comparative economics in a transforming world economy,
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beyond marx and market,
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comparative economics in a transforming world economy,
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rosser, john barkley, 1948-; rosser, marina v.
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structural change and development policy,
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chenery, hollis burnley
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looking forward,
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albert, michael,hahnel, robin
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looking forward,
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albert, michael,hahnel, robin
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equality and efficiency, the big tradeoff,
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comparative economics in a transforming world economy,
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rosser, john barkley
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83.40 international economics: general comparative economics
comparative economic systems,
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loucks, william n. ;,whitney, william g.
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comparative economic systems,
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gregory, paul r.,stuart, robert c., 1938-
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institutional barriers in the transition to market,
floor 1
hartwell, christopher
palgrave macmillan, houndmills, basingstoke, hampshire, 2013
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comparative political economy,
floor 1
jan-erik lane,svante o. ersson
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comparative economic systems,
floor 1
carson, richard l.
m.e. sharpe, armonk, n.y., ©1990
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comparative economic systems,
floor 1
schnitzer martin; nordyke james w.
south-western college, cincinnati, ohio, 1999
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polity and economy of the underworld,
floor 1
ray, s. k.
prentice-hall of india, new delhi, 2004
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a modern guide to economics thought: an introduction to comparative schools of thought in economics,
floor 1
miller, anne,mair, douglas
e. elgar, aldershot, hants, england, ©1991
comparative economics