Available Books

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Shelf No : 3
American poetry: the nineteenth century
american poetry: the nineteenth century, floor 3 hollander, john literary classics of the united states : library of america, new york, cop. 1993 american poetry 19th century
Shelf No : 3
Modern American poetry
modern american poetry, floor 3 untermeyer, louis[ed} harcourt, brace, new york, [1950] american poetry
Shelf No : 3
Complete poetry and selected prose
complete poetry and selected prose, floor 3 whitman, walt boston, houghton mifflin [1959] american poetry
Shelf No : 3
I Am Flying Into Myself
i am flying into myself, floor 3 knott, bill farrar, straus and giroux, new york, 2017 american poetry
Shelf No : 3
Selected Poetry of Emily Dickinson
selected poetry of emily dickinson, floor 3 dickinson, emily new york : doubleday, 1997. american poetry
Shelf No : 3
Mina Loy's critical modernism
mina loy's critical modernism, floor 3 scuriatti laura university press of florida, 2019 american poetry women authors american poetry women authors history and criticism
Shelf No : 10
New Hungers for Old: One-Hundred Years of Italian-American Poetry
new hungers for old: one-hundred years of italian-american poetry, floor 3 dennis barone /editore/ star cloud press, scottsdale, az, [2011] italian american poetry
Shelf No : 3
Faithful and Virtuous Night
faithful and virtuous night, floor 3 glück louise farrar, straus and giroux, new york, 2014 american poetry
Shelf No : 3
The Raven and Other Poems
the raven and other poems, floor 3 allan poe edgar scholastic, new york, n.y., ©2000 american poetry
Shelf No : 3
Money Money Money Water Water Water
money money money water water water, floor 3 mead, jane alice james books, farmington, maine, 2014 american poetry
Shelf No : 3
Wherever Home Begins
wherever home begins, floor 3 janeczko paul orchard books, new york, ©1995 american poetry
Shelf No : 3
At the Foundling Hospital
at the foundling hospital, floor 3 pinsky robert farrar, straus and giroux, new york, 2016 american poetry
Shelf No : 3
smokes, floor 3 wheeler susan four way books, marshfield, ma, ©1998 american poetry
Shelf No : 3
The James Dickey Reader
the james dickey reader, floor 3 har (ed.) simon & schuster, new york, ©1999 american poetry
Shelf No : 3
bye-and-bye, floor 3 wright charles farrar, straus and giroux, new york, 2011 1900-1999 american poetry american poetry 20th century
Shelf No : 4
Turn the Wheel: poems 1997-2002
turn the wheel: poems 1997-2002, floor 3 cope, david, humana press, totowa, n.j., ©2003 american poetry
Shelf No : 3
The Pittsburgh Book of Contemporary American Poetry
the pittsburgh book of contemporary american poetry, floor 3 ochester, ed,oresick, peter university of pittsburgh press, pittsburgh, 1993 american poetry
Shelf No : 3
World Beat
world beat, floor 3 eliot weinberger new directions pub., new york, ©2006 american poetry
Shelf No : 3
 A selection of poems
a selection of poems, floor 3 a selection of poems harcourt, brace & world, new york, [1965] american poetry 20th century poetry poésie
Shelf No : 3
Forbidden Entries
forbidden entries, floor 3 yau, john black sparrow press, santa rosa, ©1996 american poetry
Shelf No : 3
Collected Early Poems, 1950-1970
collected early poems, 1950-1970, floor 3 rich, adrienne cecile w.w. norton & company, new york, 1993 american poetry 1900-1999 (20th century.) american poetry twentieth century
Shelf No : 3
poems, floor 3 angelou, maya bantam, new york, n.y., 1986 american poetry
Shelf No : 3
The voice that is great within us
the voice that is great within us, floor 3 bantam books, toront, 1970 american poetry
Shelf No : 3
Atomic Ghost: poets respond to the nuclear age
atomic ghost: poets respond to the nuclear age, floor 3 bradley, john coffee house press, minneapolis, 1995 american poetry 20th century
Shelf No : 3
Three centuries of American poetry 1620-1923
three centuries of american poetry 1620-1923, floor 3 mandelbaum allen[ed] bantam books, new york, ©1999 american poetry literary collections
Shelf No : 3
Sentences and Rain
sentences and rain, floor 3 equi, elaine coffee house press, minneapolis, 2015 american poetry 21st century
Shelf No : 7
earth took earth pb, floor 3 graham jorie (edited ecco press, hopewell, n.j., ©1996 american poetry
Shelf No : 3
News from Down to the Cafe
news from down to the cafe, floor 3 lee, david, copper canyon press, port townsend, wash., ©1999 american poetry
Shelf No : 3
Human Wishes
human wishes, floor 3 hass, robert ecco press, new york, 1989 american poetry 20th century
Shelf No : 7
Poems Between Women: four centuries of love, romantic friendship, and desire
poems between women: four centuries of love, romantic friendship, and desire, floor 3 donoghue, emma columbia university press, new york, 1997 american poetry women authors
Shelf No : 2
The best American poetry 2008
the best american poetry 2008, floor 3 lehman, david scribner poetry, new york, ©2014 american poetry
Shelf No : 3
The Best American Poetry 2015
