the trojan women,
floor 3
newburyport, ma : focus classical library, c2005.
hecuba, queen of troy--drama.
cuba's foreign policy in the middle east,
floor 1
fernández, damián j.
boulder : westview press, 1988.
middle east--foreign relations--cuba.
u.s. hands off the mideast!: cuba speaks out at the united nations,
floor 1
castro, fidel.
new york : pathfinder press, 1990.
united nations--cuba.
cuban internationalism in sub-saharan africa,
floor 1
/ edited by sergio díaz-briquets.
pittsburgh, pa. : duquesne university press, c1989.
africa, sub-saharan--military relations--cuba.
the soviet union and cuba,
floor 1
shearman, peter
london ; new york : routledge & kegan paul, 1987.
soviet union--foreign relations--cuba.
the cuban missile crisis, 1962 : selected foreign policy documents from the administration of john f. kennedy, january 1961-november 1962,
floor 4
griffiths, john,
london : the stationary office, c2001.
cuban missile crisis, 1962--juvenile literature.
canada, the us and cuba : helms-burton and its aftermath,
floor 1
nicol,heather n.,summers,della
centre for international relations, queen's university, kingston, ontario, 1999
canada foreign relations cuba
the cuban revolution,
floor 4
pérez-stable, marifeli
oxford university press, new york, 1993
cuban studies 21,
floor 4
pérez, louis a
university of pittsburgh press, pittsburgh, 2015
cuban foreign policy confronts a new international order,
floor 1
erisman, h. michael
lynne rienner publishers, boulder, 1991
insurrection & revolution,
floor 4
marel garcía gladys
l. rienner publishers, boulder, 1998
cuba economic policy
great negotiations,
floor 1
stanton fredrik
westholme, yardley, penn., 2010
cuban missile crisis, 1962
cuba in pictures,
floor 4
haverstock , nathan a.
lerner publications company, minneapolis, 1987
floor 1
fontaine, roger w
c. russak ; sales office taylor & francis, new york, philadelphia, 1988
cuba cuba foreign relations
the deep,
floor 3
peter benchley
doubleday, garden city, n.y., 1976
scuba diving
the red umbrella,
floor 3
gonzalez, christina diaz
alfred a. knopf, new york, 2010
fidel : a critical portrait,
floor 4
szulc, tad
post road press, new york, 2000, ©1986
the old man and the sea,
floor 3
hemingway, ernest
charles scribner's sons, new york, 1952
100 questions and answers about cuba,
floor 4
carmen r. alfonso
pablo de la torriente, cuba, 2008
reminiscences of the cuban revolutionary war,
floor 4
guevara, che, 1928-1967,guevara march, aleida, 1960,fernández retamar, roberto
monthly review press, new york, n.y., ©1998
fidel castro,
floor 4
marsico, katie
abdo pub. co., edina, minn., ©2009
finding manana,
floor 4
ojito, mirta a.
penguin press, new york, 2005
toward a new cuba? : legacies of a revolution,
floor 1
lynne rienner publishers, boulder, 1997
cuba politics and government 1990-
the red umbrella,
floor 3
christina diaz gonzalez
alfred a. knopf, new york, 2010
cuba : the reference shelf,
floor 4
hostetter, martha (ed.)
h.w. wilson, bronx, n.y., ©2001
cuba,social conditions
cuba dilemmas of a revolution,
floor 4
del aguila, juan m.
westview press, boulder, ©1988
cuba,politics and government
las damas de blanco,
floor 1
lüters gamboa
cadal, buenos aires, argentina, ©2006
revolution in the balance : law and society in contemporary cuba,
floor 1
evenson, debra
westview press, boulder, 1994
open water diver manual,
floor 3
padi, rancho santa margarita, ca, ©1999
scuba diving,scuba diving--study and teaching
cuba on the brink : castro, the missile crisis, and the soviet collapse,
floor 4
blight, james g.,allyn, bruce j.,welch, david a.
pantheon books, new york, ©1993
cuba : order and revolution,
floor 1
domínguez jorge i.
cambridge, mass., 1978
cuba--twenty-five years of revolution, 1959-1984,
floor 4
editor: halebsky, sandor,editor: kirk, john m.
praeger, new york, 1985