Available Books

These are the available books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

  • Ethiopian Collection
  • Reference
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  • Elementary And High School Text Books
Shelf No : 18
Organic Photoreceptors for Imaging Systems
organic photoreceptors for imaging systems, floor 2 borsenberger, paul m., new york : m. dekker, c1993. toners (xerography)--materials.
Shelf No : 10
Introduction to Materials Science for Engineers
introduction to materials science for engineers, floor 2 shackelford, james f. upper saddle river, n.j. : pearson/prentice hall, c2005. materials.
Shelf No : 9
Administering the school library media center.
administering the school library media center., floor 1 morris, betty j. westport, conn. : libraries unlimited, 2004. school libraries--administration.,instructional materials centers--administration.,media programs (education)
Shelf No : 10
Engineering materials : an introduction to their properties and applications
engineering materials : an introduction to their properties and applications, floor 2 ashby, m. f. oxford ; new york : pergamon press, 1980. materials.
Shelf No : 11
Materials and member behavior : proceedings of the sessions at Structures Congress '87 related to materials and member behavior, Hyatt Orlando Hotel, Orlando, Florida, August 17-20, 1987
materials and member behavior : proceedings of the sessions at structures congress '87 related to materials and member behavior, hyatt orlando hotel, orlando, florida, august 17-20, 1987 , floor 2 structures congress '87 (1987 : orlando, fla.) new york, n.y. : american society of civil engineers, c1987. structural analysis (engineering)--congresses.,building materials--congresses.
Shelf No : 10
Strength of materials
strength of materials , floor 2 singer, ferdinand leon, 1907- new york : harper & row, c1980. strength of materials.
Shelf No : 10
Alternative materials for the reinforcement and prestressing of concrete
alternative materials for the reinforcement and prestressing of concrete , floor 2 london ; new york : blackie academic, 1993. tendons (prestressed concrete)--materials.,reinforcing bars--materials.,glass fibers.
Shelf No : 10
The Science and Engineering of Materials
the science and engineering of materials, floor 2 askeland, donald r. boston : pws-kent pub. co., c1989. materials.
Shelf No : 19
 Up and out of poverty : selected speeches in Fujian
up and out of poverty : selected speeches in fujian , floor 1 jinping, xi. peijing : foreign languages press, 2016. socialist construction--fujian--documents--english.,xi jinping--speeches--study materials.
Shelf No : 10
Mechanics of Materials
mechanics of materials, floor 2 gere, james m. 4th ed.,cheltenham, u.k. : stanley thornes, 1999. strength of materials.
Shelf No : 18
Modern machining methods & machining of advanced ceramics
modern machining methods & machining of advanced ceramics, floor 2 adithan, m. new delhi : khanna publishers, 2012. ceramic materials--machining
Shelf No : 1
Lippincott illustrated reviews flash cards : microbiology
lippincott illustrated reviews flash cards : microbiology, ground floor cornelissen, cynthia nau wolters kluwer health, philadelphia, ©2015 audio-visual materials,microbiological phenomena
Shelf No : 10
 Strength of materials : MKS and SI units
strength of materials : mks and si units, floor 2 khurmi, r. s. s. chand, new delhi, 1988 strength of materials
Shelf No : 10
Electronic Engineering Materials and Devices
electronic engineering materials and devices, floor 2 allison, john mcgraw-hill, london, [1971] electronics--materials
Shelf No : 6
Alternative building materials and technologies
alternative building materials and technologies, floor 2 jagadish, k. s./et.al ew age international (p) ltd., publishers, new delhi, 2007 building materials
Shelf No : 10
Resistant Materials Technology
resistant materials technology, floor 2 lambert, barry heinemann, oxford [england], 2002 strength of materials
Shelf No : 11
Materials and Devices for Electrical Engineers and Physicists
materials and devices for electrical engineers and physicists, floor 2 colclaser, roy a.,diehl-nagle, sherra mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1985 electronics--materials
Shelf No : 10
Engineered materials handbook : Volume 2,. Engineering plastics
engineered materials handbook : volume 2,. engineering plastics, floor 2 asm international handbook committee asm international, metals park, ohio, ©2000 materials
Shelf No : 1
