Available Books

These are the available books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

  • Ethiopian Collection
  • Reference
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  • Literature
  • History And Geography
  • Elementary And High School Text Books
Shelf No : 1
A short introduction to the Ancient Greek theater
a short introduction to the ancient greek theater, floor 3 ley, graham. chicago : university of chicago press, 1991. theater--greece--history--to 500.
Shelf No : 1
The Ancient Greeks
the ancient greeks, floor 4 rees, rosemary heinemann raintree, [place of publication not identified], 2001 greece
Shelf No : 1
The Ancient Olympic Games
the ancient olympic games, floor 3 swaddling, judith university of texas press, austin, 1999 olympic games (ancient),greece
Shelf No : 4
The Greek military (1909-1941) and the Greek mutinies in the Middle East (1941-1944)
the greek military (1909-1941) and the greek mutinies in the middle east (1941-1944), floor 4 spyropoulos, evangelos east european monographs ; distributed by columbia university press, boulder, new york, 1993 greece
Shelf No : 14
Sport and Society in Ancient Greece
sport and society in ancient greece, floor 1 golden, mark cambridge ; new york : cambridge university press, 1998. sports--social aspects--greece--history.,olympic games (ancient)
Shelf No : 2
The Usborne Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece
the usborne encyclopedia of ancient greece, floor 4 chisholm jane,miles lisa,reid struan,(et.at) usborne, london, 1999 greece
Shelf No : 4
Greece-- in Pictures
greece-- in pictures, floor 4 lerner publications company geography department the company, minneapolis, ©1996 greece juvenile literature
Shelf No : 7
The Icon
the icon, floor 3 olson neil piatkus, london, 2005 fiction,greece
Shelf No : 6
The Angry Hills
the angry hills, floor 3 uris, leon, random house, new york, [1955] greece
Shelf No : 5
The Other Side of Midnight
the other side of midnight, floor 3 sheldon sidney fontana, london, 1990 greece
Shelf No : 1
How Would You Survive As an Ancient Greek?
how would you survive as an ancient greek?, floor 4 macdonald, fiona, 1958,salariya, david f. watts, new york, 1995 greece
Shelf No : 7
Sophomore year is Greek to me
sophomore year is greek to me, floor 3 zeitlin, meredith g.p. putnam's sons, an imprint of penguin group (usa), new york, ny, 2015 greece
Shelf No : 2
The Greeks
the greeks, floor 4 peach, susan; millard, anne edc, tulsa, okla., ©1990 greece
Shelf No : 2
Everyday things in ancient Greece
everyday things in ancient greece, floor 4 quennell, marjorie;,quennell, c. h. b. putnam, new york, [1954] greece
Shelf No : 8
 Captain Corelli's mandolin
captain corelli's mandolin, floor 3 louis de bernières pearson education, harlow, 2008 greece--cephalonia (municipality)
Shelf No : 2
A Midsummer Night's Dream
a midsummer night's dream, floor 3 shakespeare, william clarendon press ; oxford university press, oxford, new york, 1994 greece--athens
Shelf No : 2
Discovering Ancient Greece
discovering ancient greece, floor 4 morgan, kathryn, 1983- britannica educational publishing in association with rosen educational services, new york, 2015 greece
Shelf No : 4
Greece--a Jewish History
greece--a jewish history, floor 4 fleming, k. e. (katherine elizabeth), 1965- princeton university press, princeton, n.j., ©2008 greece
Shelf No : 7
Midsummer Night's Dream
midsummer night's dream, floor 3 shakespeare, william, 1564-1616 barron's., woodbury, ny, usa, 1985, ©1984 greece--athens
Shelf No : 2
History of the Peloponnesian War
history of the peloponnesian war, floor 4 thucydides penguin books, harmondsworth, england, 1972 greece
Shelf No : 7
A Midsummer Night's Dream
a midsummer night's dream, floor 3 shakespeare, william simon & schuster paperbacks, new york, 2009 greece--athens
Shelf No : 1
Alexander the Great
alexander the great, floor 4 beatriz santillian,bernard randall rosen ya, new york, 2018 greece
Shelf No : 4
greece, floor 4 dubois, jill, 1952-,et al. benchmark books, marshall cavendish, new york, 2003 greece
Shelf No : 1
The Peloponnesian War
the peloponnesian war, floor 4 thucydides oxford university press, oxford, 2009 greece
Shelf No : 2
Alexander the Great
alexander the great, floor 4 winthrop lindsay adams pearson/longman, new york, ©2006 greece
Shelf No : 2
The Greeks : their life and customs
the greeks : their life and customs, floor 4 guhl, e. (ernst),koner, w. senate, london, 1994 manners and customs,greece
Shelf No : 2
The Iron Empire
the iron empire, floor 3 dashner, james scholastic inc., new york, ny, 2014 greece
Shelf No : 2
A Midsummer Night's Dream
a midsummer night's dream, floor 3 shakespeare, william, 1564-1616,raffel, burton,bloom, harold harcourt brace jovanovich canada, toronto, 1988 greece--athens
Shelf No : 15
 Greece: uncertain democracy,
greece: uncertain democracy,, floor 1 kousoulas, d. george public affairs press, washington, [1973] greece politics and government 1821
Shelf No : 4
Greece Without Columns
greece without columns, floor 4 holden, david lippincott, philadelphia, [1972] greece
Shelf No : 4
 Democracy at gunpoint: the Greek front
democracy at gunpoint: the greek front, floor 4 papandreou, andreas george penguin books, harmondsworth, eng., 1973 greece,politics and government
Shelf No : 7
A Midsummer Night's Dream (No Fear Shakespeare) (No Fear Shakespeare)
a midsummer night's dream (no fear shakespeare) (no fear shakespeare), floor 3 shakespeare, william sparknotes, new york, ©2003 greece--athens
Shelf No : 4
The Military in Greek Politics
the military in greek politics, floor 4 thanos veremēs black rose, montréal, ©1997 greece
Shelf No : 5
Gates of Fire
gates of fire, floor 3 pressfield, steven doubleday, new york, 1998 greece
Shelf No : 2
The Peloponnesian War
the peloponnesian war, floor 4 donald kagan viking, new york, ©2003 greece
Shelf No : 4
Nightmare in Athens
nightmare in athens, floor 4 papandreou, margaret prentice-hall, englewood cliffs, n.j., [1970] greece history 1950-1967
Shelf No : 4
Greece, a Country Study
greece, a country study, floor 4 curtis, glenn e the division : headquarters, dept. of the army : for sale by the supt. of docs., u.s. g.p.o., washington, d.c., [1995] greece
Shelf No : 5
 The other side of midnight
the other side of midnight, floor 3 sheldon, sidney morrow, new york, 1974 [©1973] greece
Shelf No : 2
Ancient Greece
ancient greece, floor 4 don nardo lucent books/thomson gale, san diego, calif., 2003 greece
Shelf No : 8
Corelli's mandolin
corelli's mandolin, floor 3 louis de bernières pantheon books, new york, ©1994 greece--cephalonia (municipality)
Shelf No : 2
The Ancient Greeks
the ancient greeks, floor 4 finley, m. i. penguin in association with chatto & windus, harmondsworth, 1966 greece
Shelf No : 9
The Island
the island, floor 3 hislop, victoria headline review, london, 2006 greece--crete
Shelf No : 9
Cartes Postales from Greece
cartes postales from greece, floor 3 : hislop, victoria headline review, london, 2016 greece
Shelf No : 7
A Midsummer Night's Dream
a midsummer night's dream, floor 3 shakespeare, william, penguine books greece--athens
Shelf No : 8
Nights Of Rain And Stars
nights of rain and stars, floor 3 binchy, maeve oriondutton, london, 2004 greece
Shelf No : 4
The priest fainted
the priest fainted, floor 3 davidson, catherine temma women's press, london, 1998 greece
Shelf No : 15
Eyewitness in Greece
eyewitness in greece, floor 1 katrēs, giannēs new critics press, st. louis, 1971 greece
Shelf No : 4
The Mediterranean Caper
the mediterranean caper , floor 3 cussler, clive pocket books, new york, 1986, ©1973 mediterranean region,greece
Shelf No : 7
A Midsummer Night's Dream
a midsummer night's dream, floor 3 shakespeare, william cambridge university press, cambridge, 1992 greece--athens,courtship
Shelf No : 7
A Midsummer Night's Dream
a midsummer night's dream, floor 3 shakespeare, william, cambridge university press, cambridge, 1992 english drama,greece--athens
Shelf No : 4
 The other side of midnight
the other side of midnight, floor 3 sheldon, sidney morrow, new york, 1974 [©1973] greece
Shelf No : 10
The Athenian murders
the athenian murders, floor 3 somoza, josé carlos abacus, london, 2002 greece--athens
Shelf No : 2
The gold of Troy : searching for Homer's fabled city
the gold of troy : searching for homer's fabled city, floor 4 tolstikov, vladimir p. ministry of culture of the russian federation, a.s. pushkin state museum of fine arts, in association with h.n. abrams, new york, 1996 exhibition catalogs,greece,troy (extinct city) exhibitions
Shelf No : 4
 A concise history of Greece
a concise history of greece, floor 4 clogg, richard cambridge university press, new york, 2013 greece
Shelf No : 2
 Alexander the Great : son of the gods
alexander the great : son of the gods, floor 4 fildes, alan; fletcher, joann the j. paul getty museum, los angeles, california, 2002 greece
Shelf No : 3
The portable Greek historians
the portable greek historians, floor 4 finley, m. i. penguin books, new york, new york, 1977 greece
Shelf No : 20
The Death Rituals of Rural Greece
the death rituals of rural greece, floor 1 danforth, loring m princeton university press, princeton, n.j., ©1982 greece

