sra better reading book : 1-3,
floor 1
simpson, elizabeth a
science research associates, chicago, [1962]
lectures et morceaux choisis
understanding reading problems,
floor 1
gillet, jean wallace
pearson, boston, 2012
lecture enseignement correctif
advanced beginner's english reader,
floor 1
mcgraw hill companies
mcgraw-hill contemporary, lincolnwood, ill., ©2001
anglais (langue) lectures et morceaux
j and j language readers,
floor 1
green, jane fell
sopris west, longmont, co, ©2000
anglais (langue) lectures et morceaux choisis
teaching systematic synthetic phonics in primary schools,
floor 1
jolliffe, wendy,amy, thornton (ed)
learning matters, london, 2022
lecture (enseignement primaire)
x-men 2,
floor 1
conner, ted;
scholastic, london, 2007
anglais (langue) lectures et morceaux choisis
the reading workshop,
floor 1
serafini, frank
heinemann, portsmouth, nh, ©2001
lecture (enseignement primaire)
reading goals; : extended readers for basic reading,,
floor 1
mccracken, glenn
lippincott, philadelphia, 1968-72
lecture (enseignement
heath reading,
floor 1
alvermann, donna e
d.c. heath, lexington, mass., 1991
anglais (langue) lectures et morceaux choisis (enseignement primaire)
speed reading,
floor 1
e.a michgan
ntc/contemporary pub., lincolnwood, ill., 2000
lecture rapide speed reading
floor 1
wintner, gene
longman, new york, ©2003
compréhension de la lecture
here we go!,
floor 1
cooper, j. david
houghton mifflin, boston, ©2001
anglais (langue) lectures et morceaux choisis (enseignement primaire)
basic reading skills handbook,
floor 1
wiener harvey s
houghton mifflin co., boston, ©1988
reading detective b1,
floor 1
block cherlyl, giacometti susan
the critical thinking co., seaside, ca, ©2005
anglais (langue) lectures et morceaux choisis
elements of literature,
floor 3
probst, robert e.
holt, rinehart and winston, austin [tex.], ©1997
anglais (langue) lectures et morceaux choisis
elements of literature,
floor 3
e. probst robert
holt, rinehart and winston, austin, tex., ©1997
anglais (langue) lectures et morceaux choisis (enseignement secondaire)
elements of literature,
floor 3
e. probs robert
recording for the blind & dyslexic, princeton, n.j., 2003
anglais (langue) lectures et morceaux choisis (enseignement secondaire)
oxford reading tree: stage 1 : first words: big book teaching notes,
floor 1
oxford university press
oxford university press, oxford, 2004
great britain lecture (enseignement primaire) grande-bretagne reading (primary) reading (primary) great britain
a farewell to arms,
floor 3
hemingway ernest
scribner, new york, 1957
clubs de lecture
elements of literature,
floor 3
robert anderson/
holt, rinehart, and winston, austin, tx, 1989
lecture (enseignement secondaire)
floor 1
isabel l. beck; [et-al].
harcourt school publishers, orlando, fla., ©2008
compréhension de la lecture étude et enseignement
the bedford reader,
floor 3
kennedy, x. j.; kennedy, d
bedford/st martins, boston, 2011
anglais (langue) lectures et morceaux choisis (enseignement supérieur) anglais (langue) rhétorique p
: gulliver's travels,
floor 3
bethancourt, t. ernesto
globe fearon, paramus, n.j., 1995
anglais (langue) lectures et morceaux choisis pour nouveaux alphabétisés
real essays with reading,
floor 3
: anker, susan
bedford/st. martin's, boston, ©2003
anglais (langue) lectures et morceaux choisis (enseignement supérieur)
models for writers : ,
floor 3
: rosa, alfre
bedford/st. martin's, boston, 2015
anglais (langue) lectures et morceaux choisis (enseignement supérieur)
if ... then ... curriculum : assessment-based instruction, grades k/2,
floor 1
calkins, lucy
heinemann, portsmouth, nh, 2015
lecture (enseignement primaire) programmes d'études
reading with meaning,
floor 1
miller, debbie
stenhouse publishers, portland, me., ©2002
compréhension de la lecture grundschule
elements of argument,
floor 3
rottenberg, annette t.
bedford/st. martins, boston, ma, ©2010
anglais (langue) lectures et morceaux choisis (enseignement supérieur)
the bedford introduction to literature ,
floor 3
meyer, michael, 1945-
college readers
anglais (langue) lectures et morceaux choisis (enseignement
virginia hall,
floor 1
bradbury, adrian
collins, london, ©2012
anglais (langue) lectures et morceaux choisis (enseignement primaire)
new frontiers,
floor 1
margaret early
harcourt brace jovanovich, new york, ©1983
prentice hall literature : world masterpieces,
floor 3
beers, burton f.,corcoran, james
prentice hall, englewood cliffs, n.j., ©1991
anglais (langue) lectures et morceaux choisis (enseignement secondaire)
when readers struggle : teaching that works,
floor 1
pinnell, gay su;,fountas, irene c.
heinemann, portsmouth, nh, 2009
lecture (première enfance)
assessment and instruction of reading and writing difficulties : an interactive approach,
floor 1
lipson marjorie y.; wixson karen k.
pearson, boston, ©2009
lecture compréhension
the bedford reader, high school edition,
floor 3
kennedy, x. j.; kennedy, dorothy m.; kennedy, x. j.; aaron, jane e.
bedford/st martin's, boston, 2014
anglais (langue) lectures et morceaux choisis
scott foresman reading,
floor 1
afflerbach, peter; [et-al].
scott foresman, dorling kindersley, glenview, illinois, 2004
lecture (enseignement primaire)
landmarks : a process reader,
floor 3
birks, roberta; ed
langara college, vancouver, b.c., 2004
college readers,english language--rhetoric,anglais (langue) lectures et morceaux choisis
strategic reading : guiding students to lifelong literacy, 6-12,
boynton/cook publishers-heinemann, portsmouth, nh, ©2001
lecture (école moyenne)
creating literacy-rich schools for adolescents,
floor 1
douglas fisher gay ivey,
association for supervision and curriculum development, alexandria, va., ©2006
language arts & disciplines reading skills lecture (enseignement secondaire)
assessment and instruction of reading and writing difficulty : an interactive approach,
floor 1
allyn and bacon, boston, ©2003
compréhension de la lecture