the best american poetry 2015, floor 3 alexie, sherman scribner poetry, new york, 2015 2000-2099 american poetry american poetry 21st centur
Shelf No : 3
The best American poetry 2015
the best american poetry 2015, floor 3 sherman alexie (editor),david lehman (editor) scribner poetry, new york, 2015 american poetry
Shelf No : 2
The Fact of a Doorframe
the fact of a doorframe, floor 3 rich, adrienne cecile w.w. norton, new york, ©1984 american poetry
Shelf No : 2
 Howl : and other poems
howl : and other poems, floor 3 ginsberg, allen city lights books, san francisco, 1959 1900-1999 american poetry
Shelf No : 3
Music appreciation
music appreciation, floor 3 kamien.roger printed in the united states of america 2015 american poetry
Shelf No : 2
A Woman Under the Surface
a woman under the surface, floor 3 ostriker, alicia princeton university press, princeton, new jersey, 1982 american poetry
Shelf No : 3
Adam Mouse's Book of Poems
adam mouse's book of poems, floor 3 moore, lilian atheneum ; maxwell macmillan canada ; maxwell macmillan international, new york, toronto, new york, 1992 american poetry
Shelf No : 3
Black Zodiac
black zodiac, floor 3 wright, charles farrar, straus, and giroux, new york, 1997 american poetry
Shelf No : 3
Mornings Like This
mornings like this, floor 3 annie dillard harpercollins, new york, ny, ©1995 american poetry
Shelf No : 3
celebratn heart, floor 3 mckuen, rod simon and schuster, new york, 1975 american poetry
Shelf No : 3
history, floor 3 lowell, robert farrar, straus and giroux, new york, [1973] american poetry
Shelf No : 4
This Blue
this blue, floor 3 mclane, maureen n. farrar, straus and giroux, new york, 2014 american poetry
Shelf No : 3
threads, floor 3 jill magi futurepoem books ; distributed to the trade by small press distribution, new york, berkeley, calif., ©2007 american poetry
Shelf No : 3
Candy Is Dandy
candy is dandy, floor 3 can andré deutsch, [london], 1994 american poetry
Shelf No : 3
Collected poems prose plays
collected poems prose plays, floor 3 robert frost library of america, new york, 1995 american poetry
Shelf No : 7
To Look at the Sea is to Become what One is Volume 1
to look at the sea is to become what one is volume 1 , floor 3 donovan, thom ed ab etel adnana reader c 2014 american poetry
Shelf No : 2
The Next Bend in the Road
the next bend in the road, floor 3 fried, michael university of chicago press, chicago, ©2004 american poetry--literature
Shelf No : 3
Reconnaissance : poems
reconnaissance : poems, floor 3 phillips, carl, 1959- farrar, straus and giroux, new york, 2015 american poetry--african american authors
Shelf No : 3
observations, floor 3 marianne moore farrar, straus and giroux, new york, 2016 american poetry
Shelf No : 2
Watching the Spring Festival
watching the spring festival, floor 3 bidart, frank, farrar, straus and giroux, new york, 2008 american poetry
Shelf No : 7
Shakespeare's Sisters
shakespeare's sisters, floor 3 gilbert, sandra m.[etal] indiana university press, bloomington, ©1979 american poetry--women authors
Shelf No : 6
The Norton Anthology of Poetry
the norton anthology of poetry, floor 2 ferguson, margaret w,salter, mary jo w.w. norton & company, new york, 2005 american poetry,english poetry
Shelf No : 3
The Singing
the singing, floor 3 williams, c. k. farrar, straus and giroux, new york, 2003 american poetry
Shelf No : 7
 154 : 154 poems by 154 contemporary poets in response to Shakespeare's 154 sonnets
154 : 154 poems by 154 contemporary poets in response to shakespeare's 154 sonnets, floor 3 eastman, helen live canon ltd, [london?], 2016 american poetry 21st century
Shelf No : 3
How to Love a Country
how to love a country, floor 3 blanco, richard, beacon press, boston, 2019 poetry, modern,american poetry
Shelf No : 3
American poetry
american poetry, floor 3 hollander, john literary classics of the united states, new york, 1993 american poetry
Shelf No : 3
Notes of an Alchemist
notes of an alchemist, floor 3 eiseley, loren c charles scribner's sons, new york, 1972 american poetry
Shelf No : 2
Men in the off hours
men in the off hours, floor 3 carson, anne cape poetry, london, 2000 american poetry
Shelf No : 3
New Collected Poems
new collected poems, floor 3 marianne moore,heather cass white (editor) farrar, straus and giroux, new york, 2017 american poetry
Shelf No : 3
Men in the Off Hours
men in the off hours, floor 3 carson, anne cape poetry, london, 2000 american poetry
Shelf No : 3
bye-and-bye, floor 3 wright, charles farrar, straus and giroux, new york, 2011 american poetry
Shelf No : 3
Leaves of grass
leaves of grass, floor 3 walt whitman bantam books, toronto, 1983 american poetry
Shelf No : 7
The Norton book of light verse
the norton book of light verse, floor 3 russell baker(ed) w.w. norton, new york, 1986 american poetry
Shelf No : 7
The Norton anthology of modern poetry,
the norton anthology of modern poetry,, floor 3 ellmann, richard[etal] norton, new york, ©1988 american poetry
Shelf No : 7
 The seagull reader. Poems
the seagull reader. poems, floor 3 kelly joseph w.w. norton & company, new york, 2015 american poetry

