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  • Ethiopian Collection
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Shelf No : 10
Pediatric neuroimaging / A. James Barkovich.
pediatric neuroimaging / a. james barkovich., floor 2 barkovich, a. james, 1952- philadelphia : lippincott-raven, 1996. nervous system--magnetic resonance imaging.,nervous system--ultrasonic imaging.,pediatric diagnostic imaging.
Shelf No : 7
A short guide to a long life / David B. Agus.
a short guide to a long life / david b. agus., floor 2 agus, david, 1965- new york : simon and schuster, 2014 longevity.,aging--nutritional aspects.,self-care, health.
Shelf No : 10
 Wisdom of aging / Dora Obi Chizea
wisdom of aging / dora obi chizea, floor 2 chizea, dora obi ebensburg, penn. : dora chizea productions, ©2002 aging--psychological aspects,older people--mental health.,resilience (personality trait) in old age.
Shelf No : 14
aging, floor 1 conn.,dushkin, guilford, ©1997 aging psychological aspects
Shelf No : 9
 Emergency imaging / D. Karthikeyan, Deepa Chegu
emergency imaging / d. karthikeyan, deepa chegu, floor 2 karthikeyan, d. uk : anshan, tunbridge wells ; new delhi : jaypee brothers, 2007 diagnostic imaging.,diagnosis, radioscopic.
Shelf No : 7
Stop Aging Now!
stop aging now!, floor 2 carper, jean. new york, ny : harpercollins, c1995. longevity. aging--nutritional aspects. antioxidants.
Shelf No : 7
The Mayo Clinic Plan for Healthy Aging
the mayo clinic plan for healthy aging, floor 2 rochester, mn : mayo clinic, c2006. aging--popular works.
Shelf No : 7
Grow younger, live longer : 10 steps to reverse aging
grow younger, live longer : 10 steps to reverse aging , floor 2 chopra, deepak. new york : harmony books, c2001. longevity.,aging--prevention.
Shelf No : 19
Extending Life, Enhancing Life
extending life, enhancing life, floor 1 institute of medicine (u.s.). washington, d.c. : national academy press, 1991. aging--research. aging--research--government policy--united states.
Shelf No : 9
Poser : reference manual for Windows and Mac OS X
poser : reference manual for windows and mac os x, floor 1 poser (computer file),computer animation.,three-dimensional imaging.
Shelf No : 3
When I am an old woman I shall wear purple
when i am an old woman i shall wear purple, floor 3 / edited by sandra martz. watsonville, ca, : papier-mache press, 1991 women--literary collections,aging--literary collections,aged women--literary collectios
Shelf No : 7
Ageless body, timeless mind : the quantum alternative to growing old
ageless body, timeless mind : the quantum alternative to growing old , floor 2 chopra, deepak. new york : harmony books, 1993. aging.,holistic medicine.
Shelf No : 13
Absolute Beauty
absolute beauty, floor 2 imber, gerald william morrow, new york, ©2005 skin--aging
Shelf No : 6
Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart
functional imaging and modeling of the heart, floor 2 katila, t. e. springer, berlin, ©2001 heart--imaging
Shelf No : 18
Plastic Packaging Materials for Food
plastic packaging materials for food, floor 2 piringer, o.-g [ed]. wiley-vch, weinheim, ©2000 plastics in packaging
Shelf No : 17
Principles of Package Development
principles of package development, floor 2 griffin, roger c. avi pub. co., westport, conn., 1985 packaging
Shelf No : 11
Handbook of Package Materials
handbook of package materials, floor 2 sacharow, stanley. westport, conn. : avi pub. co., c1976. packaging.
Shelf No : 17
Package Production Management
package production management, floor 2 raphael, harold j.,olsson, david l. avi pub. co., westport, conn., ©1976 packaging
Shelf No : 13
How to Manage Your Boss
how to manage your boss, floor 2 berkley, george e.;,qi, hantang prentice-hall, englewood cliffs, n.j., ©1985 managing your boss
Shelf No : 14
Aging in Canada
aging in canada, floor 1 chappell, neena l.,hollander, marcus j. oxford university press, don mills, ont., ©2013 aging economic aspects
Shelf No : 7
 Anti-aging super foods for seniors: 1,001 ways to keep your belly lean, memory sharp, senses keen, and heart healthy
anti-aging super foods for seniors: 1,001 ways to keep your belly lean, memory sharp, senses keen, and heart healthy, floor 2 wood frank k. fc & a medical publishiing, peachtree city, ga, 2011 aging nutritional aspects
Shelf No : 6
 An Imaging atlas of human anatomy
an imaging atlas of human anatomy, floor 2 weir, jamie.,weir, jamie. etal wolfe publishing ltd c 1992 human anatomy--atlases,diagnostic imaging--atlases.
Shelf No : 8
Medical Imaging
medical imaging, floor 2 sherrow victoria marshall cavendish benchmark, new york, ©2007 diagnostic imaging
Shelf No : 7
You staying young
you staying young, floor 2 roizen michael f. free press, new york, ©2007 aging
Shelf No : 9
 Image-guided neurosurgery : clinical applications of surgical navigation / edited by Gene H. Barnett,  David W. Roberts, Robert J. Maciunas
