Available Books

These are the available books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

  • Ethiopian Collection
  • Reference
  • Computer Science
  • Philosophy And Psychology
  • Religion
  • Social Sciences
  • Languages
  • Natural Science
  • Technology
  • Art And Creation
  • Literature
  • History And Geography
  • Elementary And High School Text Books
Shelf No : 7
Internet technologies and information services
internet technologies and information services, floor 1 miller, joseph b., 1952- westport, conn. : libraries unlimited, 2009. libraries--information technology.,libraries and the internet.
Shelf No : 18
Knowledge management maturity in law firm business
knowledge management maturity in law firm business, floor 1 gottschalk, petter [hauppauge, n.y.] : nova science publishers, c2012. law offices--automation. knowledge management. information technology--management.
Shelf No : 13
New media in the information society
new media in the information society , floor 1 pretoria : van schaik, c2012. information society.,internet addiction.,mass media--information technology.
Shelf No : 13
The Digital Divide in Developing Countries: towards an information society in Africa
the digital divide in developing countries: towards an information society in africa, floor 1 nulens gert... [et al.] (eds.). brussels : vub brussels university press, c2001. information technology--social aspects--africa--congresses.
Shelf No : 7
Introduction to computers and information technology
introduction to computers and information technology, floor 1 alemayehu hailu teshome. addis ababa : mega printing enterprise, c2002. computers.,information technology.
Shelf No : 9
African e-markets : information and economic development
african e-markets : information and economic development , floor 1 addis ababa, ethiopia : economic commission for africa ; københavn, denmark : centre of african studies, university of copenhagen ; utrecht, the netherlands : international books, c2007. information technology--economic aspects--africa.
Shelf No : 16
A Practical Guide to Information Systems Process Improvement
a practical guide to information systems process improvement, floor 2 cassidy, anita. boca raton, fla. : st. lucie press, c2001. management information systems. information technology.
Shelf No : 16
Techno Vision: the executive's survival guide to understanding and managing information technology
techno vision: the executive's survival guide to understanding and managing information technology, floor 2 wang, charles b. new york : mcgraw-hill, c1994. information technology--management.
Shelf No : 13
The twilight of sovereignty: how the information revolution is transforming our world
the twilight of sovereignty: how the information revolution is transforming our world , floor 1 wriston, walter b. new york : scribner ; toronto : maxwell macmillan canada ; new york : maxwell macmillan international, c1992. information technology.
Shelf No : 7
The squandered computer : evaluating the business alignment of information technologies
the squandered computer : evaluating the business alignment of information technologies , floor 1 strassmann, paul a. new canaan, conn. : information economics press, 1997. information technology--management.,information technology--economic aspects.,business--data processing--economic aspects.
Shelf No : 7
Purchasing and financial management of information technology.
purchasing and financial management of information technology., floor 1 bannister, frank . oxford ; burlington, ma : elsevier/butterworth-heinemann, 2004. information technology--management.
Shelf No : 20
The Digital Economy
the digital economy, floor 1 tapscott, don, new york : mcgraw-hill, c1996. information technology.
Shelf No : 13
The Social Life of Information
the social life of information, floor 1 brown, john seely,duguid, paul harvard business school press, boston, ©2000 information technology--social aspects,information society
Shelf No : 7
ict, floor 1 begley, max,sadler, david letts educational, london, 2004 information technology examinations
Shelf No : 7
Certificate of achievement information technology
certificate of achievement information technology, floor 1 hinder, alun john murray, london, 1999 information technology--examinations
Shelf No : 16
Information Technology
information technology, floor 2 longman, harlow longman, harlow, 2000 information technology
Shelf No : 16
Managing Information and Systems
managing information and systems, floor 2 curry, adrienne routledge, london, 2006 information technology--economic aspects
Shelf No : 11
Mind Change
mind change, floor 1 greenfield, susan random house, new york, 2015 cognition,information technology--psychological aspects
Shelf No : 17
The Edge
the edge, floor 2 garg, manoj,scheuerman, michael virtual information executives, llc, portland, or, 2015 information technology management
Shelf No : 17
Management information systems: a managerial end user perspective
management information systems: a managerial end user perspective, floor 2 o'brien, james a.;,marakas, george m. tata mcgraw hill, india, new delhi. ©2007 information technology--management
Shelf No : 20
Gcse Ict (Information Communication Technology)
gcse ict (information communication technology), floor 1 chishem,roy coordination group publications, kirkby-in-furness, ©2002 information technology--examinations
Shelf No : 7
Managing the Information Technology Resource
managing the information technology resource, floor 1 luftman, jerry n. [et-al.] prentice hall, upper saddle river, n.j., 2004 information technology management
Shelf No : 17
 At the crossroads : ICT policy making in East Africa
at the crossroads : ict policy making in east africa, floor 1 etta, florence ebam[ed] east african educational publishers ; international development research centre, nairobi, ottawa, canada, 2005 information technology--government policy
Shelf No : 21
The Distraction Addiction
the distraction addiction, floor 1 : pang, alex soojung-kim little, brown, new york, [2013] information technology--social aspects
Shelf No : 7
 Information technology
information technology , floor 1 dennis p. curtin irwin/mcgraw-hill, boston, 1998 information technology
Shelf No : 17
 Value leadership
value leadership, floor 2 harris, michael c asq quality press, milwaukee, wis., ©1998 information technology--management
Shelf No : 13
idisorder, floor 1 rosen, larry d. palgrave macmillan, new york, ©2012 information technology--psychological aspects
Shelf No : 9
Digital Reference Services
digital reference services, floor 1 katz, william a haworth information press, binghamton, ny, 2003 reference services (libraries)--information technology
Shelf No : 7
ICT Coursework for AS Level
ict coursework for as level, floor 1 wilson, barbara, hodder & stoughton, london, 2003 information technology--examinations
Shelf No : 7
Where's IT Going?
where's it going?, floor 1 pearson, ian;,chris winter thames & hudson, london, 2000 information technology--forecasting
Shelf No : 7
 Information technology : the breaking wave
information technology : the breaking wave, floor 1 curtin, dennis p., 1941- rwin/mcgraw-hill, boston, 1998 information technology