Popular Books

These are the popular books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

The art of seduction

Shelf No: 14

Disney Princess Story Collection

Shelf No: 21


Shelf No: 15

Good Queen Bess

Shelf No: 3


Shelf No: 5


Shelf No: 4

Smithsonian Kids Digging for Dinosaurs

Shelf No: 1

How do dinosaurs go up and down

Shelf No: 21

A Fabumouse Vacation for Geronimo

Shelf No: 2

The Secret of the Fairies (Thea Stilton: Special Edition #2)

Shelf No: 2

A Cheese-colored Camper

Shelf No: 2

The magical gabi /written by Heldana Afework and edited by Essey Workie.

Shelf No: 3

Recent Books

These are the recent books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

Managers as mentors : building partnerships for learning

Shelf No: 16

The threatening storm : the case for invading Iraq / Kenneth M. Pollack.

Shelf No: 5

Don't Jump to Solutions

Shelf No: 17

Law, war and crime : war crimes trials and the reinvention of international law

Shelf No: 18

Molecules of Emotion

Shelf No: 7

The tragedy of Yugoslavia : the failure of democratic transformation

Shelf No: 4

Taiwan's electoral politics and democratic transition : riding the third wave

Shelf No: 15

Organizing Europe : the institutions of integration

Shelf No: 18


Shelf No: 19

The Harcourt Brace Student Dictionary

Shelf No: 21

Selecting and managing electronic resources : a how-to-do-it manual for librarians

Shelf No: 9

A Reader in peace studies

Shelf No: 15


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