e-learning by design,
floor 2
horton, william k. (william kendall)
san francisco : pfeiffer, c2006.
employees--training of--computer-assisted instruction.
digital game-based learning,
floor 1
prensky, marc
new york : mcgraw-hill, c2001.
computer-assisted instruction. educational games.
intermediate english grammar: reference and practice for south asian students ,
floor 1
murphy, raymond
cambridge university press, c 1994,cambridge university press, new delhi, 2009
english language--textbooks for foreign speakers. english language--grammar--problems, exercises, etc. english language--computer-assisted instruction for foreign speakers.
engaging the online learner: activities and resources for creative instruction,
floor 1
conrad, rita-marie;,donaldson, j. ana
jossey-bass, san francisco, calif., ©2004
computer-assisted instruction
the new roadmap for creating online courses : an interactive workbook,
floor 1
barber, catherine r.
cambridge university press, cambridge, united kingdom, 2020
web-based instruction,adult education--computer-assisted instruction
integrating educational technology into teaching,
floor 1
roblyer, m. d
boston : pearson/allyn and bacon publishers, 2013.
computer-assisted instruction,educational technology--united states. computer-assisted instruction--united states. curriculum planning--united states.
computers in mathematics education,
floor 2
hansen, viggo p.
national council of teachers of mathematics, reston, va., 1984
mathematics--computer-assisted instruction
multimedia learning,
floor 1
mayer, richard e
cambridge university press, cambridge, 2009
computer-assisted instruction
web-based instruction,
floor 1
smith, susan sharpless
american library association, chicago, 2001
computer-assisted instruction
integrating the internet for meaningful learning ,
floor 1
grabe mark,grabe cindy
houghton mifflin, boston, ©2000
computer-assisted instruction,education computer network resources
survey research,
floor 1
bainbridge, william sims.
belmont, calif. : wadsworth pub. co., c1989.
social surveys--computer-assisted instruction.
teaching online,
floor 1
draves, william a. (william august), 1949-
lern books, river falls, wis., 2000
distance education--computer-assisted instruction
integrating the internet for meaningful learning,
floor 1
grabe, mark;
houghton mifflin, new york, 2004
computer-assisted instruction
multimedia for learning,
floor 1
stephen m. alessi,stanley r. trollip
allyn and bacon, boston, ©2001
computer-assisted instruction
the active practice of statistics,
floor 2
moore, david s.
w.h. freeman, new york, ©1997
statistics--computer-assisted instruction
mathematics 103/104/114/115 calculus/maple lab manual : mathematics department, university of pennsylvania,
floor 2
baird, michele [et-al.]
cengage learning, mason, oh., ©2008
calculus--computer-assisted instruction,maple (computer file)--calculus
floor 1
papert, seymour
basic books, new york, ©1993
computer-assisted instruction,mathematics--computer-assisted instruction
a maple approach to calculus,
floor 2
john t. gresser
prentice hall, upper saddle river, nj, ©2002
calculus--computer-assisted instruction
teaching secondary science using ict,
floor 2
david sang,roger frost
hodder murray, london, 2005
science--computer-assisted instruction,science--study and teaching (secondary)
clear speech : pronunciation and listening comprehension in north american english,
floor 1
gilbert, judy b
new york : cambridge university press, 2005.
english language--textbooks for foreign speakers. english language--grammar--problems, exercises, etc. english language--computer-assisted instruction for foreign speakers.
teaching mathematics using ict,
floor 2
oldknow, a. j. (adrian james), 1946-; taylor, ron, 1948-; tetlow, linda
continuum international pub. group, london, 2010
mathematics--computer-assisted instruction
techtactics : instructional models for educational computing.,
floor 1
thorsen, carolyn
boston, pearson custom publishing,©2003
computer-assisted instruction
integrating educational technology into teaching,
floor 1
roblyer, m. d.; edwards, jack,,doering, aaron herbert; havriluk, mary anne
pearson education uk, harlow, 2013
computer-assisted instruction