Available Books

These are the available books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

  • Ethiopian Collection
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  • Elementary And High School Text Books
Shelf No : 8
Visual C++ Handbook
visual c++ handbook, floor 1 murray,william h. berkeley, calif.,osborne mcgraw hill, ©1994 c++ (computer program language)
Shelf No : 8
C++ how to Program
c++ how to program, floor 1 paul j. deitel,harvey m. deitel prentice hall, boston, ©2012 c++ (computer program language)
Shelf No : 7
Problem Solving with C++
problem solving with c++, floor 1 savitch, walter j. boston : pearson addison wesley, c2012. c++ (computer program language)
Shelf No : 8
 Using Visual C++ 6
using visual c++ 6, floor 1 gregory, kate que, indianapolis, 1998 c++ (computer program language)
Shelf No : 8
: Teach yourself Visual C++ 2 in 21 days
: teach yourself visual c++ 2 in 21 days, floor 1 : shammas, namir clement sams pub., indianapolis, ind., ©1994 c++ (computer program language)
Shelf No : 8
 21 tian xue tong C++
21 tian xue tong c++, floor 1 liberty, jesse 人民邮电出版社, bei jing, 2009 / ren min you dian chu ban she, bei jing, 200 c++ (computer program language)
Shelf No : 8
 C++ : how to program
c++ : how to program, floor 1 deitel, harvey m prentice hall, upper saddle river, n.j., ©2003 c++ (computer program language)
Shelf No : 8
Problem Solving, Abstraction, and Design Using C++
problem solving, abstraction, and design using c++, floor 1 friedman, frank l.; koffman, elliot b.; koffman, robin addison-wesley, boston, ©2011 c++ (computer program language)
Shelf No : 8
c++, floor 1 deitel, harvey m.,deitel, paul j; pearson, harlow, essex, 2014 c++ (computer program language)
Shelf No : 8
 The 'C' language trainer with C Graphics and C++
the 'c' language trainer with c graphics and c++, floor 1 jayasri j j. wiley eastern, new delhi, ©1993 c++ (computer program language)
Shelf No : 8
The art of programming : computer science with C++
the art of programming : computer science with c++, floor 1 lawlor, steven c pws pub. co., boston, ©1998 c++ (computer program language)
Shelf No : 8
UML and C++: a practical guide to object-oriented development
uml and c++: a practical guide to object-oriented development, floor 1 lee, richard c.,tepfenhart, william m. prentice hall, upper saddle river, nj, 2001 c++ (computer program language)
Shelf No : 8
Ivor Horton's Beginning Visual C++ 2010
ivor horton's beginning visual c++ 2010, floor 1 horton, ivor wiley pub., indianapolis, ind., ©2010 c++ (computer program language)
Shelf No : 8
Visual C++5 : the complete reference
visual c++5 : the complete reference, floor 1 : pappas, chris h osborne mcgraw-hill, berkeley, calif., ©1997 c++ (computer program language)
Shelf No : 8
Let Us C++
let us c++, floor 1 kanetkar, yashavant p. bpb publications, new delhi, 1999 c++ (computer program language)
Shelf No : 7
Problem Solving with C++
problem solving with c++, floor 1 savitch, walter j addison wesley longman, reading, mass., 1999 c++ (computer program language)
Shelf No : 8
 Schaum's outline of theory and problems of programming with C++
schaum's outline of theory and problems of programming with c++, floor 1 hubbard, j. r. (john rast), 1943- mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1996 c++ (computer program language)
Shelf No : 8
Data Structures Through C Language
data structures through c language, floor 1 chattopadhyay, samiran bpb publications, new delhi, 2001 c++ (computer program language)
Shelf No : 8
C++ - das Grundlagen-Buch
c++ - das grundlagen-buch, floor 1 willms, gerhard data becker, düsseldorf, 1999 c++ (computer program language)
Shelf No : 8
Sams teach yourself Visual C++ 6 in 21 days
sams teach yourself visual c++ 6 in 21 days, floor 1 chapman, davis howard sams, indianapolis, ind., ©1998 c++ (computer program language),microsoft visual c++
Shelf No : 8
Problem Solving with C++
problem solving with c++, floor 1 savitch, walter j,mock, kenrick pearson, boston, mass., 2009 c++ (computer program language)
Shelf No : 7
An Invitation to Computer Science (Computer Science Series)
an invitation to computer science (computer science series), floor 1 lambert, kenneth alfred, 1951- brooks/cole, pacific grove, ca, ©2000 c++ (computer program language)--study and teaching
Shelf No : 7
 C++ primer
c++ primer, floor 1 lippman, stanley b.;,lajoie, josée; addison-wesley, reading, mass., ©2000 c++ (computer program language)
Shelf No : 8
Visual C++ 6 in record time
visual c++ 6 in record time, floor 1 steven holzner sybex, san francisco, ©1998 c++ (computer program language)
Shelf No : 8
Big C++
big c++, floor 1 horstmann, cay s;,budd, timothy john wiley & sons, hoboken, nj, ©2005 c++ (computer program language)
Shelf No : 8
C++ Primer Plus
c++ primer plus, floor 1 prata, stephen waite group press, corte madera, ca, 1991 c++ (computer program language)
Shelf No : 8
 Problem solving, abstraction, design using C++
problem solving, abstraction, design using c++, floor 1 friedman, frank l,koffman, elliot b addison-wesley, reading, ma, 2000 c++ (computer program language)
Shelf No : 8
C++ primer
