Available Books

These are the available books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

  • Ethiopian Collection
  • Reference
  • Computer Science
  • Philosophy And Psychology
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  • Literature
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  • Elementary And High School Text Books
Shelf No : 15
Dinner party economics : the big ideas and intense conversations about the economy / Eveline J Adomait, Richard G. Maranta.
dinner party economics : the big ideas and intense conversations about the economy / eveline j adomait, richard g. maranta., floor 1 adomait, eveline j boston, ma : pearson, 2014. economics.
Shelf No : 15
Introduction to economics / Henry Billings
introduction to economics / henry billings, floor 1 billings, henry f. saint paul, minn : emc pub., ©1991 economics.
Shelf No : 7
An economic analysis of pharmaceuticals productions in Ethiopia : a case study of EPHARM
an economic analysis of pharmaceuticals productions in ethiopia : a case study of epharm, floor 4 teklu habte. addis abab : addis ababa university, 1992. medical economics.,econometrics.
Shelf No : 16
Microeconomic theory
microeconomic theory, floor 1 agarwal, h.s. delhi : konark publishers, 1998 microeconomics.
Shelf No : 18
The macro economy today / Bradley R. Schiller.
the macro economy today / bradley r. schiller., floor 1 schiller, bradley r., 1943- boston : irwin/mcgraw-hill, c2000. macroeconomics.
Shelf No : 16
economics, floor 1 sloman, john harlow, england ; new york : pearson, 2012. economics.
Shelf No : 15
Economics  / R. Glenn Hubbard, Anthony Patrick O'Brien
economics / r. glenn hubbard, anthony patrick o'brien, floor 1 hubbard, r. gleen. boston : pearson, 2013. economics.
Shelf No : 17
microeconomics, floor 1 estrin, saul. pearson education limited 2012 microeconomics.
Shelf No : 17
Essential Microeconomics
essential microeconomics, floor 1 riley, john g. cambridge : cambridge university press, 2012. microeconomics.
Shelf No : 15
 Economics : an introduction
economics : an introduction, floor 1 sandton : heinemann, 2008. economics.
Shelf No : 17
Comparative Economics in a Transforming World Economy
comparative economics in a transforming world economy, floor 1 rosser, john barkley, 1948- cambridge, mass. : mit press, c2004. comparative economics.
Shelf No : 17
Understanding microeconomics
understanding microeconomics, floor 1 mohr, philip. pretoria : van schaik, 2012. microeconomics.
Shelf No : 16
Understanding the economy : everything you always wanted to know about the economy but thought you would not understand / Philip Mohr.
understanding the economy : everything you always wanted to know about the economy but thought you would not understand / philip mohr., floor 1 mohr, philip. cape town : van schaik, 2010. economics.
Shelf No : 16
Economics : principles, problems, and policies
economics : principles, problems, and policies, floor 1 mcconnell, campbell r. boston : mcgraw-hill/irwin, c2005. economics.
Shelf No : 17
A course in microeconomic theory
a course in microeconomic theory, floor 1 kreps, david m. princeton, n.j. : princeton university press, c1990. microeconomics.
Shelf No : 17
 Principles of microeconomics
principles of microeconomics, floor 1 sayre, john e. [toronto] : mcgraw-hill ryerson, c2012. microeconomics.
Shelf No : 16
economics, floor 1 van rensburg, j. janse. london : mcgraw-hill higher education, 2011. economics.
Shelf No : 16
Principles of Economics
principles of economics, floor 1 melvin, michael. australia ; mason, oh : south-western cengage learning, c2011. economics.
Shelf No : 17
Microeconomics and behavior
microeconomics and behavior , floor 1 frank, robert h new york, ny : mcgraw-hill education, [2011] microeconomics. economic man.
Shelf No : 16
economics, floor 1 wessels, walter j. hauppauge, n.y. : barron's educational series, c2012. economics.
Shelf No : 17
microeconomics , floor 1 pindyck, robert s. upper saddle river, n.j. : pearson/prentice hall, c2009. microeconomics.
Shelf No : 17
Economics and policy; a historical study.
economics and policy; a historical study., floor 1 winch, donald. new york, walker [1970, c1969] keynesian economics.,economists--great britain.,great britain--economic policy.
Shelf No : 17
microeconomics, floor 1 colander, david c. boston : mcgraw-hill irwin, c2004. microeconomics.
Shelf No : 18
Monetary policy, inflation, and the business cycle : an introduction to the new Keynesian framework
monetary policy, inflation, and the business cycle : an introduction to the new keynesian framework, floor 1 galí, jordi, 1961- princeton, n.j. : princeton university press, c2008. monetary policy.,inflation (finance),business cycles.,keynesian economics.
Shelf No : 18
macroeconomics, floor 1 dernburg, thomas frederick. new york : mcgraw-hill, c1980. macroeconomics.
Shelf No : 7
National economic parameters and conversion factors for Ethiopia : market prices and services : economic value of goods and services
national economic parameters and conversion factors for ethiopia : market prices and services : economic value of goods and services, floor 4 addis ababa : ministry of finance and economic development, 2008. economics.
Shelf No : 17
A Strategy for Development
a strategy for development, floor 1 stern, n. h. (nicholas herbert) washington, d.c. : world bank, c2002. development economics.
Shelf No : 17
Microeconomics : principles, problems, and policies
microeconomics : principles, problems, and policies , floor 1 mcconnell, campbell r. boston : mcgraw-hill/irwin, c2005. microeconomics.
Shelf No : 17
Principles in Health Economics and Policy
principles in health economics and policy, floor 1 olsen, jan abel. oxford ; new york : oxford university press, 2009. medical economics.
Shelf No : 16
Against Capitalism
against capitalism, floor 1 schweickart, david. cambridge [england] ; new york, ny : cambridge university press ; paris : editions de la maison des sciences de l'homme, 1993. comparative economics.,capitalism.
Shelf No : 17
Macroeconomics, theories, policies and applications
macroeconomics, theories, policies and applications, floor 1 dugassa mulugeta. addis ababa : addis ababa science technology university, 2021. macroeconomics.
Shelf No : 16
Welfare Economics and the Economics of Socialism
welfare economics and the economics of socialism, floor 1 dobb, maurice london, cambridge u.p., 1969. welfare economics. socialism.
