writing in the disciplines (a reader and rhetoric for acedemic writers) instructor's review copy 6th,
floor 3
kennedy, mary lynch,
upper saddle river, nj : prentice hall, c2008.
college readers.
the writer's craft,
floor 3
blau, sheridan.
evanston, ill. : mcdougal littell inc., 1995.
college readers.
writing and reading across the curriculum,
floor 3
behrens, laurence.
new york city, ny : longman, 2011.
college readers.
basic skills and strategies for college reading: a text with thematic reader,
floor 3
mcgrath, jane l.
upper saddle river, n.j. : pearson prentice hall, c2005.
college readers.
writing and reading across the curriculum,
floor 3
behrens, laurence.
new york : pearson longman, c2008.
college readers.
patterns for college writing : a rhetorical reader and guide,
floor 3
kirszner, laurie g.
boston : bedford/ st. martins, 2010
college readers.
the allyn & bacon guide to writing,
ground floor
ramage, john d./et..al
longman, boston, mass., ©2012
college readers.,english language--rhetoric--handbooks, manuals, etc.,english language--grammar--handbooks, manuals, etc.,report writing--handbooks, manuals, etc.
college reading : book 2,
[compiled by] janet maker-inmon, minnette lenier ; [illustrator, john odam].
belmont, calif. : wadsworth pub. co., 1992.
college readers.