c++ primer, floor 1 lippman, stanley b addison-wesley, reading, mass., ©1991 c++ (computer program language)
Shelf No : 8
C++ how to Program
c++ how to program, floor 1 deitel, harvey m,deitel, paul j pearson/prentice hall, upper saddle river, nj, ©2005 c++ (computer program language),object-oriented programming (computer science)
Shelf No : 8
 The C++ standard template library
the c++ standard template library, floor 1 plauger, p. j. prentice hall, upper saddle river, nj, 2001 c++ (computer program language)
Shelf No : 8
Practical C++ programming
practical c++ programming, floor 1 oualline, steve reilly & associates, sebastopol, ca, 1995 c++ (computer program language),computer programming
Shelf No : 8
Comprehensive C++ programming
comprehensive c++ programming, floor 1 kundalia, nishant. laxmi publication (p) ltd, new delih, ©2005 programming languages (electronic computers),c++ (computer program language)
Shelf No : 8
Mike and Phani's essential C++ techniques
mike and phani's essential c++ techniques, floor 1 hyman, michael i,vaddadi, phani apress ; distributed to the book trade worldwide by springer-verlag, emeryville, ca, new york, ©1999 c++ (computer program language)
Shelf No : 7
The C++ programming language
the c++ programming language, floor 1 stroustrup, bjarne :addison-wesley, upper saddle river, nj, 2013 c++ (computer program language)
Shelf No : 7
 Using C++
using c++, floor 1 macgregor, rob que, indianapolis, ind., ©1999 c++ (computer program language)
Shelf No : 7
 Using C++
using c++, floor 1 macgregor, rob que, indianapolis, ind., ©1999 c++ (computer program language)
Shelf No : 8
 Using C++
using c++, floor 1 macgregor, rob que, indianapolis, ind., ©1999 c++ (computer program language)
Shelf No : 8
 C♯ for experienced programmers
c♯ for experienced programmers, floor 1 harvey m. deitel prentice hall, upper saddle river, nj, ©2003 c++ (computer program language)
Shelf No : 8
Teach Yourself C++ in 21 Days
teach yourself c++ in 21 days, floor 1 liberty, jesse;,jones, bradley sams pub., indianapolis, ind., ©1997 c++ (computer program language)
Shelf No : 8
Teach Yourself C
teach yourself c, floor 1 schildt, herbert osborne mcgraw-hill, berkeley, ©1994 c++ (computer program language)
Shelf No : 8
C++ interactive course
c++ interactive course, floor 1 lafore, robert waite group press, corte madera, ca, ©1996 c++ (computer program language)
Shelf No : 8
 The design and evolution of C++
the design and evolution of c++, floor 1 stroustrup, bjarne addison-wesley, reading, mass., ©1994 c++ (computer program language)
Shelf No : 8
Portable GUI development with C++
portable gui development with c++, floor 1 watson, mark, mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1993 c++ (computer program language),user interfaces (computer systems)
Shelf No : 8
C++ from the ground up
c++ from the ground up, floor 1 schildt, herbert mcgraw-hill/osborne, new york c++ (computer program language)
Shelf No : 8
C++ programming
c++ programming, floor 1 holzner, steven,peter norton computing corporation brady, new york, ©1991 c (computer program language),c++ (computer program language)
Shelf No : 7
Developing projects using C++
developing projects using c++, floor 1 varalakshmi, p v n india,scitech publications,2001 c++ (computer program language)
Shelf No : 8
Beginning Visual C++ 5
beginning visual c++ 5, floor 1 horton wrox press, birmingham, uk, ©1997 c++ (computer program language)
Shelf No : 8
How to Program C++
how to program c++, floor 1 deitel, harvey m,deitel, paul j prentice hall, upper saddle river, n.j., ©2003 c++ (computer program language),object-oriented programming (computer science)
Shelf No : 8
C++ how to Program
c++ how to program, floor 1 deitel, harvey m., --,upper saddle river, nj : prentice hall, c1998. c++ (computer program language)
Shelf No : 9
Comprehensive Computer Graphics (including C++)
comprehensive computer graphics (including c++), floor 1 pachghare, v. k., new delhi,laxmi publications, 2005 c++ (computer program language)
Shelf No : 8
Inside Visual C++
inside visual c++, floor 1 kruglinski microsoft press, redmond, wash., ©1996 c++ (computer program language)
Shelf No : 8
C++ how to Program
c++ how to program, floor 1 deitel, harvey m ptr prentice hall, englewood cliffs, n.j., ©1994 c++ (computer program language)
Shelf No : 8
The C++ programming language
the c++ programming language, floor 1 stroustrup, bjarne pearson education india c++ (computer program language)
Shelf No : 8
Sams Teach Yourself C++ in One Hour a Day
sams teach yourself c++ in one hour a day, floor 1 rao, siddhartha ams pub., indianapolis, ind., 2008 c++ (computer program language)
Shelf No : 9
Problem solving with C++ : the object of programming
problem solving with c++ : the object of programming, floor 1 savitch addison-wesley pub. co., menlo park, calif., ©1996 c++ (computer program language)
Shelf No : 8
C++ Interactive course
c++ interactive course, floor 1 lafore robert waite group press, corte madera, ca, ©1996 c++ (computer program language)
Shelf No : 8
Mastering Visual C++ 6
mastering visual c++ 6, floor 1 petroutsos, evangelos. new delhi : bpb, 1998. microsoft visual c++.,c++ (computer program language)

