american poetry: the nineteenth century,
floor 3
hollander, john
literary classics of the united states : library of america, new york, cop. 1993
american poetry 19th century
modern american poetry,
floor 3
untermeyer, louis[ed}
harcourt, brace, new york, [1950]
american poetry
complete poetry and selected prose,
floor 3
whitman, walt
boston, houghton mifflin [1959]
american poetry
i am flying into myself,
floor 3
knott, bill
farrar, straus and giroux, new york, 2017
american poetry
selected poetry of emily dickinson,
floor 3
dickinson, emily
new york : doubleday, 1997.
american poetry
mina loy's critical modernism,
floor 3
scuriatti laura
university press of florida, 2019
american poetry women authors american poetry women authors history and criticism
new hungers for old: one-hundred years of italian-american poetry,
floor 3
dennis barone /editore/
star cloud press, scottsdale, az, [2011]
italian american poetry
faithful and virtuous night,
floor 3
glück louise
farrar, straus and giroux, new york, 2014
american poetry
the raven and other poems,
floor 3
allan poe edgar
scholastic, new york, n.y., ©2000
american poetry
money money money water water water,
floor 3
mead, jane
alice james books, farmington, maine, 2014
american poetry
wherever home begins,
floor 3
janeczko paul
orchard books, new york, ©1995
american poetry
at the foundling hospital,
floor 3
pinsky robert
farrar, straus and giroux, new york, 2016
american poetry
floor 3
wheeler susan
four way books, marshfield, ma, ©1998
american poetry
the james dickey reader,
floor 3
har (ed.)
simon & schuster, new york, ©1999
american poetry
floor 3
wright charles
farrar, straus and giroux, new york, 2011
1900-1999 american poetry american poetry 20th century
turn the wheel: poems 1997-2002,
floor 3
cope, david,
humana press, totowa, n.j., ©2003
american poetry
the pittsburgh book of contemporary american poetry,
floor 3
ochester, ed,oresick, peter
university of pittsburgh press, pittsburgh, 1993
american poetry
world beat,
floor 3
eliot weinberger
new directions pub., new york, ©2006
american poetry
a selection of poems,
floor 3
a selection of poems
harcourt, brace & world, new york, [1965]
american poetry 20th century poetry poésie
forbidden entries,
floor 3
yau, john
black sparrow press, santa rosa, ©1996
american poetry
collected early poems, 1950-1970,
floor 3
rich, adrienne cecile
w.w. norton & company, new york, 1993
american poetry 1900-1999 (20th century.) american poetry twentieth century
floor 3
angelou, maya
bantam, new york, n.y., 1986
american poetry
the voice that is great within us,
floor 3
bantam books, toront, 1970
american poetry
atomic ghost: poets respond to the nuclear age,
floor 3
bradley, john
coffee house press, minneapolis, 1995
american poetry 20th century
three centuries of american poetry 1620-1923,
floor 3
mandelbaum allen[ed]
bantam books, new york, ©1999
american poetry literary collections
sentences and rain,
floor 3
equi, elaine
coffee house press, minneapolis, 2015
american poetry 21st century
earth took earth pb,
floor 3
graham jorie (edited
ecco press, hopewell, n.j., ©1996
american poetry
news from down to the cafe,
floor 3
lee, david,
copper canyon press, port townsend, wash., ©1999
american poetry
human wishes,
floor 3
hass, robert
ecco press, new york, 1989
american poetry 20th century
poems between women: four centuries of love, romantic friendship, and desire,
floor 3
donoghue, emma
columbia university press, new york, 1997
american poetry women authors
the best american poetry 2008,
floor 3
lehman, david
scribner poetry, new york, ©2014
american poetry
the best american poetry 2015,
floor 3
alexie, sherman
scribner poetry, new york, 2015
2000-2099 american poetry american poetry 21st centur
the best american poetry 2015,
floor 3
sherman alexie (editor),david lehman (editor)
scribner poetry, new york, 2015
american poetry
the fact of a doorframe,
floor 3
rich, adrienne cecile
w.w. norton, new york, ©1984
american poetry
howl : and other poems,
floor 3
ginsberg, allen
city lights books, san francisco, 1959
1900-1999 american poetry
music appreciation,
floor 3
printed in the united states of america 2015
american poetry
a woman under the surface,
floor 3
ostriker, alicia
princeton university press, princeton, new jersey, 1982
american poetry
adam mouse's book of poems,
floor 3
moore, lilian
atheneum ; maxwell macmillan canada ; maxwell macmillan international, new york, toronto, new york, 1992
american poetry
black zodiac,
floor 3
wright, charles
farrar, straus, and giroux, new york, 1997
american poetry
mornings like this,
floor 3
annie dillard
harpercollins, new york, ny, ©1995
american poetry
celebratn heart,
floor 3
mckuen, rod
simon and schuster, new york, 1975
american poetry
floor 3
lowell, robert
farrar, straus and giroux, new york, [1973]
american poetry
this blue,
floor 3
mclane, maureen n.
farrar, straus and giroux, new york, 2014
american poetry
floor 3
jill magi
futurepoem books ; distributed to the trade by small press distribution, new york, berkeley, calif., ©2007
american poetry
candy is dandy,
floor 3
andré deutsch, [london], 1994
american poetry
collected poems prose plays,
floor 3
robert frost
library of america, new york, 1995
american poetry
to look at the sea is to become what one is volume 1 ,
floor 3
donovan, thom ed
ab etel adnana reader c 2014
american poetry
the next bend in the road,
floor 3
fried, michael
university of chicago press, chicago, ©2004
american poetry--literature
reconnaissance : poems,
floor 3
phillips, carl, 1959-
farrar, straus and giroux, new york, 2015
american poetry--african american authors
floor 3
marianne moore
farrar, straus and giroux, new york, 2016
american poetry
watching the spring festival,
floor 3
bidart, frank,
farrar, straus and giroux, new york, 2008
american poetry
shakespeare's sisters,
floor 3
gilbert, sandra m.[etal]
indiana university press, bloomington, ©1979
american poetry--women authors
the norton anthology of poetry,
floor 2
ferguson, margaret w,salter, mary jo
w.w. norton & company, new york, 2005
american poetry,english poetry
the singing,
floor 3
williams, c. k.
farrar, straus and giroux, new york, 2003
american poetry
154 : 154 poems by 154 contemporary poets in response to shakespeare's 154 sonnets,
floor 3
eastman, helen
live canon ltd, [london?], 2016
american poetry 21st century
how to love a country,
floor 3
blanco, richard,
beacon press, boston, 2019
poetry, modern,american poetry
american poetry,
floor 3
hollander, john
literary classics of the united states, new york, 1993
american poetry
notes of an alchemist,
floor 3
eiseley, loren c
charles scribner's sons, new york, 1972
american poetry
men in the off hours,
floor 3
carson, anne
cape poetry, london, 2000
american poetry
new collected poems,
floor 3
marianne moore,heather cass white (editor)
farrar, straus and giroux, new york, 2017
american poetry
men in the off hours,
floor 3
carson, anne
cape poetry, london, 2000
american poetry
floor 3
wright, charles
farrar, straus and giroux, new york, 2011
american poetry
leaves of grass,
floor 3
walt whitman
bantam books, toronto, 1983
american poetry
the norton book of light verse,
floor 3
russell baker(ed)
w.w. norton, new york, 1986
american poetry
the norton anthology of modern poetry,,
floor 3
ellmann, richard[etal]
norton, new york, ©1988
american poetry
the seagull reader. poems,
floor 3
kelly joseph
w.w. norton & company, new york, 2015
american poetry