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kavanagh, kieran.
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the mind's sky : human intelligence in a cosmic context / timothy ferris.,
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science--philosophy. artificial intelligence. thought and thinking.
the fear index,
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harris, robert, 1957-
london : hutchinson, 2011
scientists--fiction.,artificial intelligence--fiction.,hedge funds--fiction.,geneva (switzerland)--fiction.
artificial experts : social knowledge and intelligent machines,
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collins, h. m.
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brainmakers : how scientists are moving beyond computers to create a rival to the human brain,
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freedman, david h
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the large, the small and the human mind,
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penrose, roger
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artificial intelligence : opposing viewpoints,
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belgum, erik
greenhaven press, san diego, calif., ©1990
machine learning,artificial intelligence
tell me a story: a new look at real and artificial memory,
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schank, roger c.
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ai : the tumultuous history of the search for artificial intelligence,
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crevier, daniel
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the tomorrow makers : a brave new world of living-brain machines,
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fjermedal, grant
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artificial intelligence artificial intelligence --
in the image of the brain,
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jubak, jim
little, brown and company, boston, 1992
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the emperor's new mind,
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computers as cognitive tools,
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lawrence erlbaum associates, mahwah, n.j., 2000
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artificial intelligence fiction
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saberhagen, fred
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artificial intelligence fiction assassins fiction fiction
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sourcebooks fire, naperville, illinois, 2015
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immunity-based systems,
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springer, berlin, ©2004
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part-whole reasoning in an object-centered framework,
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lambrix, patrick
springer, berlin, ©2000
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artificial intelligence : a philosophical introduction,
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copeland, b. jack
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international work-conference on artificial and natural neural networks iwann'99 alicante spain june,
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the swan riders,
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bow, erin
margaret k. mcelderry books, new york, 2016
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artificial intelligence: a modern approach,
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russell, stuart j.;,norvig, peter
prentice hall, englewood cliffs, n.j., ©1995
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mind over machine,
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dreyfus, hubert l
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putting artificial intelligence to work : evaluating & implementing business applications,
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john wiley & sons, inc., new york, 1987
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chiang, ted.
new york : alfred a. knopf, 2019.
artificial intelligence fiction.,science fiction, american.
artificial intelligence : structures and strategies for complex problem solving,
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luger, george f,stubblefield, william a.
pearson addison-wesley, boston, ©2009
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the kraken project,
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douglas j. preston
forge, a tom doherty associates book, new york, ny, 2014
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deep learning for dummies,
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mueller, john,massaron, luca
for dummies, hoboken, nj, 2019
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james, peter
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life 3.0 : being human in the age of artificial intelligence,
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alfred a. knopf, new york, 2017
artificial intelligence moral and ethical
gödel, escher, bach,
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hofstadter, douglas r
basic books, new york, ©1999
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planning in intelligent systems,
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wezel, wout van(ed)/
john wiley & sons, hoboken, n.j., 2006
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introduction to game ai,
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kirby, neil
artificial intelligence,computer games--design
applied artificial intelligence,
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yao, mariya; jia, marlene; zhou, adelyn
topbots, middletown, de, 2018
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introduction to neural networks : design, theory and applications,
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lawrence, jeannette
california scientific software, nevada city, calif., 1993
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nilsson, nils j
morgan kaufmann publishers, san francisco, calif., ©1998
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understanding artificial intelligence,
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russell, stuart j.,norvig, peter
pearson, harlow, 2014
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advanced topics in artificial intelligence : 12th australian joint conference on artificial intelligence, ai'99, sydney, australia, december 6-10, 1999 : proceedings,
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springer, berlin, 1999
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artificial intelligence : structures and strategies for complex problem solving,
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luger, george f.
addison-wesley, harlow, england, 1998
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computers as cognitive tools,
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lajoie, susanne p..,(ed.)
lawrence erlbaum associates, mahwah, n.j., 2000
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luger, george f.
addison-wesley, harlow, england, 2005
artificial intelligence