Popular Books

These are the popular books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

Disney Princess Story Collection

Shelf No: 21


Shelf No: 15

Good Queen Bess

Shelf No: 3


Shelf No: 5


Shelf No: 4

Smithsonian Kids Digging for Dinosaurs

Shelf No: 1

How do dinosaurs go up and down

Shelf No: 21

A Fabumouse Vacation for Geronimo

Shelf No: 2

The Secret of the Fairies (Thea Stilton: Special Edition #2)

Shelf No: 2

A Cheese-colored Camper

Shelf No: 2

The magical gabi /written by Heldana Afework and edited by Essey Workie.

Shelf No: 3

Peppa Pig: Where's Peppa's Magical Unicorn?

Shelf No: 10

Recent Books

These are the recent books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

India and Global Crisis

Shelf No: 17

 A history of the modern world

Shelf No: 1

Fluid Mixing and Gas Dispersion in Agitated Tanks

Shelf No: 18

Latent variable and latent structure models

Shelf No: 2

Modern Operating Systems 2nd Ed

Shelf No: 8

Representing History, Class, and Gender in Spain and Latin America

Shelf No: 1

Democracy in the European Union

Shelf No: 18

The Starbucks Experience: 5 Principles for Turning Ordinary Into Extraordinary

Shelf No: 15

Pumps : principles and practice /board of editors

Shelf No: 10

Principled Sentencing

Shelf No: 18

Transport energy in Africa

Shelf No: 17

Jesse Owens / by Tom Streissguth.

Shelf No: 1


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