Shelf No : 17
Beyond Capital : Marx's political economy of the working class / Michael A. Lebowitz.
beyond capital : marx's political economy of the working class / michael a. lebowitz., floor 1 lebowitz, michael a. new york : st. martin's press, 1992. marxian economics.
Shelf No : 17
macroeconomics, floor 1 blanchard, olivier (olivier j.) boston : pearson prentice hall, 2011. macroeconomics.
Shelf No : 17
modern microeconomics, floor 1 koutsoyiannis, a. new york : st. martin's press, 1979. microeconomics.
Shelf No : 17
Lectures on public economics
lectures on public economics , floor 1 atkinson, a. b. (anthony barnes), 1944-2017. london ; new york : mcgraw-hill book co., c1980. finance, public.,welfare economics.
Shelf No : 19
Engineering economics
engineering economics, floor 1 riggs, james l. new york : mcgraw-hill, c1977. engineering economy.,managerial economics.
Shelf No : 16
Choice, welfare, and measurement
choice, welfare, and measurement, floor 1 sen, amartya, cambridge, mass : harvard university press, 1999. welfare economics.
Shelf No : 17
Modern public economics
modern public economics, floor 1 jha, raghbendra london ; new york : routledge, 1998 welfare economics.
Shelf No : 15
The irrelevance of conventional economics / Thomas Balogh.
the irrelevance of conventional economics / thomas balogh., floor 1 balogh, thomas new york : liveright, c1982 economics.
Shelf No : 17
After the Waste Land
after the waste land, floor 1 bowles, samuel. armonk, n.y. : m.e. sharpe, inc., c1990 radical economics.
Shelf No : 16
Tomorrow, capitalism : the economics of economic freedom
tomorrow, capitalism : the economics of economic freedom, floor 1 henri.lepage la salle, ill. : open court pub. co., c1982. chicago school of economics.
Shelf No : 13
The complete idiot's guide to organizing your life
the complete idiot's guide to organizing your life, floor 2 lockwood, georgene muller. indianapolis, in : alpha books, 1996 home economics.
Shelf No : 17
Theory of Growth of a Socialist Economy
theory of growth of a socialist economy , floor 1 anchishkin, a. i. progress publishers, 1977. economic development. marxian economics. communist countries--economic conditions.
Shelf No : 15
Applied economics:  Junior Achievement.
applied economics: junior achievement., floor 1 stamford, conn. : junior achievement, stamford, conn. : junior achievement, c1985. economics.
Shelf No : 17
Principles of macroeconomics
principles of macroeconomics, floor 1 case, karl e. upper saddle river, n.j. : prentice hall, ©2002 macroeconomics.
Shelf No : 16
Modern capitalism and other essays
modern capitalism and other essays, floor 1 sweezy, paul m. new york [monthly review press, 1972] marxian economics.
Shelf No : 18
Principles of economics: macro
principles of economics: macro, floor 1 peterson, willis l. richard d irwin inc c 1990 macroeconomics.
Shelf No : 13
Economics for today
economics for today, floor 1 tucker, irvin b boston, ma : cengage learning, [2017] economics.
Shelf No : 16
Dictionary of Economics.
dictionary of economics., floor 1 s. kapur. indian publishing house, new delhi; 2006. economics.
Shelf No : 18
The undercover economist strikes back : how to run-or ruin-an economy
the undercover economist strikes back : how to run-or ruin-an economy, floor 1 harford, tim, 1973- lobdon : abacus, 2014. macroeconomics,economics.,economic history--1990-
Shelf No : 16
A textbook of economic theory
a textbook of economic theory, floor 1 stonier, alfred w. london : longman group ltd., 1980. economics.
Shelf No : 17
Principles of microeconomics
principles of microeconomics, floor 1 mansfield, edwin. new york : norton, c1989. microeconomics.
Shelf No : 13
Principles of macroeconomics
principles of macroeconomics , floor 1 mansfield, edwin. norton macroeconomics.
Shelf No : 17
macroeconomics, floor 1 hyman, david n. burr ridge, ill. : irwin, c1994. macroeconomics.
Shelf No : 16
Economics Today & Tomorrow
economics today & tomorrow, floor 1 miller, roger leroy new york : glencoe/mcgraw-hil, ©1999 economics.
Shelf No : 15
Basic economics : theory and cases
basic economics : theory and cases, floor 1 attiyeh, richard. englewood cliffs, n.j., prentice-hall [1973] economics.
Shelf No : 15
Intermediate macroeconomics
intermediate macroeconomics, floor 1 darby, michael r., 1945- new york : mcgraw-hill, c1979. macroeconomics.
Shelf No : 17
  Managerial economics
managerial economics, floor 1 pappas, james l. chicago : dryden press, c1983. managerial economics.
Shelf No : 16
Principles of Economics
principles of economics, floor 1 mankiw, n. gregory. mason, oh : thomson/south-western, c2007. economics.
Shelf No : 17
Economics : principles and policy
economics : principles and policy , floor 1 baumol, william j. san diego : harcourt brace jovanovich, c1985. microeconomics.
Shelf No : 13
Principles of macroeconomics
principles of macroeconomics, floor 1 ruffin, roy, 1938- glenview, ill. : scott, foresman, c1983. macroeconomics.
Shelf No : 16
Refresher course in economics
refresher course in economics, floor 1 mukherjee, sampat. kolkata, india : new central book agency, 2006. economics.
Shelf No : 13
 Principles of microeconomics
principles of microeconomics , floor 1 mansfield, edwin. new york : norton, c1989. microeconomics.
Shelf No : 17
macroeconomics, floor 1 gordon, robert james, 1940- boston ; london : pearson/addison wesley, c2006. macroeconomics.
Shelf No : 16
economics , floor 1 kohler, heinz, 1934- lexington, mass. : d.c. heath, c1992. economics.
Shelf No : 16
Student workbook to accompany Economics
student workbook to accompany economics, floor 1 kohler, heinz, 1934- lexington : d. c. health and co., 1992. economics.
Shelf No : 16
Economics Today
economics today, floor 1 miller, roger leroy. boston : pearson, 2014. economics.
Shelf No : 16
economics, floor 1 samuelson, paul a. new york : mcgraw-hill, c1989. economics.
Shelf No : 13
Study guide to accompany McConnell and Brue Economics
study guide to accompany mcconnell and brue economics, floor 1 bingham, robert c. new york : mcgraw-hill, 1990. economics.
Shelf No : 17
Microeconomics, Vol.1
microeconomics, vol.1 , floor 1 ayekle kuris addis ababa, empde, 2009. microeconomics.
Shelf No : 18
 Principles of macroeconomics
principles of macroeconomics, floor 1 mansfield, edwin norton, new york, ©1989 macroeconomics.

