Available Books

These are the available books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

  • Ethiopian Collection
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  • Elementary And High School Text Books
Shelf No : 5
The Siege of Acre, 1189-1191: Saladin, Richard the Lionheart, and the battle that decided the Third Crusade
the siege of acre, 1189-1191: saladin, richard the lionheart, and the battle that decided the third crusade, floor 4 hosler, john d. new haven ; london : yale university press, [2018] richard i, king of england, 1157-1199--military leadership.
Shelf No : 17
Engaged leadership
engaged leadership, floor 2 swindall, clint hoboken, n.j. : john wiley & sons, inc., c2007. leadership. employee motivation.
Shelf No : 19
 Instructor's manual and testbank to accompany Marquis and Huston's Leadership roles and management functions in nursing : theory and application
instructor's manual and testbank to accompany marquis and huston's leadership roles and management functions in nursing : theory and application, floor 1 marquis, bessie l. philadelphia : lippincott, c1996. nursing services--administration.,leadership.
Shelf No : 13
Leadership thoughts : inspire yourself, inspire others
leadership thoughts : inspire yourself, inspire others, floor 1 van rensburg, gerhard. pretoria : van schaik, 2009. leadership.
Shelf No : 13
 Leadership in organizations
leadership in organizations , floor 1 yukl, gary a., 1940- upper saddle river, nj : pearson/prentice hall, c2010. leadership.
Shelf No : 17
The adventure of leadership : an unorthodox business guide by the man who conquered "The North Face"
the adventure of leadership : an unorthodox business guide by the man who conquered "the north face" , floor 2 klopp, hap. stamford, ct : longmeadow press, c1991. leadership.,success in business.
Shelf No : 17
Start with why : how great leaders inspire everyone to take action
start with why : how great leaders inspire everyone to take action , floor 2 sinek, simon. new york : portfolio, 2009. leadership.
Shelf No : 17
The 21 irrefutable laws of leadership : follow them and people will follow you
the 21 irrefutable laws of leadership : follow them and people will follow you, floor 2 maxwell, john c., 1947- nashville, tenn. : thomas nelson, c2007. leadership.,industrial management.
Shelf No : 15
Good to great : why some companies make the leap--and others don't
good to great : why some companies make the leap--and others don't , floor 2 collins, james c. (james charles), 1958- new york, ny : random house ; harperbusiness, 2001. leadership.,strategic planning.,organizational change.,technological innovations--management.
Shelf No : 16
The first 90 days : proven strategies for getting up to speed faster and smarter
the first 90 days : proven strategies for getting up to speed faster and smarter , floor 2 watkins, michael, 1956- boston, massachusetts : harvard business review press, [2013 leadership.,executive ability.,strategic planning.
Shelf No : 16
Five steps to successful business leadership
five steps to successful business leadership , floor 2 little, graham r. mumbai : jaico publishing, 2006. leadership.
Shelf No : 17
The 21 irrefutable laws of leadership : follow them and people will follow you
the 21 irrefutable laws of leadership : follow them and people will follow you, floor 2 maxwell, john c new york, ny : harpercollins leadership, an imprint of harpercollins focus llc., [2022] ©2022 leadership. leadership--religious aspects.
Shelf No : 13
The connective edge : leading in an interdependent world / Jean Lipman-Blumen.
the connective edge : leading in an interdependent world / jean lipman-blumen., floor 1 lipman-blumen, jean. san francisco : jossey-bass publishers, c1996. leadership.
Shelf No : 15
 Good to great : why some companies make the leap... and others don't
good to great : why some companies make the leap... and others don't, floor 2 collins, jim london : random house business, 2001. leadership.,strategic planning.
Shelf No : 4
Leadership by the Book : tools to transform your workplace
leadership by the book : tools to transform your workplace , floor 3 blanchard, kenneth h.,hybels, bill,hodges,phil colorado springs, co : waterbrook press ; new york : william morrow, c1999. leadership.
Shelf No : 13
Political leadership
political leadership, floor 1 kellerman,barbara. pittsburgh, pa. : university of pittsburgh press, c1986. political leadership.
Shelf No : 16
Three Hundred Sixty-degree Leader
three hundred sixty-degree leader, floor 2 maxwell, john c., 1947- nashville : nelson business, c2005. leadership.
Shelf No : 17
The Extraordinary Leader : turning good managers into great leaders
the extraordinary leader : turning good managers into great leaders, floor 2 zenger, john h. new york : mcgraw-hill, c2009. leadership.
Shelf No : 15
Forces for good : the six practices of high-impact nonprofits
forces for good : the six practices of high-impact nonprofits, floor 2 crutchfield, leslie r. san francisco : jossey-bass, 2008. leadership.
Shelf No : 16
Results that last : hardwiring behaviors that will take your company to the top
results that last : hardwiring behaviors that will take your company to the top, floor 2 studer, quint. hoboken, n.j. : j. wiley & sons inc., c2008. leadership.
Shelf No : 11
Principle-centered leadership
principle-centered leadership, floor 1 covey, stephen r. london : simon & schuster, 1992. success--psychological aspects.,success in business.,leadership.
Shelf No : 17
The art of framing : managing the language of leadership
the art of framing : managing the language of leadership, floor 2 fairhurst, gail theus, 1951- san francisco : jossey-bass publishers, c1996. leadership.,communication in management.,interpersonal communication.
Shelf No : 17
Leadership : research findings, practice, and skills / Andrew J. DuBrin.
leadership : research findings, practice, and skills / andrew j. dubrin., floor 2 dubrin, andrew j. boston, ma : houghton mifflin co. : delhi : biztantra, 2009. leadership.
Shelf No : 18
Management in the mirror : stress and emotional dysfunction in lives at the top
management in the mirror : stress and emotional dysfunction in lives at the top , floor 2 schell, bernadette h. (bernadette hlubik), 1952- westport, conn. : quorum, 1999. executives--psychology.,leadership.
Shelf No : 17
The visionary leader : from mission statement to a thriving organization, here's your blueprint for building an inspired, cohesive customer-oriented team
the visionary leader : from mission statement to a thriving organization, here's your blueprint for building an inspired, cohesive customer-oriented team, floor 2 wall, bob rocklin, ca : prima pub., 1992. leadership.
Shelf No : 16
Teams at the top
teams at the top, floor 2 katzenbach, jon r. boston, mass. : harvard business school press, c1998. teams in the workplace. leadership.
Shelf No : 17
Effective strategic leadership.
effective strategic leadership., floor 1 adair, john. london : macmillan, 2002. leadership.
Shelf No : 15
How to make leadership effective and successful to lift up Ethiopia
how to make leadership effective and successful to lift up ethiopia, floor 2 nega moroda debela. alpha omega publications (az) leadership.
Shelf No : 19
Leaders of learning : how district, school, and classroom leaders improve student achievement / Richard DuFour, Robert J. Marzano.
leaders of learning : how district, school, and classroom leaders improve student achievement / richard dufour, robert j. marzano., floor 1 dufour, richard. bloomington, in : solution tree press, c2011. educational leadership.
Shelf No : 17
The leadership spectrum : 6 business priorities that get results
the leadership spectrum : 6 business priorities that get results, floor 2 lippitt, mary burner, 1945- palo alto, ca : davies-black pub., c2002. leadership.,industrial management.
Shelf No : 13
Joining together : group theory and group skills
joining together : group theory and group skills , floor 1 johnson, david w., 1940- boston, ma : a and b, c2006. social groups.,leadership.,group relations training.
Shelf No : 17
Leadership : theory, application, skill developmen
leadership : theory, application, skill developmen, floor 2 lussier, robert n. mason, ohio : thomson/southwestern, c2007. leadership.
Shelf No : 11
The ethical imperative : why moral leadership is good business
the ethical imperative : why moral leadership is good business, floor 1 dalla costa, john. reading, mass. : addison-wesley, c1998. business ethics. leadership.
Shelf No : 16
How to be a Star at Work
how to be a star at work, floor 2 kelley,robert earl. new york : times business, c1998. management. leadership.
Shelf No : 16
Leadership Under Pressure
leadership under pressure, floor 2 stewart, bob, colonel. london ; philadelphia : kogan page, 2009. leadership.
Shelf No : 14
The modern prince
the modern prince , floor 1 lord, carnes. new haven : yale university press, c2003. political leadership.
Shelf No : 7
managing physical education,fitness,and sports programs
managing physical education,fitness,and sports programs, floor 2 railey jim. h california,mayfield publishing company,1993. physicl education and training-adminstration.2,recreation leadership.

