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floor 3
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pediatric pharmacology--handbooks, manuals, etc.,drugs--administration--handbooks, manuals, etc.
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good manufacturing practices for pharmaceuticals,
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sidney h. willig
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analytical profiles of drug substances : vol. 8,
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florey, klaus (ed.)
academic press, new york, ©1979
the wills eye drug guide : diagnostic and therapeutic medications,
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rhee, douglas j.
lippincott-raven, philadelphia, 1998
ophthalmic drugs
designer drugs,
floor 1
robbins, paul r.
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designer drugs physiological effect
floor 1
barter, james
lucent books, san diego, calif., ©2002
hallucinogenic drugs
approved drug products and legal requirements (usp di. vol 3 approved drug products and legal requir,
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united states pharmacopeial convention
micromedex inc., englewood, co, 2001
drugs law and legislation
2016 nurse's drug handbook,
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learning, jones & bartlett
jones & bartlett learning, burlington, massachusetts, 2016
forces of habit : drugs and the making of the modern world,
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courtwright, david t
harvard university press, cambridge, mass., 2001
drugs and man,
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navarra, john gabriel
doubleday, garden city, n.y., ©1973
designer drugs,
floor 1
clayton, lawrence, ph. d.
rosen pub. group, new york, 1994
designer drugs
mosby's 2018 nursing drug reference,
floor 2
skidmore-roth, linda
elsevier, st. louis, ©2018
drugs handbooks, manuals, etc
pharmaceutical analysis,
floor 2
siddiqui, anees a
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drugs,pharmaceutical chemistry
pocket prescriber emergency medicine,
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crc press/taylor & francis group, boca raton, 2014
american drug index,
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the analysis of controlled substances,
floor 2
cole, m. d. (michael d.)
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essential drugs - practical guidelines intended for physicians, pharmacists, nurses and medical auxiliaries,
floor 2
fourrier annie
médecins sans frontières, paris, 2001
developing countries,drugs
mosby's 2017 nursing drug reference,
floor 2
elsevier inc., st louis, mo, 2017
mosby's 2016 nursing drug reference,
floor 2
skidmore-roth, linda
elsevier inc., st louis, mo, 2016
over-the-counter drugs : harmless or hazardous?,
floor 2
sanberg, paul r.;,krema, richard m. t.
chelsea house publishers, new york, 1986
drugs, nonprescription
orphan diseases,
floor 1
murphy, wendy b.
twenty-first century books, brookfield, conn., 2002
orphan drugs,rare diseases
synthesis of best-seller drugs,
floor 2
vardanyan, ṛuben,hruby, viktor
elsevier/ap, amsterdam, 2016
basic concepts in pharmacology: what you need to know for each drug class, fourth edition : what you need to know for each drug class, fourth edition,
floor 2
stringer, janet l
mcgraw-hill medical, new york, 2011
clinical trials: design, conduct, and analysis,
floor 2
meinert, curtis l.;,tonascia, susan
oxford university press, new york, ©1986
clinical trials,drugs--standards
mosby's 2017 nursing drug reference,
ground floor
skidmore-roth, linda
elsevier inc., st louis, mo, 2017
saunders nursing drug handbook 2020,
ground floor
kizior, robert j.,hodgson, keith j.
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drugs and society,
floor 2
hanson, glen,hanson, glen (glen r.)"
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drug facts and comparisons (serial),
floor 2
physical description: xv, cl44, 3-4096 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 26 cm
davis's drug guide for nurses,
floor 2
vallerand, april hazard,sanoski, cynthia a.
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nursing2009 drug handbook,
ground floor
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the nurse's drug handbook,
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spratto, george,loebl, suzanne
wiley, new york, ©1986