alchemy of a leader,
floor 2
rehfeld, john e
new york : j. wiley, c1994.
industrial management.
managing innovation,
floor 2
tidd, joseph
hoboken : wiley, 2009
technological innovations--management. industrial management.
modelling under risk and uncertainty,
floor 1
rocquigny, etienne de.
hoboken, nj : wiley, 2012.
industrial management--mathematical models. uncertainty--mathematical models. risk management--mathematical models.
the 21 irrefutable laws of leadership : follow them and people will follow you,
floor 2
maxwell, john c., 1947-
nashville, tenn. : thomas nelson, c2007.
leadership.,industrial management.
operations management (mgmt.422} ,
floor 2
yitbarek takele.
bahir dar : [commercial printing enterprise], 2008.
production management,industrial management
business management: real-world applications and connections,
floor 2
rue, leslie w.
new york : glencoe mcgraw-hil, 2006.
management.,industrial management.
tough choices : the decision-making styles of america's top 50 ceos / warren j. pelton, sonja sackmann, robert boguslaw.,
floor 2
pelton, warren j.
homewood, il : dow jones-irwin, c1990.
industrial management--united states--decision making.
power of six sigma : an inspiring tale of how six sigma is transforming the way we work ,
floor 2
chowdhury, subir.
chicago : dearborn trade, c2001.
industrial management.
strategic management cases,
floor 2
grigsby, david w.
boston : wadsworth pub. co., c1993.
strategic planning. decision making. industrial management--case studies.
instant management : the best ideas from the people who have made a difference in how we manage,
floor 2
kennedy, carol.
new york : w. morrow, c1991.
industrial management.
green to gold : how smart companies use environmental strategy to innovate, create value, and build competitive advantage ,
floor 2
esty, daniel c.
new haven, [conn.] : yale university press, 2006.
industrial management--environmental aspects.
executive smart charts & other insider revelations on corporate insanity,
floor 3
stansbury, herb
san francisco : berrett-koehler, c1993.
industrial management--charts, diagrams, etc.--caricatures and cartoons. american wit and humor, pictorial.
relevance regained : from top-down control to bottom-up empowerment,
floor 2
johnson, h. thomas
new york : free press ; toronto : maxwell macmillan canada ; new york : maxwell macmillan international, c1992.
industrial management.
workers' management in yugoslavia : recent developments and trends,
floor 1
pašić najdan[ed]
geneva : international labour office, 1982.
industrial management--yugoslavia--employee representation.
management : a global perspective,
floor 2
weihrich, heinz.
new delhi : mcgraw hill education (india), 2013
management.,industrial management.
towards corporate competence : converting capability to reality,
floor 2
tate, william.
new delhi : infinite books, 2001.
executive ability,gestion d'entreprise,industrial management
the leadership spectrum : 6 business priorities that get results,
floor 2
lippitt, mary burner, 1945-
palo alto, ca : davies-black pub., c2002.
leadership.,industrial management.
business research methods,
floor 2
cooper, donald r.
new delhi : mcgraw-hill educatio, 2012.
industrial management--research.
the 21 irrefutable laws of leadership,
floor 2
maxwell, john c
thomas nelson publishers, nashville, tenn., ©1998
industrial management
floor 2
pride, william m
houghton mifflin co., boston, ©1988
industrial management
industrial security management,
floor 2
sharma, r. p
new age international, [place of publication not identified], 2004
industrial management security
industrial administration and management,,
floor 2
batty, j. (joseph)
macdonald & evans, london, 1969
industrial management
production planning control and industrial management,
floor 2
jain, kailash chand,agarwal, l. n.
khanna, delhi, 2002
industrial management
floor 2
pride, william m., 1942-; 6,kapoor, jack r., 1937-;,hughes, robert james, 1946
houghton mifflin, toronto, 1999
industrial management
managing in the next society,
floor 2
drucker, peter f.
business & economics industrial management
the game of budget control,
floor 2
hofstede, geert, 1928-2020
tavistock; van gorcum, london, assen, 1968
industrial management
the pocket manager,
floor 2
heller, robert
hodder & stoughton, london, ©1986
industrial management
managerial and industrial economics,
floor 1
shubin, john a.
ronald press co, new york, [1961]
industrial management
the innovator's path,
floor 2
meyer, madge m.