Shelf No : 7
 Information technology
information technology, floor 1 stephen gorard,neil selwyn teach yourself, new york, 2002 information technology
Shelf No : 7
Information and Communications Technology OCR GCSE
information and communications technology ocr gcse, floor 1 sargent, brian, 1950,inder, alun hodder & stoughton, london, 2004 information technology
Shelf No : 17
Knowledge Societies: information technology for sustainable development
knowledge societies: information technology for sustainable development, floor 1 mansell, robin;,wehn, uta (eds.) published for and on behalf of the united nations by oxford university press, oxford, ©1998 developing countries--information technology,sustainable development--technological innovations
Shelf No : 15
Business Driven Technology
business driven technology, floor 2 : baltzan, paige; mcgraw-hill/irwin, new york, n.y., ©2006 information technology--management
Shelf No : 16
Management Information Systems for the Information Age
management information systems for the information age, floor 2 haag, stephen;,cummings, maeve;,mccubbrey, donald j.;,dawkins, james mcgraw-hill irwin, boston, mass., 2005 information technology
Shelf No : 15
The second industrial revolution : reinventing your business on the web
the second industrial revolution : reinventing your business on the web, floor 2 donovan, john j. prentice hall ptr, upper saddle river, n.j., ©1997 information technology--management,business enterprises--computer networks--management
Shelf No : 13
Data for the people : how to make our post-privacy economy work for you
data for the people : how to make our post-privacy economy work for you, floor 1 andreas s. weigend basic books, new york, 2017 information technology--social aspects
Shelf No : 7
Building Your I.T. Career
building your i.t. career, floor 1 moran, matthew pearson it certification, 2013 information technology--vocational guidance
Shelf No : 7
Information and Communication Technology for Edexcel Applied A2 Level Single Award
information and communication technology for edexcel applied a2 level single award, floor 1 o'byrne, sean hodder murray, london, 2006 information technology
Shelf No : 7
Information and Communication Technology for GCSE
information and communication technology for gcse, floor 1 sargent, brian hodder murray, london, 2005 information technology
Shelf No : 7
Computer Studies and Information Technology: IGCSE and O Level
computer studies and information technology: igcse and o level, floor 1 leadbetter chris cambridge university press, cambridge, 2004 information technology
Shelf No : 7
Handbook on architectures of information systems
handbook on architectures of information systems, floor 1 bernus, péter,mertins, kai,,schmidt, günter,[etal] springer, berlin, ©1998 information technology
Shelf No : 7
 Information technology and society
information technology and society, floor 1 laudon, kenneth c,traver, carol guercio,laudon, jane p. wadsworth pub. co., belmont, calif., ©1994 information technology--social aspects
Shelf No : 7
Information and Communication Technology
information and communication technology, floor 1 mott, julian hodder education information technology
Shelf No : 17
Business Driven Technology
business driven technology, floor 2 baltzan, paige mcgraw-hill education information technology--management
Shelf No : 7
Award in Digital Applications - Using ICT
award in digital applications - using ict, floor 1 doyle, stephen nelson thornes, cheltenham, 2005 information technology--examinations
Shelf No : 7
 Managing the IT services process
managing the it services process, floor 1 bruton, noel taylor and francis, hoboken, 2012 information technology--management,electronic data processing--management
Shelf No : 13
Future Politics: living together in a world transformed by tech
future politics: living together in a world transformed by tech, floor 1 susskind, jamie oxford university press, oxford, ©2020 technology--social aspects,information technology--political aspects
Shelf No : 16
Managing the Risks of IT Outsourcing
managing the risks of it outsourcing, floor 2 tho, ian elsevier butterworth-heinemann, amsterdam, 2005 information technology--management,contracting out
Shelf No : 7
Cambridge international AS and A level IT. Coursebook
cambridge international as and a level it. coursebook, floor 1 long, paul (paul a.),,ellis, victoria,,lawrey, sarah cambridge university press, cambridge, 2019 information technology
Shelf No : 7
Technology in Action
technology in action, floor 1 evans, alan (alan d.);,martin, kendall;,poatsy, mary anne; prentice hall, upper saddle river, nj, 2014 microcomputers,information technology
Shelf No : 16
Business Driven Information Systems
business driven information systems, floor 2 baltzan, paige mcgraw-hill education information technology--management
Shelf No : 16
Information technology for management
information technology for management, floor 2 turban, efraim wiley, hoboken, nj, 2007 information technology,management information systems
Shelf No : 6
 Introduction to information technology
introduction to information technology, floor 2 itl education solutions limited;,itl education solutions dorling kindersley, new delhi, india, ©2012 information technology
Shelf No : 7
 Information technology for CSEC
information technology for csec, floor 1 leo cato [et-al] information technology
Shelf No : 16
 Principles of information systems
principles of information systems, floor 2 stair, ralph m.,reynolds, george walter, thomson/course technology, boston, 2008 management information systems,information technology--management
Shelf No : 16
Management information systems for the information age
management information systems for the information age, floor 2 haag, stephen;,mccubbrey, donald j,dawkins, james irwin mcgraw-hill, boston, mass., ©1998 information technology
Shelf No : 6
Technology: Today & Tomorrow, Student Text
technology: today & tomorrow, student text, floor 2 fales, james; glencoe/mcgraw hill, new york, n.y., ©1999 information technology
Shelf No : 7
Advanced Information technology
advanced information technology, floor 1 de watteville, alastair heinemann, oxford, 1997 information technology
Shelf No : 7
GCSE Information Technology
gcse information technology, floor 1 crawford longman, harlow, 1997 information technology
Shelf No : 7
 Computer confluence : exploring tomorrow's technology
computer confluence : exploring tomorrow's technology, floor 1 beekman, george addison wesley, menlo park, calif., 1999 information technology
Shelf No : 7
Using Information Technology Complete Edition
using information technology complete edition, floor 1 williams, brian k. mcgraw-hill/irwin, boston, ©2003 information technology
Shelf No : 7
 Using information technology : a practical introduction to computers & communications
using information technology : a practical introduction to computers & communications, floor 1 williams, brian k., 1938- boston : irwin/mcgraw-hill, c1999. information technology
Shelf No : 7
Computer Confluence
computer confluence, floor 1 beekman, george;,rathswohl, eugene j. prentice hall, upper saddle river, nj, 2001 information technology