Popular Books

These are the popular books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

The art of seduction

Shelf No: 14

Disney Princess Story Collection

Shelf No: 21


Shelf No: 15

Good Queen Bess

Shelf No: 3


Shelf No: 5


Shelf No: 4

Smithsonian Kids Digging for Dinosaurs

Shelf No: 1

How do dinosaurs go up and down

Shelf No: 21

A Fabumouse Vacation for Geronimo

Shelf No: 2

The Secret of the Fairies (Thea Stilton: Special Edition #2)

Shelf No: 2

A Cheese-colored Camper

Shelf No: 2

The magical gabi /written by Heldana Afework and edited by Essey Workie.

Shelf No: 3

Recent Books

These are the recent books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

Managers as mentors : building partnerships for learning

Shelf No: 16

The threatening storm : the case for invading Iraq / Kenneth M. Pollack.

Shelf No: 5

Don't Jump to Solutions

Shelf No: 17

Law, war and crime : war crimes trials and the reinvention of international law

Shelf No: 18

Molecules of Emotion

Shelf No: 7

The tragedy of Yugoslavia : the failure of democratic transformation

Shelf No: 4

Taiwan's electoral politics and democratic transition : riding the third wave

Shelf No: 15

Organizing Europe : the institutions of integration

Shelf No: 18


Shelf No: 19

The Harcourt Brace Student Dictionary

Shelf No: 21

Selecting and managing electronic resources : a how-to-do-it manual for librarians

Shelf No: 9

A Reader in peace studies

Shelf No: 15


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