history of africa,
floor 4
shillington kevin
macmillan education ; palgrave macmillan, oxford, new york, ©2005
africa history
a history of modern africa,
floor 4
reid richard j.
wiley-blackwell, malden, ma, ©2012
africa history
ancient civilizations of africa,
floor 4
unesco. international scientific committee
heinemann, edinburgh, 1981
africa history
general history of africa,
floor 4
unesco. international scientific committee
j. currey ; university of california press ; unesco, london, berkeley, calif., paris, ©1990-©1999
africa africa history
the african poor,
floor 1
iliffe, john
cambridge university press, cambridge, 1987
africa history pauvres
new forces in africa,
floor 4
lewis, william h.[ed]
public affairs press, washington, [1962]
africa history congresses
the scramble for africa,
floor 4
pakenham thomas
abacas, london, 1992
africa africa colonization africa history, 1885-1960
floor 3
luard, nicholas.
pocket books, new york, 1989
africa history 19th century fiction
the european renaissance, the reformation, and global encounter,
floor 4
fiero k. gloria
mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1998
africa history
modern management,
floor 4
collins, robert
wiener, new york, ©1993
africa africa history
banking in the new millennium,
floor 1
goosen, w. [et-al.]
juta & co, ltd, kenwyn, south africa, ©1999
banks and banking--technological innovations,banks and banking south africa history
historical foundations of south african private law,
floor 1
thomas, ph. j.;,van der merwe, c. g.;,stoop, b. c.
butterworths, durban, ©2000
civil law south africa history