geog.3: students' book,
floor 4
gallagher, rosemarie,richard ,parish
oxford university press, oxford, united kingdom, 2015
geography study and teaching
world geography,
floor 4
greenow, linda l
silver burdett ginn, morristown, n.j., ©1993
geography study and teaching
world geography,
floor 4
arreola, daniel d
mcdougal littell, evanston, ill., ©2003
geography study and teaching (secondary)
geography: the world and its people,
floor 4
boehm richard g.
glencoe / mcgraw - hill, new york, ©1998
geography study and teaching
geography: the world and its people,
floor 4
boehm richard g.
glencoe / mcgraw - hill, new york, ©1998
geography study and teaching
geography: the world and its people,
floor 4
boehm richard g.
glencoe / mcgraw - hill, new york, ©1998
geography study and teaching
geography: the world and its people,
floor 4
boehm richard g.
glencoe / mcgraw - hill, new york, ©1998
geography study and teaching
regions near and far,
floor 1
a. banks james
macmillan/mcgraw school publishing company, new york, 1993
education, elementary geography study and teaching (elementary)
holt world geography today,
floor 4
j. sager, robert
holt, rinehart and winston, austin, tx., ©2005
geography study and teaching (secondary
gcse geography,
floor 4
milner steve
longman, harlow, 1997
geography study and teaching (secondary)
comparing regions (people in time and place),
floor 1
ainsley w. frank /etal/
silver burdett & ginn, morristown, nj, ©1991
geography study and teaching (elementary)
geog.123: geog.3: students' book,
ground floor
gallagher, r. (rosemarie);,parish, richard
oxford university press, oxford, ©2005
geography study and teaching (secondary)
glencoe world geography,
floor 4
boehm richard g.
glencoe/mcgraw-hill, new york, n.y., 2003
world geography study and teaching
world geography ,
floor 4
armstrong, david g.,hunkins, francis p.
c.e. merrill pub. co., columbus, ohio, ©1984
geography study and teaching