Popular Books

These are the popular books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

The art of seduction

Shelf No: 14

Disney Princess Story Collection

Shelf No: 21


Shelf No: 15

Good Queen Bess

Shelf No: 3


Shelf No: 5


Shelf No: 4

Smithsonian Kids Digging for Dinosaurs

Shelf No: 1

How do dinosaurs go up and down

Shelf No: 21

A Fabumouse Vacation for Geronimo

Shelf No: 2

The Secret of the Fairies (Thea Stilton: Special Edition #2)

Shelf No: 2

A Cheese-colored Camper

Shelf No: 2

The magical gabi /written by Heldana Afework and edited by Essey Workie.

Shelf No: 3

Recent Books

These are the recent books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

Boosting immunity : creating wellness naturally / Len Saputo, Nancy Faass, editors.

Shelf No: 9

Introduction to hydrogeology

Shelf No: 4

 A childhood adrift / René Goldman.

Shelf No: 3

 Auditing : incorporating companies (amendment) act, 2000

Shelf No: 18

 Wisdom of aging / Dora Obi Chizea

Shelf No: 10

The U.S. military response to the 2010 Haiti earthquake : considerations for Army leaders / Gary Cecchine ... [et al.].

Shelf No: 19

African report on child wellbeing

Shelf No: 1

Ethiopian tax accounting : principles and practice.

Shelf No: 7

Using sources effectively : strengthening your writing and avoiding plagiarism

Shelf No: 1

 Infectious disease : medical knowledge self-assessment program, MKSAP 15

Shelf No: 9

User' s guide : peachtree complete & peachtree complete plus : release 6

Shelf No: 14

Fifty year of fiscal federalism

Shelf No: 17


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