1985 Annual book of ASTM standards: vol. 10. 01 and 10.04.   Electrical institution and Electronics
1985 annual book of astm standards: vol. 10. 01 and 10.04. electrical institution and electronics , ground floor astm astm,©1985 materials--standards
Shelf No : 18
Properties of Ceramic Raw Materials
properties of ceramic raw materials, floor 2 ryan, w. (william) pergamon press, oxford, 1978 ceramic materials
Shelf No : 17
Materials Handling
materials handling, floor 2 allegri, theodore h. (theodore henry), 1920- krieger pub. co., malabar, fla., 1992 materials handling
Shelf No : 10
Impact testing of materials
impact testing of materials, floor 2 späth, wilhelm gordon and breach, new york, [1961] materials--testing
Shelf No : 10
Applied Statics and Strength of Materials
applied statics and strength of materials, floor 2 spiegel, leonard,limbrunner, george f pearson/prentice hall, upper saddle river, nj, 2004 strength of materials
Shelf No : 18
Modern refractory practice
modern refractory practice, floor 2 harbison-walker refractories company [printed by the caxton co.], [cleveland], [1961] refractory materials
Shelf No : 6
Annual book of ASTM standards. Section 1, Iron and steel products. Vol. 01.01, Steel - piping, tubing, fittings
annual book of astm standards. section 1, iron and steel products. vol. 01.01, steel - piping, tubing, fittings, floor 2 american society for testing and materials astm, philadelphia, pa, 1985 materials--standards
Shelf No : 1
The physics of engineering solids
the physics of engineering solids, floor 2 hutchison, t. s.,baird, d. c. wiley, new york, [1963] materials
Shelf No : 1
Fabrication of composite materials
fabrication of composite materials, floor 3 : schwartz, mel m american society for metals, metals park, ohio, ©1985 composite materials
Shelf No : 10
Advanced Mechanics of Materials
advanced mechanics of materials, floor 2 boresi, arthur p wiley, new york, ©1978 strength of materials
Shelf No : 10
: Stress analysis of fiber-reinforced composite materials
: stress analysis of fiber-reinforced composite materials, floor 2 : hyer, m. w. wcb mcgraw-hill, boston, mass., ©1998 composite materials
Shelf No : 10
Elements of materials science and engineering
elements of materials science and engineering, floor 2 van vlack, addison-wesley pub. co., reading, mass., ©1980 materials
Shelf No : 10
Advanced Mechanics of Materials
advanced mechanics of materials, floor 2 cook, robert davis. upper saddle river, n.j. : prentice hall, ©1999. strength of materials.
Shelf No : 18
Road and building materials
road and building materials, floor 2 shestoperov, s. v mir publishers, moscow, ©1983 road materials
Shelf No : 10
Materials for structural and mechanical functions
materials for structural and mechanical functions, floor 2 koves, gabor. hayden book co, new york, [1970] materials
Shelf No : 10
 properties of engineering materials
properties of engineering materials, floor 2 higgins, raymond a hodder and stoughton, london, 1977 materials
Shelf No : 17
The Structure and Dynamics of U.S. Government Policymaking
the structure and dynamics of u.s. government policymaking, floor 1 anderson, ewan w. praeger, new york, 1988 mineral industries--government policy,strategic materials--government policy
Shelf No : 10
Materials for structural and mechanical functions
materials for structural and mechanical functions, floor 2 koves, gabor hayden book co, new york, [1970] materials for structural and mechanical functions
Shelf No : 10
Mechanics of Materials
mechanics of materials, floor 2 beer, ferdinand p. [ et al ] mcgraw-hill, new york, ©2012 strength of materials
Shelf No : 10
Mechanics of Materials SI Edition
mechanics of materials si edition, floor 2 gere, james m. cengage learning, stamford, conn., 2013 strength of materials,materials science
Shelf No : 10
Materials Science and Engineering
materials science and engineering, floor 2 callister, william d. wiley, hoboken, nj, 2015 materials
Shelf No : 10
Mechanics of materials
mechanics of materials, floor 2 gere, james m. cengage learning, stamford, conn., ©2013 strength of materials
Shelf No : 10
Mechanical properties of materials
mechanical properties of materials, floor 2 pelleg, joshua springer, dordrecht, ©2013 mechanical properties of materials
Shelf No : 10
Materials Testing
materials testing, floor 2 department of the army don c. warington, ©2009 materials testing
Shelf No : 10
Composite materials--Mechanical properties
composite materials--mechanical properties , floor 2 daniel, isaac m,ishai, ori oxford university press, new york, 2006 composite materials--mechanical properties
