Available Books

These are the available books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

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Shelf No : 12
Civil engineering : building practice
civil engineering : building practice, floor 2 singh, suraj. new delhi : cbs publishers & distributors, 1996. civil engineering
Shelf No : 11
 Elements of civil engineering.
elements of civil engineering., floor 2 bhavikatti, s. s. new delhi : vikas pub. house, 2000. civil engineering.
Shelf No : 6
Civil engineering
civil engineering, floor 2 vazirani, v. n; chandola, s. p s. chand & co., new delhi, india, 1996 civil engineering
Shelf No : 6
 Indian practical civil engineers' handbook
indian practical civil engineers' handbook, floor 2 khanna, prem nath, engineers' publishers, new delhi, 1999 civil engineering
Shelf No : 6
Civil Engineer's Reference Book
civil engineer's reference book, floor 2 blake, l. s. newnes-butterworths, london, 1975 civil engineering
Shelf No : 12
Analysis & Design of structures
analysis & design of structures, floor 2 vaishwanar, r. s jain brothers, new delhi, 2009 civil engineering
Shelf No : 12
Transportation engineering; planning and design
transportation engineering; planning and design, floor 2 : paquette, radnor joseph; ronald press co, new york, [1972] civil engineering
Shelf No : 3
Uncertainty modeling with applications to multidimensional civil engineering systems
uncertainty modeling with applications to multidimensional civil engineering systems, floor 2 ditlevsen, ove mcgraw-hill international book co., new york, ©1981 civil engineering--statistical methods
Shelf No : 3
Surveying Principles for Civil Engineers: review for the engineering surveying section of the California special civil engineer examination
surveying principles for civil engineers: review for the engineering surveying section of the california special civil engineer examination, floor 2 cuomo, paul a. belmont, calif. : professional publications, 2003. civil engineering--california--examinations--study guides.
Shelf No : 12
Standard handbook for civil engineers
standard handbook for civil engineers, floor 2 merritt, frederick s mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1983 civil engineering
Shelf No : 6
 Standard handbook of civil engineers
standard handbook of civil engineers, floor 2 gurcharan, singh standard pub., delhi, 1982 civil engineering
Shelf No : 11
Civil engineering draeing and design
civil engineering draeing and design, floor 2 ghose, d.n. cbs publisher and distributor pvt.ltd. 2010© civil engineering
Shelf No : 11
greenbook, floor 2 public works standards, inc bni building news, vista, calif., ©2008 civil engineering contracts
Shelf No : 11
Greenbook : standard specifications for public works construction
greenbook : standard specifications for public works construction, floor 2 public works standards, inc.;,american general contractors of california. published by bni building news, vista, ca, 2015 civil engineering contracts
Shelf No : 18
Construction contracting : a practical guide to company management
construction contracting : a practical guide to company management, floor 2 clough, richard h. [et-al.] john wiley and sons, inc., hoboken, new jersey, 2015 civil engineering contracts
Shelf No : 11
Estimating, costing, specification and valuation in civil engineering: principles and applications
estimating, costing, specification and valuation in civil engineering: principles and applications, floor 2 chakraborti, m m. chakraborti, calcutta, 1990 civil engineering
Shelf No : 14
ICE Design and Construct Conditions of Contract
ice design and construct conditions of contract, floor 1 hawker, geoffrey thomas telford, london, 2001 civil engineering contracts
Shelf No : 11
Civil Engineering Reference Manual
civil engineering reference manual, floor 2 lindeburg, michael r professional publications, belmont, ca., ©1995 civil engineering
Shelf No : 10
Data book for civil engineers
data book for civil engineers, floor 2 seelye, elwyn e. (elwyn eggleston). wiley, new york, 1951-54 civil engineering
Shelf No : 10
Data Book for Civil Engineers (Field Practice)
data book for civil engineers (field practice), floor 2 seelye, elwyn e. wiley, new york, 1957 civil engineering
Shelf No : 12
Cesmm3 Examples
cesmm3 examples, floor 2 barnes, martin thomas telford, 1992 civil engineering--estimates
Shelf No : 12
Cesmm3 civil engineering standard method of measurement
cesmm3 civil engineering standard method of measurement, floor 2 institution of civil engineers (great britain) thomas telford, london, 1991 civil engineering
Shelf No : 12
Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engineering In SI Units
soil mechanics & foundation engineering in si units, floor 2 arora, k.r. standard publishers distributors, delhi soil mechanics,civil engineering--foundations
Shelf No : 12
 Transportation engineering
transportation engineering, floor 2 wright, paul h,ashford, norman wiley, new york, ©1989 civil engineering
Shelf No : 11
Civil engineer's reference book
civil engineer's reference book, floor 2 blake, l. s. (leslie spencer) butterworth-heinemann, oxford, 1989 civil engineering
Shelf No : 12
Principles of foundation engineering
principles of foundation engineering, floor 2 das, braja m. pws pub., pacific grove, calif., ©1999 foundations,piling (civil engineering)
Shelf No : 11
Civil Engineering Material and Construction Practices
civil engineering material and construction practices, floor 2 gupta, p. k. m/s jain brothers, new delih.,©2007 technology,civil engineering
Shelf No : 18
Quantity Surveying Practice
quantity surveying practice, floor 2 seeley, ivor h. macmillan, houndmills, basingstoke, england, 1997 quantity surveying,civil engineering.,building--estimates
Shelf No : 3
Surveying for Engineers
surveying for engineers, floor 2 uren, j.,price,bill palgrave macmillan, basingstoke [england], 2010 piling (civil engineering),surveying,building.
Shelf No : 12
Materials for Civil and Construction Engineers
materials for civil and construction engineers, floor 2 mamlouk, michael s.,zaniewski, john p. prentice hall, upper saddle river, 2011 materials,civil engineering
Shelf No : 10
Civil Engineering (Objective Types)
civil engineering (objective types), floor 2 p. jaya rami reddy (ed.) laxmi publications, new delhi; ©2011 piling (civil engineering),deformations (mechanics),fracture mechanics
Shelf No : 11
Elements of civil engineering
elements of civil engineering, floor 2 bhavikatti, s. s. vikas pub. house, new delhi, ©2006 civil engineering,mechanics, applied
Shelf No : 11
Basic Civil Engineering
basic civil engineering, floor 2 gopi, satheesh dorling kindersley (india)/pearson, new delhi, 2010 civil engineering
Shelf No : 1
CESMM3 Carbon & Price
cesmm3 carbon & price, ground floor franklin & andrews (firm),institution of civil engineers (great britain) london : thomas telford, 2010 civil engineering--estimates
Shelf No : 12
Principles of foundation engineering
principles of foundation engineering, floor 2 das, braja m.,,sivakugan, n. thomson/brooks/cole, pacific grove, calif., ©2004 piling (civil engineering)
Shelf No : 12
Foundation design manual : for practising engineers and civil engineering students
foundation design manual : for practising engineers and civil engineering students, floor 2 nayak, narayan v. new delhi : dhanpat publications, 2006. civil engineering.
Shelf No : 12
Principles of foundation engineering
principles of foundation engineering, floor 2 das, braja m. pws-kent publishing company, boston, 1990 foundations,piling (civil engineering)