image-guided neurosurgery : clinical applications of surgical navigation / edited by gene h. barnett, david w. roberts, robert j. maciunas, floor 2 barnett, gene h.;,roberts, david w.;,maciunas, robert j. (eds.) st. louis, mo. : quality medical pub., 1998. central nervous system--imaging,central nervous system--surgery
Shelf No : 14
Living Somewhere Between Estrogen and Death
living somewhere between estrogen and death, floor 1 johnson barbara word pub., dallas, ©1997 aging
Shelf No : 7
King Lear
king lear, floor 3 shakespeare william wordsworth editions, ware, ©1992 aging parents
Shelf No : 7
Dave Barry Turns Forty
dave barry turns forty, floor 3 barry dave fawcett columbine, new york, ©1991 aging humor
Shelf No : 9
Thoracic Radiology
thoracic radiology, floor 2 mcloud, theresa c.; boiselle, phillip m. mosby, st. louis, ©1998 chest--imaging
Shelf No : 14
How to Age
how to age, floor 1 karpf, anne,wang, fang macmillan, london, 2014 aging
Shelf No : 11
Microelectronic Circuits
microelectronic circuits, floor 2 sedra, adel s.; smith, kenneth c.; oxford university press, new york, 2004 1 volume (various pagings) : illustrations (some color) ; 26 cm + 1 cd-rom (4 3/4 in.)
Shelf No : 11
hdev, floor 1 rathus, spencer a., cengage learning, boston, ma, 2016 aging
Shelf No : 8
Fundamentals of Skeletal Radiology
fundamentals of skeletal radiology, floor 2 helms, clyde a. elsevier saunders, philadelphia, pennsylvania, 2014 bone diseases diagnostic imaging
Shelf No : 14
Conflict, age & power in North East Africa : age systems in transition
conflict, age & power in north east africa : age systems in transition , floor 1 kurimoto, eisei,simonse, simon oxford : j. currey ; nairobi : e.a.e.p. ; kampala : fountain publishers ; athens : ohio university press, 1998. aging--africa, northeast.,aging--political aspects--africa, northeast.,kinship--africa, northeast.,women--africa, northeast--social conditions.
Shelf No : 8
The Picture of Dorian Gray
the picture of dorian gray, floor 3 wilde, oscar barnes & noble classics, new york, 2003 aging fiction
Shelf No : 12
The Gift of Years : growing older gracefully
the gift of years : growing older gracefully, floor 1 chittister, joan bluebridge, new york, ny, 2008 aging--religious aspects--christianity
Shelf No : 13
How to Manage Your Boss
how to manage your boss, floor 2 kennard, kristie; national press publications national press publications, shawnee mission, kan., ©1991 managing your boss
Shelf No : 6
RealAge : are you as young as you can be?
realage : are you as young as you can be?, floor 2 roizen, michael f. cliff street books, new york, ny, ©1999 aging--computer programs
Shelf No : 4
The Things We Do for Love
the things we do for love, floor 3 kristin hannah ballantine books, new york, 2004 genre: aging parents
Shelf No : 4
The Stager
the stager, floor 3 susan coll farrar straus & giroux, 2014 home staging
Shelf No : 13
The Emotional Survival Guide for Caregivers
the emotional survival guide for caregivers, floor 2 jacobs, barry j. adult children of aging parents--family relationships
Shelf No : 18
Food Packaging Science and Technology
food packaging science and technology, floor 2 lee dong sun crc press, boca raton, ©2008 food--packaging
Shelf No : 13
Who Will Pay? Coping with Aging Societies, Climate Change, and Other Long-Term Fiscal Challenges
who will pay? coping with aging societies, climate change, and other long-term fiscal challenges, floor 1 heller, peter s. international monetary fund, washington, d.c., ©2003 aging--economic aspects
Shelf No : 7
Calypso C
calypso c, floor 3 sedaris, david little, brown and company, new york, ny, 2018 aging
Shelf No : 8
 Principles and practice of ultrasonography
principles and practice of ultrasonography, floor 2 bhargava satish k. jaypee brothers, new delhi, 2002 ultrasonic imaging methods
Shelf No : 1
 King Lear: a play by William Shakespeare
king lear: a play by william shakespeare, floor 3 hinds, gareth candlewick press, london, 2009, ©2007 aging parents
Shelf No : 7
Ageless body, timeless mind : the quantum alternative to growing old
ageless body, timeless mind : the quantum alternative to growing old, floor 2 chopra, deepak rider, london, 2008 aging
Shelf No : 7
Muller's Imaging of the Chest
muller's imaging of the chest, floor 2 walker, christopher m.,chung, jonathan h. elsevier, philadelphia, pa, 2019 chest--imaging
Shelf No : 9
Diagnostic Imaging: Head and Neck
diagnostic imaging: head and neck, floor 2 koch, bernadette l.; harnsberger, h. ric; hamilton, bronwyn e.; hudgins, patricia a elsevier, philadelphia, pa, 2017 neck--imaging
Shelf No : 8
Riemannian Geometric Statistics in Medical Image Analysis
riemannian geometric statistics in medical image analysis, floor 2 pennec, xavier, 1970-,fletcher, tom,sommer, stefan, 1963- academic press, san diego, 2020 diagnostic imaging--statistical methods
Shelf No : 8
Clinical Ultrasound
clinical ultrasound, floor 2 bailitz, john [editor] crc press, boca raton, fl, 2015 diagnostic ultrasonic imaging
Shelf No : 8
 Normal variants and pitfalls in imaging
