by Junko Soderman.

Shelf No: 1

 Making sense : Christianity in today's world

Shelf No: 12

Introduction to physics for preparatory ; first stage in colleges and technical schools [or fields] prepared by Samuel S. Z.

Shelf No: 3

How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk

Shelf No: 13


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