wiley, hoboken, 2013
industrial management--technological innovations
management theory & practice,
floor 2
chandan, j. s.
vikas ; distributed by advent books, new delhi, new york, ©1987
industrial management
systems analysis for business management,
floor 2
optner, stanford l.
prentice-hall, englewood cliffs, n.j., [1968]
industrial management
industrial administration and management,,
floor 2
batty, j. (joseph)
macdonald & evans, london, 1969
industrial management
world class manufacturing: the lessons of simplicity applied,
floor 2
schonberger, richard
free press ; collier macmillan, new york, london, ©1986
industrial management
quality in action : 93 lessons in leadership, participation, and measurement,
floor 2
: townsend, patrick l.
j. wiley, new york, n.y., ©1992
gestion d'entreprise industrial management
dynamic business management,
floor 2
norcross, harold,
deusto, bilbao, 1967
industrial management
doing business,
floor 1
banque mondiale
banco mundial, washington, 2004
industrial management
productivity management,
floor 1
prokopenko, joseph
international labour office, geneva, 1987
industrial management
production decisions ,
floor 2
powell, john
london : longman, 1978.
industrial management.
developing managers in organisations,
floor 2
yuill, bruce ford,steinhoff, dan
wiley, sydney, 1975
industrial management
effective training,
floor 2
blanchard, p. nick,thacker, james w.,pichai, asokan
pearson education limited, harlow, 2013
business et economics ; industrial management
higher productivity and a better place to work,
floor 2
thurman, j. e;,; louzine, a. e.,; kogi, kazutaka
international labour office, geneva, 1988
industrial management
management control systems,
floor 2
anthony, robert n
r.d. irwin, homewood, ill., 1984
industrial management
mid-course correction,
floor 1
anderson, ray c.
peregrinzilla press, atlanta, 1998
industrial management environmental aspects united states case studies
readings in management,
floor 2
richards, max de voe, 1923,nielander, william ahlers, 1901-1976
south-western publ. co., cincinnati, ohio, 1976
industrial management
the reality of management,
floor 2
stewart, rosemary
butterworth-heinemann, jordan hill, oxford, 1997
industrial management
global and culturally diverse leaders and leadership,
floor 1
ed lau chin jean,tirmble joseph e.,garcia joseph e.
emerald publishing, bingley, uk, 2018
business & economics industrial management
thriving on chaos: handbook for a management revolution,
floor 2
peters, thomas j.
knopf : distributed by random house, new york, 1987
industrial management
the renewal factor : how the best get and keep the competitive edge,
floor 2
waterman, robert h
bantam books, toronto, 1988, ©1987
industrial management
floor 2
mintzberg, henry
berrett-koehler publishers, san francisco, ©2009
business & economics industrial management business & economics management
principles of management,
floor 2
tripathi, p. c. (prakash chandra), 1932-
tata mcgraw-hill, new delhi, 2004
industrial management
the false promise of the japanese miracle,
floor 2
sethi, s. prakash,swanson, carl l,namiki, nobuaki
pitman, boston, mass., ©1984
industrial management
principles of management,
floor 2
terry, george robert
r.d. irwin, homewood, ill., 1982
industrial management
agile engagement : how to drive lasting results by cultivating a flexible, responsive, and collaborative culture,
floor 2
jaramillo santiago; richardson todd
wiley, hoboken, n.j., 2016
business & economics industrial management
the 21 irrefutable laws of leadership,
floor 2
maxwell, john c
thomas nelson publishers, nashville, tenn., 1998
industrial management
thriving on chaos,
floor 2
peters, thomas j.
knopf : distributed by random house, new york, 1987
industrial management
managing transitions : making the most of change,
floor 2
bridges, william, 1933-,bridges, susan mitchell
addison-wesley, reading, mass., ©1991
industrial management
the japanese company,
floor 1
rodney clark
yale university press, new haven, 1979
industrial management
in search of excellence,
floor 2
peters, thomas j
harper & row, new york, ny, 1982
industrial management
global spin,
floor 1
beder, sharon
green books, dartington, totnes, devon, uk, 2002
industrial management--environmental aspects
international encyclopedia of business and management,
floor 2
kotter, john p
thomson learning, london, 2002
industrial management
purchasing and supply chain management,
floor 2
monczka, robert m.;,handfield, robert b,trent, robert j.;
south-western, mason, oh, ©2009
industrial management
principles of business management,
floor 2
strydom, j. w. 1952-
oxford university press, cape town, ©2008
industrial management
foundations of business,
floor 2
pride, william m,hughes, robert james,,kapoor, jack r
cengage learning, stamford, ct, 2015
business,industrial management
handbook of management for the growing business,
ground floor
van nostrand reinhold, new york, ©1986
industrial management
corporate planning and control,
floor 2
anderson, ronald gordon
macdonald and evans, plymouth, eng., 1977
industrial management
managerial cost accounting,
floor 2
bierman, harold,dyckman, thomas r.
