the 17th century ,
floor 3
halliwell. sarah[ed]
austin, tex. : raintree steck-vaughn, [1997], c1998.
arts, modern--17th century--juvenile literature. artists--biography--juvenile literature.
lives of the artists: masterpieces, messes (and what the neighbors thought),
floor 3
krull, kathleen.
san diego : harcourt brace, c1995.
artists--biography--juvenile literature.
by the light of the moon,
floor 3
koontz, dean r.
new york : bantam books, 2002.
floor 3
fleischman, sid
greenwillow books, new york, ©2006
escape artists
st. james guide to black artists,
riggs, thomas [editor]
st. james press, an imprint of gale, detroit, 1997
artists, black biography
the chalkbox kid,
floor 3
bulla, clyde robert
random house books for young readers, new york, 1987
dork diaries,
floor 3
russell rachel renée
aladdin, new york, 2009
artists fiction
into the dangerous world,
floor 3
chibbaro, julie
viking, an imprint of penguin publishing group, new york, 2015
artists fiction
leonardo da vinci,
floor 4
langley andrew
dorling kindersley, london, 2006
dead sleep,
floor 3
iles greg
signet, new york, [2002], ©2001
artists fiction
the cat who went to heaven,
floor 3
coatsworth elizabeth
aladdin books ; collier macmillan canada ; maxwell macmillan international, new york, toronto, new york, 1990
artists fiction
the ink-keeper's apprentice,
floor 3
say, allen
harper & row, new york, ©1979
edward hopper: an intimate biography,
floor 3
levin, gail
knopf, new york, 1996, ©1995
artists united states biography
a masterpiece for bess,
floor 3
bergen, lara, 1955-
random house, new york, 2007
still life with two dead peacocks and a girl,
floor 3
seuss, diane
graywolf press, minneapolis, minnesota, 2018
authors and artists poetry
the passion dream book : a novel,
floor 3
otto, whitney
harpercollins publishers, new york, ny, ©1997
artists fiction
the 18th century,
floor 3
sarah halliwell
raintree steck-vaughn, austin, tex., 1998
by the light of the moon,
floor 3
koontz, dean r.
bantam books, new york, 2002
draw the line,
floor 3
linn, laurent
margaret k. mcelderry books, new york, 2016
hard as it gets,
floor 3
kaye, laura
avon, new york, 2013
tattoo artists
the life and works of sisley,
floor 3
anderson janice
shooting star press, new york, n.y., ©1994
artists france biography
safe harbour,
floor 3
steel, danielle
corgi, london, 2004
you're welcome, universe,
floor 3
gardner, whitney
alfred a. knopf, new york, ny, 2017
graffiti artists
the sylvia game,
floor 3
vivien alcock
delacorte press, new york, [1984], ©1982
children and their art; : methods for the elementary school,
floor 1
gaitskell, charles d
harcourt brace jovanovich, new york, ©1982
child artists
in the making : creative options for contemporary art,
floor 3
weintraub, linda.
new york : d.a.p./distributed art publishers, c2003.
art, american--20th century.,artists--united states--interviews.