Shelf No : 10
Mechanics of materials
mechanics of materials, floor 2 beer, ferdinand p. [ et al ] mcgraw-hill education, new york, ny, 2015 strength of materials
Shelf No : 10
Strength of materials : Part 1,. Elementary theory and problems
strength of materials : part 1,. elementary theory and problems, floor 2 timoshenko, stephen cbs publishers & distributors pvt. ltd., new delhi, 2002 strength of materials
Shelf No : 10
Engineering materials 1 : an introduction to properties, applications and design
engineering materials 1 : an introduction to properties, applications and design, floor 2 ashby, m. f.; jones, david r. h. m. f.; elsevier science publishers butterworth-heinemann, amsterdam, ©2012 materials
Shelf No : 10
 Strength of materials
strength of materials, floor 2 subramanian, r. oxford university press, new delhi, 2010 strength of materials
Shelf No : 10
Schaum's outlines : strength of materials
schaum's outlines : strength of materials, floor 2 nash, william a,potter, merle c,nash, william a. mcgraw hill education, new york, 2014 strength of materials
Shelf No : 10
Engineering mechanics of composite materials
engineering mechanics of composite materials, floor 2 daniel, isaac m.,ishai, ori oxford university press, new york, 2006 composite materials--testing
Shelf No : 10
Strength of Materials
strength of materials, floor 2 rajput er.r.k. s. chand & co., new delhi, 2010 strength of materials
Shelf No : 12
Aggregates in Concrete
aggregates in concrete, floor 2 alexander, mark london ; new york : taylor & francis, c2008. aggregates (building materials) concrete.
Shelf No : 10
Strength of Materials
strength of materials, floor 2 lehri, r.s.,lehri, a.s. s.k. kataria & sons ; 2002 strength of materials
Shelf No : 10
Strength of materials : lab testing, theory & problems
strength of materials : lab testing, theory & problems, floor 2 raghunath, h. m new age international, new delhi, 2010 strength of materials
Shelf No : 10
Strength of Materials, 4th Edition
strength of materials, 4th edition, floor 2 bhavikatti, s s house pvt ltd ; 2013 strength of materials
Shelf No : 10
Strength of Materials
strength of materials, floor 2 negi, l. s. tata mcgraw-hill, new delhi, ©2008 strength of materials
Shelf No : 10
Strength of Materials, Third Edition
strength of materials, third edition, floor 2 singh, dinesh kumar ane books pvt. ltd. ; crc press, new delhi, india, boca raton, fl, u.s.a., 2014 strength of materials
Shelf No : 18
Fundamentals of Building Construction
fundamentals of building construction, floor 2 allen, edward,iano, joseph wiley, hoboken, new jersey, 2014 building materials
Shelf No : 10
The Testing of Engineering Materials
the testing of engineering materials, floor 2 davis, harmer e.,hauck, george f. w.; troxell, george earl, mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1982 materials--testing
Shelf No : 6
 Strength of materials
strength of materials, floor 2 rattan, sarjit s. tata mcgraw-hill education, new delhi, 2011 strength of materials
Shelf No : 10
Strength of Materials
strength of materials, floor 2 ryder, g. h. macmillan, london, 1969 strength of materials
Shelf No : 10
Materials handbook
materials handbook, floor 2 brady, george s.,clauser, henry r. mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1977 materials
Shelf No : 10
 Annual book of ASTM standards, 1985
annual book of astm standards, 1985, floor 2 american society for testing and materials american society for testing and materials materials--standards
Shelf No : 18
Carpentry Level 1 Trainee Guide 2001 Revision, Perfect Bound
carpentry level 1 trainee guide 2001 revision, perfect bound, floor 2 national center for construction education and research (u.s.) recording for the blind & dyslexic, princeton, n.j., 2003 programmed instructional materials
Shelf No : 18
ASTM standards in building codes : specifications, test methods, practices classifications, definitions
astm standards in building codes : specifications, test methods, practices classifications, definitions, floor 2 american society for testing and materials american society of testing and materials, philadelphia, penn., 1988 building materials--standards
Shelf No : 17
materials management, floor 2 datta a. k prentice-hall of india, new delhi, 1998 materials management
Shelf No : 10
Industrial and Engineering Materials
industrial and engineering materials, floor 2 clauser, henry r. mcgraw-hill, new york, [1975] materials
Shelf No : 1
Teaching Science