normal variants and pitfalls in imaging, floor 2 james b. vogler saunders, philadelphia, 1986 diagnostic imaging
Shelf No : 9
Magnetic resonance imaging of CNS disease : a teaching file
magnetic resonance imaging of cns disease : a teaching file, floor 2 yock, douglas h. mosby, st. louis, ©2002 central nervous system--magnetic resonance imaging,central nervous system--diseases--diagnosis
Shelf No : 14
Aging Well
aging well, floor 1 vaillant, george e. little, brown, boston, ©2002 aging--psychological aspects
Shelf No : 7
Simply Radiant: practical wisdom to turn back the years.
simply radiant: practical wisdom to turn back the years., floor 2 vyas bharti,warren jane thorsons, london, 1999 aging prevention
Shelf No : 9
Neuroimaging and Neurophysiology in Psychiatry
neuroimaging and neurophysiology in psychiatry, floor 2 linden, david oxford university press nervous system--imaging
Shelf No : 8
Fundamentals of Pediatric Imaging
fundamentals of pediatric imaging, floor 2 donnelly, lane f. elsevier pediatric diagnostic imaging
Shelf No : 9
Enhanced Visualization
enhanced visualization, floor 1 blundell, barry, wiley-interscience three-dimensional imaging
Shelf No : 9
Abdominal Ultrasound
abdominal ultrasound, floor 2 bates, jane a. churchill livingstone abdomen--ultrasonic imaging
Shelf No : 8
ultrasound, floor 2 kurtz, alfred b.,hertzberg, barbara s elsevier, philadelphia, pa, 1995 diagnostic ultrasonic imaging
Shelf No : 8
 MRI in practice
mri in practice, floor 2 westbrook, catherine blackwell scientific publications magnetic resonance imaging
Shelf No : 8
Workbook and lab manual for Sonography : introduction to normal structure and function
workbook and lab manual for sonography : introduction to normal structure and function, floor 2 curry, reva arnez. st. louis, mo : elsevier, 2021. ultrasonic imaging.
Shelf No : 8
Textbook of Diagnostic Sonography
textbook of diagnostic sonography, floor 2 hagen-ansert, sandra l mosby elsevier, st. louis, mo., 2013 diagnostic ultrasonic imaging
Shelf No : 8
Essentials of Radiographic Physics and Imaging
essentials of radiographic physics and imaging, floor 2 johnston, james n.;,fauber, terri l. elsevier/mosby, st. louis, mo., 2020 diagnostic imaging
Shelf No : 1
Workbook for Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals
workbook for sectional anatomy for imaging professionals, ground floor kelley, lorrie l.,petersen, connie m mosby, st. louis, ©2007 magnetic resonance imaging,tomography
Shelf No : 9
Teaching Atlas of Spine Imaging
teaching atlas of spine imaging, floor 2 ramsey, ruth g. thieme medical, new york, 1999 spine--imaging
Shelf No : 1
Atlas of the Morphology of the Human Cerebral Cortex on the Average MNI Brain
atlas of the morphology of the human cerebral cortex on the average mni brain, ground floor petrides, michael elsevier/academic press, london, united kingdom, 2019 brain--imaging
Shelf No : 1
Handbook of neuroradiology
handbook of neuroradiology, ground floor osborn, anne g mosby-year book, st. louis, 1991 nervous system--imaging
Shelf No : 8
Physics and instrumentation of diagnostic medical ultrasound
physics and instrumentation of diagnostic medical ultrasound, floor 2 fish, peter j. wiley ; distributed in the u.s.a., canada, and japan by a.r. liss, chichester, new york, ©1990 diagnostic ultrasonic imaging,diagnostic ultrasonic imaging--instruments

Popular Books

These are the popular books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

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Smithsonian Kids Digging for Dinosaurs

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A Fabumouse Vacation for Geronimo

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The Secret of the Fairies (Thea Stilton: Special Edition #2)

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The magical gabi /written by Heldana Afework and edited by Essey Workie.

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Recent Books

These are the recent books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

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Cracking the LSAT: with practice tests on CD-ROM

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Central Asia Meets the Middle East

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Islam in South Asia: Theory and practice

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Ethiopian Contract Law : general provisions

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Coping with family expectations

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Art across time

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Handbook of Decision Making

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The Future of Capitalism

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Shelf No: 19

The study of urban geography

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Beginning Pl/Sql: From Novice To Professional

Shelf No: 8


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