digital systems design using vhdl,
floor 2
roth, charles h.
boston : pws pub. co., c1998.
electronic digital computers--circuits--computer-aided design.
modern control systems analysis and design using matlab and simulink,
floor 2
bishop, robert h.,
addison wesley, menlo park, calif., ©1997
computer-aided design
cad in clothing and textiles,
floor 2
aldrich winifred
blackwell scientific publications, oxford, 1994
computer-aided design computer-aided design
mechanical drawing board & cad techniques,
floor 2
french, thomas e.
glencoe/mcgraw-hill, new york, 2003
mechanical drawing,computer-aided design
a knowledge-based system for powder metallurgy technology,
floor 2
smith, l. n.
professional engineering pub., bury st. edmunds, ©2003
powder metallurgy computer-aided design
logicworks 5 : interactive circuit design software,
floor 2
capilano computing systems limited; capilano computing systems, ltd.
pearson/prentice hall, upper saddle river, nj, ©2004
logic circuits--computer-aided design
up and running with autocad 2018,
floor 2
gindis, elliot;
academic press, london, 2018
computer-aided design
computer-aided engineering drawing using autocad,
floor 2
jensen, cecil h/
computer-aided design
google sketchup 7 for dummies,
floor 2
chopra, aidan
wiley ; john wiley [distributor], hoboken, n.j., chichester, 2009
computer-aided design