teaching science, floor 2 liversidge, tony[etal} sage publications, london, 2009 materials science & technology
Shelf No : 19
Cruise Missile Proliferation in the 1990s
cruise missile proliferation in the 1990s, floor 1 carus, w. seth praeger, westport ct, 1992 control of trade and export of war materials (international law)
Shelf No : 18
Handbook of Industrial Refractories Technology
handbook of industrial refractories technology, floor 2 carniglia stephen c.,barna gordon l. noyes publications, park ridge, n.j., ©1992 refractory materials
Shelf No : 10
Strength of Materials and Structures: An Introduction to the Mechanics of…
strength of materials and structures: an introduction to the mechanics of…, floor 2 case john edward arnold, london, 1971 strength of materials
Shelf No : 6
Concept Mapping
concept mapping, floor 2 schuster, pamela mchugh f.a. davis, philadelphia, ©2012 audio-visual materials
Shelf No : 17
Total Materials Management: the frontier for maximizing profit in the 1990s
total materials management: the frontier for maximizing profit in the 1990s, floor 2 magad, eugene l.;,amos, john m. van nostrand reinhold, new york, ©1989 materials management
Shelf No : 10
Mechanics of Materials
mechanics of materials, floor 2 beer, ferdinand p.,johnston, e. russell ;,dewolf, john t. mcgraw-hill higher education, boston, ©2006 strength of materials
Shelf No : 9
Assessing Learning: librarians and teachers as partners
assessing learning: librarians and teachers as partners, floor 1 harada, violet h.;,yoshina, joan m. libraries unlimited, westport, conn., 2005 instructional materials centers evaluation
Shelf No : 10
Mechanics of Materials
mechanics of materials, floor 2 pytel, andrew,kiusalaas, jaan cengage learning, stamford, ct, ©2012 strength of materials
Shelf No : 21
swahili, floor 1 russell, j. c. ( ntc pub., lincolnwood, ill., 1996 matériel d'enseignement programmé programmed instructional materials
Shelf No : 17
The International political economy of natural resources
the international political economy of natural resources, floor 1 zacher, mark w. (ed.) e. elgar pub., aldershot, hants, england, ©1993 natural resources,strategic materials
Shelf No : 10
Strength of materials
strength of materials, floor 2 kozachenko, a. b.,bart, i︠u︡. i︠a︡.,rubt︠s︡ov, a. a. mir publishers ; imported by imported publications, moscow, chicago, ill., 1988 strength of materials
Shelf No : 10
Chambers materials science and technology dictionary
chambers materials science and technology dictionary, floor 2 walker, p. m. b. chambers, edinburgh [scotland], 1993 materials science
Shelf No : 10
 An Introduction To Engineering Materials Principles And Properties
an introduction to engineering materials principles and properties, floor 2 ravīśa kumāra asian books, new delhi, 2008 materials
Shelf No : 13
This Old House Guide to Building and Remodeling Materials
this old house guide to building and remodeling materials, floor 2 vila, bob warner books, new york, ny, ©1986 building materials
Shelf No : 10
Annual Book of ASTM Standards
annual book of astm standards, floor 2 american society for testing and materials the society, philadelphia, pa, ©1988 materials--standards
Shelf No : 17
World class supply management : the key to supply chain management
world class supply management : the key to supply chain management, floor 2 david n. burt,stephen l. starling,donald w. dobler mcgraw-hill/irwin, boston, ©2003 materials management
Shelf No : 10
Techniques for Corrosion Monitoring
techniques for corrosion monitoring, floor 2 lietai yang,institute of materials, minerals, and mining woodhead pub. ; maney pub. ; crc press, cambridge, england, [england?], boca raton, fl, 2008 institute of materials, minerals, and mining
Shelf No : 10
Structure and Properties of Engineering Materials
structure and properties of engineering materials, floor 2 henkel, daniel p,pense, alan w. mcgraw-hill, boston, ©2002 materials
Shelf No : 1
A Library, Media, and Archival Preservation Handbook
a library, media, and archival preservation handbook, floor 1 depew, john n. abc-clio, santa barbara, california, 1991 archival materials--conservation and restoration
Shelf No : 17
Conservation and Economic Efficiency
conservation and economic efficiency, floor 1 page, talbot published for resources for the future by the johns hopkins university press, baltimore, ©1977 raw materials
Shelf No : 18
Building materials
building materials, floor 2 s. k. duggal new age international publishers, new delhi, 2003 building materials
Shelf No : 6
Metals for biomedical devices
