chemistry of matter,
floor 2
maton, anthea
prentice hall, englewood cliffs, n.j., ©1994
chemistry study and teaching (elementary)
chemical interactions, teacher's edition,
floor 2
padilla, michael j.
prentice hall, needham, mass., ©2000
chemistry study and teaching (middle school)
foss science stories,
floor 2
lawrence hall of science
delta education, nashua, nh, ©2000
chemistry study and teaching
pearson chemistry,
floor 2
wilbraham, antony c.;,
pearson, boston, ma, ©2012
chemistry study and teaching (secondary)
chemistry in the community.,
floor 2
w.h. freeman, new york, ©2002
chemistry study and teaching (secondary)
chemistry one, materials, chemistry in everyday life,
floor 2
carolyn elvins /
william heinemann australia, port melbourne, 1994
chemistry study and teaching
chemcom : chemistry in the community,
floor 2
american chemical society;
kendall/hunt pub. co., dubuque, iowa, ©1988
environmental chemistry study and teaching (secondary)
heath chemistry,
floor 2
herron, j. dudley (james dudley)
d.c. heath, lexington, mass., ©1996
chemistry study and teaching (secondary)
prentice hall chemistry: the study of matter,
floor 2
dorin, henry; demmin, peter e
prentice hall, needham, mass., ©1992
chemistry study and teaching (secondary)
gcse chemistry,
floor 2
earl, b. (bryan), 1960-; wilford, l. d. r.
john murray, london, 2001
subjects: chemistry examinations chemistry examinations study guides chemistry study and teaching (secondary) chemistry study and teaching (secondary) great britain