statistics for business and economics,
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chandan, j. s.
new delhi : vikas publishing house, 1998.
commercial statistics.,statistics.
essentials of business statistics,
floor 2
/ bruce l. bowerman ... [et al.].
new york : mcgraw-hill/irwin, c2012.
commercial statistics.
basic business statistics : concepts and applications,
floor 2
berenson, mark l.
englewood cliffs, n.j. : prentice-hall, c1983.
commercial statistics.
basic business statistics: concepts and applications,
floor 2
berenson, mark l,levine, david m
prentice-hall, englewood cliffs, n.j., ©1983
commercial statistics.
quantitative methods for business, management and finance,
floor 2
swift, louise
palgrave, basingstoke, 2001
commercial statistics.
floor 2
sullivan, michael,
pearson, boston, ©2013
commercial statistics.,decision making
introduction to the practice of statistics,
floor 2
moore, david s.; mccabe, george p.; craig, bruce a.
w.h. freeman, new york, ©1989
commercial statistics.
applied statistics ,
floor 2
bowerman, bruce l.
irwin, chicago, ©1997
commercial statistics.,statistics
floor 2
johnson, richard a.
john wiley & sons, hoboken, nj, ©2010
commercial statistics.,mathematical statistics
elementary statistics,
floor 2
johnson, robert
duxbury, pacific grove, ©2000
commercial statistics.
intro stats,
floor 2
de veaux, richard d.,bock, david e,velleman, paul f
pearson college division
commercial statistics.
practical business statistics,
floor 2
siegel, andrew f,wagner, michael r
academic press
commercial statistics.
business statistics,
floor 2
black, ken
south-western college, australia, 2001
commercial statistics.,career development
basic statistics for business and economics,
floor 2
bowen earl k.
mcgraw-hill book company
commercial statistics.
statistics : principles and methods,
floor 2
johnson, richard a. (richard arnold),,bhattacharyya, gouri k.,
wiley, new york, ©1992
commercial statistics.
business statistics : a first course,
floor 2
levine, david m.
upper saddle river
commercial statistics.