metals for biomedical devices, floor 2 niinomi, m. (mitsuo)" woodhead publishing, [place of publication not identified], 2019 biomedical materials
Shelf No : 10
Engineering Materials: properties and selection
engineering materials: properties and selection, floor 2 budinski, kenneth g.;,budinski, michael k. pearson, upper saddle river, n.j., ©2005 materials,aluminum
Shelf No : 10
Electrospun Nanofibers
electrospun nanofibers, floor 2 afshari, mehdi woodhead publishing, duxford, ©2017 nanostructured materials
Shelf No : 18
Polyaniline Blends, Composites, and Nanocomposites
polyaniline blends, composites, and nanocomposites, floor 2 elsevier, amsterdam, netherlands, 2018 composite materials,nanocomposites (materials)
Shelf No : 10
Engineering materials 2
engineering materials 2, floor 2 jones, david r. h. 1945,ashby, m. f. butterworth-heinemann, oxford, 2006 materials
Shelf No : 17
When Nations Clash
when nations clash, floor 1 ronnie d. lipschutz ballinger pub. co., [new york, ny], ©1989 raw materials--political aspects
Shelf No : 10
Advanced strength and applied elasticity
advanced strength and applied elasticity, floor 2 ugural, a. c,fenster, saul k. elsevier, new york, c1987 strength of materials
Shelf No : 10
Elements of materials science; an introductory text for engineering students
elements of materials science; an introductory text for engineering students, floor 2 van vlack, lawrence h. addison-wesley pub. co, reading, mass., massachusetts, [1964] materials,materials science
Shelf No : 10
Mechanics of materials
mechanics of materials, floor 2 beer, ferdinand p. mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1981 strength of materials
Shelf No : 19
Never work harder than your students & other principles of great teaching
never work harder than your students & other principles of great teaching, floor 1 jackson, robyn renee association for supervision and curriculum development, alexandria, va, ©2009 materials general
Shelf No : 10
 Mechanics of materials
mechanics of materials, floor 2 gere, james m.,goodno, barry j,timoshenko, stephen, stanley thornes, cheltenham, u.k., 1999 strength of materials
Shelf No : 6
Highway materials, soils, and concretes
highway materials, soils, and concretes, floor 2 atkins, harold n. prentice hall, upper saddle river, ©2003 road materials
Shelf No : 17
Purchasing and materials management
purchasing and materials management, floor 2 gopalakrishnan, p tata mcgraw-hill, new delhi, 1990 materials management case studies
Shelf No : 17
Material Management: An Integrated Approach
material management: an integrated approach, floor 2 gopalakrishnan, p prentice-hall of india, new delhi, 1977 materials management,india
Shelf No : 12
Bituminous Mixtures in Road Construction
bituminous mixtures in road construction, floor 2 hunter, robert n. (robert newell); thomas telford, london, 1994 bituminous materials
Shelf No : 10
Strength of materials : Part 2,. Advanced theory and problems
strength of materials : part 2,. advanced theory and problems, floor 2 timoshenko, stephen cbs publishers & distributors, delhi, 1986 strength of materials
Shelf No : 9
Introduction to dental materials
introduction to dental materials, floor 2 noort, richard van,barbour, michele e mosby, london, 1994 dental materials
Shelf No : 10
Engineering materials and their applications
engineering materials and their applications, floor 2 flinn, richard aloysius,,trojan, paul k houghton mifflin, boston, [1975] materials
Shelf No : 10
Elements of materials science and engineering
elements of materials science and engineering, floor 2 van vlack, lawrence h. addison-wesley pub. co., reading, mass., ©1975 materials,solids
Shelf No : 17
 Supplies and materials management : a textbook for purchasing and supply
supplies and materials management : a textbook for purchasing and supply, floor 2 compton, h. k macdonald and evans materials management
Shelf No : 10
Engineering materials and their applications
engineering materials and their applications, floor 2 flinn, richard aloysius,,trojan paul k houghton mifflin, boston, 1990 materials
Shelf No : 10
Strength of materials
strength of materials, floor 2 bhavikatti, s. s. vikas publ. house, new delhi, 2003 strength of materials
Shelf No : 17
Handbooks of materials management
handbooks of materials management, floor 2 gopalakrishnan p. prentice hall of india, new delhi, 1994 materials management
Shelf No : 10
Periodic Materials and Interference Lithography