Popular Books

These are the popular books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

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Disney Princess Story Collection

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Good Queen Bess

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Smithsonian Kids Digging for Dinosaurs

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How do dinosaurs go up and down

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A Fabumouse Vacation for Geronimo

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The Secret of the Fairies (Thea Stilton: Special Edition #2)

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A Cheese-colored Camper

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The magical gabi /written by Heldana Afework and edited by Essey Workie.

Shelf No: 3

Recent Books

These are the recent books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

'O' level made simple module 4 programing through visual basic (according to year 2003 syllabus)

Shelf No: 8

Drosophila cytogenetics protocols

Shelf No: 5

Trauma Informatics

Shelf No: 9

Images of Schoolteachers in America

Shelf No: 20

Jesse Owens, Champion Athlete

Shelf No: 1

The Encyclopedia of propaganda

Shelf No: 13

From service providers to rights advocates : The changing roles of NGOs and mision societies in education / Arne Kjell Raustol (editor)

Shelf No: 19

Human population, biodiversity and protected areas : science and policy issues : report of a workshop, April 20-21, 1995, Washington, DC

Shelf No: 19

The Three Stooges: Hollywood filming locations

Shelf No: 1

Management of Severe Malnutrition: a manual for physicians and other senior health workers.

Shelf No: 8

How to Report Statistics in Medicine: annotated guidelines for authors, editors, and reviewers

Shelf No: 6

Cinephilia in the Age of Digital Reproduction

Shelf No: 1


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