primal leadership: emotional intelligence,
floor 2
goleman daniel, boyatzis richard e., mckee annie
usa, harvard business press,2004
emotional intelligence
how this happened,
floor 2
tessema, dereje befekadu
gashe pub., rockville, md, 2012
emotional intelligence
emotional intelligence,
floor 1
goleman , daniel
harper,bantam books, new york, 1995
emotional intelligence.,personality development. emotions and cognition.,emotions and cognition
how this happened,
floor 1
dereje befekadu tessema
gashe pub., rockville, md, 2009
emotional intelligence
emotional intelligence works : developing "people smart" strategies,
floor 1
kravitz, s. michael.,schubert,susan d.
crisp learning, menlo park, calif., ©2000
emotional intelligence
emotional intelligence,
floor 1
bhattacharya, mousumi s.
excel books, new delhi, 2007
emotional intelligence
emotional intelligence 2.0,
floor 1
bradberry, travis;,greaves, jean.
talentsmart, san diego, california, 2009
emotional intelligence
emotional intelligence for children and teens,
floor 1
de klerk, rina
human & rousseau, cape town, 2003
emotional intelligence
the new leaders,
floor 2
goleman, daniel;
time warner, london, 2003
emotional intelligence,management--psychological aspects
how this happened: demystifying the nile,
floor 2
dereje befekadu tessema
gashe pub., rockville, md, 2023
emotional intelligence
the emotionally intelligent manager,
floor 2
caruso, david,salovey, peter
jossey-bass, san francisco, ©2004
emotional intelligence