Available Books

These are the available books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

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  • Elementary And High School Text Books
Shelf No : 21
SRA better reading book : 1-3
sra better reading book : 1-3, floor 1 simpson, elizabeth a science research associates, chicago, [1962] lectures et morceaux choisis
Shelf No : 21
Understanding Reading Problems
understanding reading problems, floor 1 gillet, jean wallace pearson, boston, 2012 lecture enseignement correctif
Shelf No : 21
Advanced beginner's English reader
advanced beginner's english reader, floor 1 mcgraw hill companies mcgraw-hill contemporary, lincolnwood, ill., ©2001 anglais (langue) lectures et morceaux
Shelf No : 20
J and J Language Readers
j and j language readers, floor 1 green, jane fell sopris west, longmont, co, ©2000 anglais (langue) lectures et morceaux choisis
Shelf No : 13
Teaching systematic synthetic phonics in primary schools
teaching systematic synthetic phonics in primary schools, floor 1 jolliffe, wendy,amy, thornton (ed) learning matters, london, 2022 lecture (enseignement primaire)
Shelf No : 21
X-men 2
x-men 2, floor 1 conner, ted; scholastic, london, 2007 anglais (langue) lectures et morceaux choisis
Shelf No : 20
The Reading Workshop
the reading workshop, floor 1 serafini, frank heinemann, portsmouth, nh, ©2001 lecture (enseignement primaire)
Shelf No : 21
 Reading goals; : extended readers for BASIC READING,
reading goals; : extended readers for basic reading,, floor 1 mccracken, glenn lippincott, philadelphia, 1968-72 lecture (enseignement
Shelf No : 20
 Heath reading
heath reading, floor 1 alvermann, donna e d.c. heath, lexington, mass., 1991 anglais (langue) lectures et morceaux choisis (enseignement primaire)
Shelf No : 21
 Speed reading
speed reading, floor 1 e.a michgan ntc/contemporary pub., lincolnwood, ill., 2000 lecture rapide speed reading
Shelf No : 21
textcerpts, floor 1 wintner, gene longman, new york, ©2003 compréhension de la lecture
Shelf No : 21
 Here we go!
here we go!, floor 1 cooper, j. david houghton mifflin, boston, ©2001 anglais (langue) lectures et morceaux choisis (enseignement primaire)
Shelf No : 21
Basic reading skills handbook
basic reading skills handbook, floor 1 wiener harvey s houghton mifflin co., boston, ©1988 lecture
Shelf No : 20
Reading Detective B1
reading detective b1, floor 1 block cherlyl, giacometti susan the critical thinking co., seaside, ca, ©2005 anglais (langue) lectures et morceaux choisis
Shelf No : 3
Elements of Literature
elements of literature, floor 3 probst, robert e. holt, rinehart and winston, austin [tex.], ©1997 anglais (langue) lectures et morceaux choisis
Shelf No : 2
 Elements of literature
elements of literature, floor 3 e. probst robert holt, rinehart and winston, austin, tex., ©1997 anglais (langue) lectures et morceaux choisis (enseignement secondaire)
Shelf No : 2
Elements of Literature
elements of literature, floor 3 e. probs robert recording for the blind & dyslexic, princeton, n.j., 2003 anglais (langue) lectures et morceaux choisis (enseignement secondaire)
Shelf No : 21
Oxford Reading Tree: Stage 1 : First Words: Big Book Teaching Notes
oxford reading tree: stage 1 : first words: big book teaching notes, floor 1 oxford university press oxford university press, oxford, 2004 great britain lecture (enseignement primaire) grande-bretagne reading (primary) reading (primary) great britain
Shelf No : 3
A farewell to arms
a farewell to arms, floor 3 hemingway ernest scribner, new york, 1957 clubs de lecture
Shelf No : 3
 Elements of literature
elements of literature, floor 3 robert anderson/et..al holt, rinehart, and winston, austin, tx, 1989 lecture (enseignement secondaire)
Shelf No : 21
storytown, floor 1 isabel l. beck; [et-al]. harcourt school publishers, orlando, fla., ©2008 compréhension de la lecture étude et enseignement
Shelf No : 2
The Bedford reader
the bedford reader, floor 3 kennedy, x. j.; kennedy, d bedford/st martins, boston, 2011 anglais (langue) lectures et morceaux choisis (enseignement supérieur) anglais (langue) rhétorique p
Shelf No : 10
: Gulliver's travels
: gulliver's travels, floor 3 bethancourt, t. ernesto globe fearon, paramus, n.j., 1995 anglais (langue) lectures et morceaux choisis pour nouveaux alphabétisés
Shelf No : 2
 Real essays with reading
real essays with reading, floor 3 : anker, susan bedford/st. martin's, boston, ©2003 anglais (langue) lectures et morceaux choisis (enseignement supérieur)
Shelf No : 2
Models for writers :
models for writers : , floor 3 : rosa, alfre bedford/st. martin's, boston, 2015 anglais (langue) lectures et morceaux choisis (enseignement supérieur)
Shelf No : 13
If ... then ... curriculum : assessment-based instruction, grades K/2
if ... then ... curriculum : assessment-based instruction, grades k/2, floor 1 calkins, lucy heinemann, portsmouth, nh, 2015 lecture (enseignement primaire) programmes d'études
Shelf No : 20
Reading with Meaning
reading with meaning, floor 1 miller, debbie stenhouse publishers, portland, me., ©2002 compréhension de la lecture grundschule
Shelf No : 2
Elements of argument
elements of argument, floor 3 rottenberg, annette t. bedford/st. martins, boston, ma, ©2010 anglais (langue) lectures et morceaux choisis (enseignement supérieur)
Shelf No : 2
The Bedford introduction to literature
the bedford introduction to literature , floor 3 meyer, michael, 1945- college readers anglais (langue) lectures et morceaux choisis (enseignement
Shelf No : 21
Virginia Hall
virginia hall, floor 1 bradbury, adrian collins, london, ©2012 anglais (langue) lectures et morceaux choisis (enseignement primaire)
Shelf No : 21
New frontiers
new frontiers, floor 1 margaret early harcourt brace jovanovich, new york, ©1983 lecture
Shelf No : 2
Prentice Hall literature : world masterpieces
prentice hall literature : world masterpieces, floor 3 beers, burton f.,corcoran, james prentice hall, englewood cliffs, n.j., ©1991 anglais (langue) lectures et morceaux choisis (enseignement secondaire)
Shelf No : 20
When readers struggle : teaching that works
when readers struggle : teaching that works, floor 1 pinnell, gay su;,fountas, irene c. heinemann, portsmouth, nh, 2009 lecture (première enfance)
Shelf No : 21
Assessment and instruction of reading and writing difficulties : an interactive approach
assessment and instruction of reading and writing difficulties : an interactive approach, floor 1 lipson marjorie y.; wixson karen k. pearson, boston, ©2009 lecture compréhension
Shelf No : 2
The Bedford Reader, High School Edition
the bedford reader, high school edition, floor 3 kennedy, x. j.; kennedy, dorothy m.; kennedy, x. j.; aaron, jane e. bedford/st martin's, boston, 2014 anglais (langue) lectures et morceaux choisis
Shelf No : 20
Scott Foresman reading
scott foresman reading, floor 1 afflerbach, peter; [et-al]. scott foresman, dorling kindersley, glenview, illinois, 2004 lecture (enseignement primaire)
Shelf No : 2
Landmarks : a Process Reader
landmarks : a process reader, floor 3 birks, roberta; ed langara college, vancouver, b.c., 2004 college readers,english language--rhetoric,anglais (langue) lectures et morceaux choisis
Shelf No : --
Strategic reading : guiding students to lifelong literacy, 6-12
strategic reading : guiding students to lifelong literacy, 6-12, -- wilhelm, boynton/cook publishers-heinemann, portsmouth, nh, ©2001 lecture (école moyenne)
Shelf No : 21
Creating Literacy-rich Schools for Adolescents
creating literacy-rich schools for adolescents, floor 1 douglas fisher gay ivey, association for supervision and curriculum development, alexandria, va., ©2006 language arts & disciplines reading skills lecture (enseignement secondaire)
Shelf No : 21
Assessment and instruction of reading and writing difficulty : an interactive approach
assessment and instruction of reading and writing difficulty : an interactive approach, floor 1 lipson allyn and bacon, boston, ©2003 compréhension de la lecture

