famous experiments you can do,
floor 2
gardner, robert, 1929-2017, author.
new york : franklin watts, 1990.
chemistry, physical and theoretical--experiments--juvenile literature.,physics--experiments--juvenile literature.
floor 2
tro, nivaldo j
pearson canada, toronto, 2020
chemistry, physical and theoretical
introduction to computational chemistry,
floor 2
jensen, frank
wiley, chichester, ©1999
chemistry, physical and theoretical--data processing
new methods in computational quantum mechanics volume 93 advances in chemical physics,
floor 2
rice, stuart alan
j. wiley, new york, ©1997
chemistry, physical and theoretical
calculations in advanced physical chemistry,
floor 2
griffiths, p. j. f.,thomas, john david ronald
e. arnold, london, 1983
chemistry, physical and theoretical problems, exercises
chemistry: a molecular approach,
floor 2
tro, nivaldo j.
pearson, boston, mass, ©2014
chemistry, physical and theoretical,chemistry, physical and theoretical textbooks
physical chemistry,
floor 2
atkins, p. w.
w.h. freeman, new york, ©1994
chemistry, physical and theoretical
solutions manual for physical chemistry,
floor 2
atkins, p. w
w.h. freeman, san francisco, ©1978
chemistry, physical and theoretical
instructor's solutions manual for physical chemistry,
floor 2
atkins, p. w. (peter william)[et-al]
w.h. freeman, new york, ©2002
chemistry, physical and theoretical--study and teaching (higher)
floor 2
oxtoby, david w.
saunders college pub., philadelphia, pa., ©1990
chemistry, physical and theoretical
essential chemistry,
floor 2
chang, raymond
mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1996
chemistry, physical and theoretical
physical chemistry practical,
floor 2
maity, saroj kumar; ghosh, naba kumar
new central book agency, london, 2012
chemistry, physical and theoretical
physical chemistry,
floor 2
moore, walter j.
longman, london, 1972
chemistry, physical and theoretical
physical chemistry,
floor 2
berry, r. stephen,,rice, stuart alan,ross, john
oxford university press, new york, 2000
chemistry, physical and theoretical