Popular Books

These are the popular books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

The art of seduction

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Disney Princess Story Collection

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Good Queen Bess

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Smithsonian Kids Digging for Dinosaurs

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How do dinosaurs go up and down

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A Fabumouse Vacation for Geronimo

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The Secret of the Fairies (Thea Stilton: Special Edition #2)

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A Cheese-colored Camper

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The magical gabi /written by Heldana Afework and edited by Essey Workie.

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Recent Books

These are the recent books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

The government taketh away : the politics of pain in the United States and Canada

Shelf No: 14

Wake Tech English 111 reader

Shelf No: 2

Terrorism and emergency management

Shelf No: 19

Women Prime Ministers and Presidents

Shelf No: 6

Key Issues in Education and Teaching

Shelf No: 19

Simplified Swahili

Shelf No: 21

Pediatric neuroimaging / A. James Barkovich.

Shelf No: 10

Textbook of medical physiology / Arthur C. Guyton, John E. Hall.

Shelf No: 7

Working Together for a Change: government, business, and civic partnerships for poverty reduction in Latin America and the Caribbean

Shelf No: 17

How to Grow a Balanced Diet

Shelf No: 13

The Challenge of free economic zones in Central and Eastern Europe : international perspectives / United Nations Centre on Transnational Corporations.

Shelf No: 19


Shelf No: 7


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