Popular Books

These are the popular books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

The art of seduction

Shelf No: 14

Disney Princess Story Collection

Shelf No: 21


Shelf No: 15

Good Queen Bess

Shelf No: 3


Shelf No: 5


Shelf No: 4

Smithsonian Kids Digging for Dinosaurs

Shelf No: 1

How do dinosaurs go up and down

Shelf No: 21

A Fabumouse Vacation for Geronimo

Shelf No: 2

The Secret of the Fairies (Thea Stilton: Special Edition #2)

Shelf No: 2

A Cheese-colored Camper

Shelf No: 2

The magical gabi /written by Heldana Afework and edited by Essey Workie.

Shelf No: 3

Recent Books

These are the recent books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

Managers as mentors : building partnerships for learning

Shelf No: 16

The threatening storm : the case for invading Iraq / Kenneth M. Pollack.

Shelf No: 5

Don't Jump to Solutions

Shelf No: 17

Law, war and crime : war crimes trials and the reinvention of international law

Shelf No: 18

Molecules of Emotion

Shelf No: 7

The tragedy of Yugoslavia : the failure of democratic transformation

Shelf No: 4

Taiwan's electoral politics and democratic transition : riding the third wave

Shelf No: 15

Organizing Europe : the institutions of integration

Shelf No: 18


Shelf No: 19

The Harcourt Brace Student Dictionary

Shelf No: 21

Selecting and managing electronic resources : a how-to-do-it manual for librarians

Shelf No: 9

A Reader in peace studies

Shelf No: 15


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