macmillan, new york, ©1976
industrial management
stewardship : choosing service over self-interest,
floor 2
block, peter,
berrett-koehler publishers, san francisco, ©1993
industrial management
value-based management : in the indian context,
floor 2
srinivasan, s.
jaico pub. house, mumbai, 2005
values,industrial management--moral and ethical aspects
business management studies,
floor 2
turner, daphne e.
macmillan, london, 1994
management,industrial management
managing innovation,
floor 2
tidd, joseph,bessant, j. r
john wiley & sons, chichester, west sussex, united kingdom, 2013
organizational change,industrial management
the new institutionalism in strategic management,
floor 2
ingram paul l.,silverman brian s
publisher:jai, amsterdam, 2002
industrial management
management control systems,
floor 2
anthony, robert n.,govindarajan, vijay
mcgraw hill/irwin, new york, ©2004
industrial management
essentials of management : an international perspective,
floor 2
koontz, harold
tata mcgraw-hill, new delhi, ©2007, 2010
management,industrial management
essentials of management : an international perspective,
floor 2
koontz, harold
tata mcgraw-hill, new delhi, ©2007, 2010
management,industrial management
managing organizations in an era of change,
floor 2
dessler, gary
dryden press, fort worth, tx, 1995
industrial management
improve your business,
floor 2
borgenvall, mats
international labour office, geneva, 1999
industrial management
the process of management: : concepts, behavior, and practice,
floor 2
newman, william h. (william herman),summer, charles edgar;,warren, e. kirby
prentice-hall, englewood cliffs, n.j., [1972]
industrial management
the principles and practice of management,
floor 2
brech, e. f. l. (edward franz leopold)
longman, london, 1975
industrial management
in search of excellence,
floor 2
peters, thomas j.,waterman, robert h
harper & row, new york, ny, 1982
industrial management
management : theory and practice,
floor 2
ernest dale
mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1978
industrial management
a guide to professional doctorates in business and management,
floor 2
anderson, lisa,gold, jeffrey,stewart, jim,thorpe, richard
sage, los angeles, 2015
industrial management--research
floor 2
daft richard l.; marcic dorothy
dryden press, fort worth, ©1997
industrial management
strategic management,
floor 2
ansoff, h. igor
wiley, new york, ©1979
industrial management,strategic planning
business in action,
floor 2
bovée, courtland l.
prentice hall, upper saddle river, nj, ©2001
industrial management
managing human resources : productivity, quality of work life, profits,
floor 2
cascio, wayne
irwin mcgraw-hill, boston, ©1998
industrial management.
essentials of corporate finance,
floor 2
stephen a. ross
irwin, chicago, ©1996
industrial management.,corporations--finance--management
essentials of management: an international perspective,
floor 2
harold koontz (
tata mcgraw-hill, new delhi, ©2004
industrial management.,retail trade management
general management : processes and action,
floor 2
garvin, david a.
boston : mcgraw-hill, c2002.
industrial management.
management : quality and competitiveness,
floor 2
konopaske, robert; ivancevich, john m.
irwin, chicago, ©1997
industrial management.,managemnet
operations and industrial management : designing and managing for productivity,
floor 2
del mar, donald
mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1985
industrial management.
management control systems,
floor 2
anthony, robert n.,govindarajan, vijay;
irwin, homewood, ill., 1989
industrial management.
a force for change : how leadership differs from management,
floor 2
kotter, john p.
free press ; collier macmillan, new york, london, ©1990
industrial management.
team leadership in high-hazard environments,
floor 2
cadieux, randy e.
gower, farnham
business & economics industrial management
edexcel gcse business unit :introduction to economic understanding,
floor 2
ashwin andriw
hodder arnold, london, 2007
industrial management.