Popular Books

These are the popular books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

Disney Princess Story Collection

Shelf No: 21


Shelf No: 15

Good Queen Bess

Shelf No: 3


Shelf No: 5


Shelf No: 4

Smithsonian Kids Digging for Dinosaurs

Shelf No: 1

How do dinosaurs go up and down

Shelf No: 21

A Fabumouse Vacation for Geronimo

Shelf No: 2

The Secret of the Fairies (Thea Stilton: Special Edition #2)

Shelf No: 2

A Cheese-colored Camper

Shelf No: 2

The magical gabi /written by Heldana Afework and edited by Essey Workie.

Shelf No: 3

Peppa Pig: Where's Peppa's Magical Unicorn?

Shelf No: 10

Recent Books

These are the recent books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

Raising Your Spirited Child RI

Shelf No: 13

Exploring Science: Working scientifically

Shelf No: 1

Novice to Master

Shelf No: 12

Taking a stand: cultivating a new relationship with the world's forests

Shelf No: 17

Privatization and Economic Performance

Shelf No: 17

Heroes in Greek Mythology

Shelf No: 12

Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews : Pharmacology

Shelf No: 7

Three Minutes of Hope: Hugo Gryn on The God Slot

Shelf No: 12


Shelf No: 18

A new paradigm of the African state : fundi wa Afrika / Mueni wa Muiu and Guy Martin.

Shelf No: 15

The Guide to Basic Cover Letter Writing

Shelf No: 14

Data and Computer Communications

Shelf No: 9


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