teacher's resourcebook : new voices in literature, language, and composition,
floor 1
cline, jay,[et-al].
ginn, lexington, mass., ©1978
english language--study and teaching (secondary)
a guide for developing an english curriculum for the eighties,
floor 1
glatthorn, allan a.,
urbana, il. : national council of teachers of english, c1980.
english language--study and teaching (secondary)
english in use,
floor 1
webb, barbara
pearson longman, harlow, ©2007
english,english language--study and teaching (secondary)
three novellas about love,
floor 1
ridut, ronald
ginn, london, 1947-
english language--study and teaching (secondary)
speaking and listening,
floor 1
fidge, louis
letts educational, london, 2002
english language--study and teaching (secondary)
the writer's craft,
floor 3
mcdougal littell
mcdougal littell, evanston, illinois, 1998
english language--study and teaching (secondary)
writing to 14,
floor 3
barton, geoff
oxford university press, oxford, 2000
english language--study and teaching (secondary)
practical english : a course for secondary schools.,
floor 1
howe, d. h
oxford university press, oxford, 1962
english language--study and teaching (secondary)
the writer's craft,
floor 3
blau, sheridan d
mcdougal littell, evanston, illinois, 1998
english language--study and teaching (secondary)
text building skills in english 11-14 student,
floor 1
charles annabel [et-al]
henemann, [harlow], ©2008
english language--study and teaching (secondary)
standard english and language variation,
floor 1
shuttleworth, john
letts educational, london, 2002
english language--study and teaching (secondary)
the writer's craft,
floor 3
blau, sheridan d,elbow, peter,killgallon, don
english language--study and teaching (secondary)
floor 1
lewis, gordon
oxford university press, oxford, 2007
english language--study and teaching (secondary)--foreign speakers
globe fearon's world literature,
floor 3
davidson, nance [et-al.]
globe fearon educational publisher, upper saddle river, n.j., ©1998
literature--study and teaching (secondary),english language--study and teaching (secondary)
the writer's craft,
floor 3
blau, sheridan d.; elbow, peter; killgallon, don
mcdonugal, littell & co., evanston, ill., ©1995
english language--study and teaching (secondary)
grammar and composition handbook ,
ground floor
glencoe mcgraw-hill, new york, n.y., ©2002
english language--composition and exercises,english language--grammar,english language--study and teaching (secondary)
the writer's craft,
floor 3
blau, sheridan d.; elbow, peter; killgallon, don
mcdonugal, littell & co., evanston, ill., ©1995
english language--study and teaching (secondary)
key stage three english,
co-ordination group publications, [place of publication not identified], 2004
great britain,english language--study and teaching (secondary),examinations