how to talk so kids will listen & listen so kids will talk,
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faber, adele.
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parenting. interpersonal communication.
how to talk to anyone: 92 little tricks for big success in relationships,
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lowndes, leil.
chicago, ill. : contemporary books, c2003.
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how to talk to anyone,
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lowndes, leil.
chicago, ill. : contemporary books, c2003.
interpersonal communication. body language.
the interpersonal communication book,
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devito, joseph a.
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thanks for the feedback : the science and art of receiving feedback well,
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stone, douglas,
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the art of framing : managing the language of leadership,
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fairhurst, gail theus, 1951-
san francisco : jossey-bass publishers, c1996.
leadership.,communication in management.,interpersonal communication.
training in interpersonal skills: tips for managing people at work,
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robbins, stephen p.
upper saddle river, n.j. : prentice hall, ©2003.
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how to argue and win every time : at home, at work, in court, everywhere, every day,
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spence, gerry
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persuasion (psychology),persuasion (rhetoric),interpersonal communication.