periodic materials and interference lithography, floor 2 maldovan, martin,thomas, edwin l. wiley-vch, weinheim, ©2009 materials science
Shelf No : 12
Carbon Nanomaterial-Based Adsorbents for Water Purification
carbon nanomaterial-based adsorbents for water purification, floor 2 ray, suprakas sinha, gusain, rashi; kumar, neeraj elsevier, amsterdam, netherlands, 2020 nanostructured materials
Shelf No : 10
 Mechanics of materials
mechanics of materials, floor 2 gere, james m.,timoshenko, stephen pws pub co strength of materials
Shelf No : 4
Trace analysis with nanomaterials
trace analysis with nanomaterials, floor 2 pierce, david t. wiley-vch, weinheim, 2010 nanostructured materials
Shelf No : 20
Filières nationales et marchés mondiaux de matières premières : veille stratégique et prospective
filières nationales et marchés mondiaux de matières premières : veille stratégique et prospective, floor 1 calabre, serge economica, paris, fr, 1997 raw materials--government policy
Shelf No : 9
Introduction to Dental Materials
introduction to dental materials, floor 2 noort richard van; barbour michele e. mosby, edinburgh, 2002 biomedical and dental materials
Shelf No : 10
Principles of materials science and engineering
principles of materials science and engineering, floor 2 smith, william f mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1996 german language materials
Shelf No : 12
Alternative Materials in Road Construction
alternative materials in road construction, floor 2 sherwood, p. t. t. telford, london, 2001 waste products as road materials
Shelf No : 10
Mechanics of Materials
mechanics of materials, floor 2 beer, ferdinand p.,johnston, e. russell,dewolf, john t mcgraw-hill, new york, 2002 strength of materials
Shelf No : 12
Materials for Civil and Construction Engineers
materials for civil and construction engineers, floor 2 mamlouk, michael s.,zaniewski, john p. prentice hall, upper saddle river, 2011 materials,civil engineering
Shelf No : 3
Basic Solid Mechanics
basic solid mechanics, floor 2 rees, d. w. a. macmillan, houndmills, basingstoke, hampshire, 1997 strength of materials
Shelf No : 10
Carbon Nanotechnology
carbon nanotechnology, floor 2 dai, liming elsevier, amsterdam, 2006 nanostructured materials
Shelf No : 10
Introduction to Materials Science for Engineers
introduction to materials science for engineers, floor 2 shackelford, james f pearson, boston, 2015 materials
Shelf No : 3
Defects and Defect Processes in Nonmetallic Solids
defects and defect processes in nonmetallic solids, floor 2 hayes, w.,stoneham, a. m. wiley, new york, ©1985 nonmetallic materials--defects
Shelf No : 9
Introduction to Dental Materials
introduction to dental materials, floor 2 noort, richard van;,barbour, michele e. mosby elsevier, edinburgh, 2013 dental materials
Shelf No : 6
Biomaterials Science
biomaterials science, floor 2 ratner, b. d academic press, [place of publication not identified], 2013 biomedical materials
Shelf No : 10
Mechanics of Materials
mechanics of materials, floor 2 hibbeler, r. c pearson, boston, 2016 materials problems, exercises, etc

Popular Books

These are the popular books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

Disney Princess Story Collection

Shelf No: 21


Shelf No: 15

Good Queen Bess

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Smithsonian Kids Digging for Dinosaurs

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How do dinosaurs go up and down

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A Fabumouse Vacation for Geronimo

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The Secret of the Fairies (Thea Stilton: Special Edition #2)

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A Cheese-colored Camper

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The magical gabi /written by Heldana Afework and edited by Essey Workie.

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Peppa Pig: Where's Peppa's Magical Unicorn?

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Recent Books

These are the recent books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

Being Digital

Shelf No: 13

Competitive and corporate strategy

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In the world of corporate managers

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Literacy : an international handbook

Shelf No: 13

 Competing with capabilities

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 Collins English thesaurus

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Help Me! : one woman's quest to find out if self-help really can change her life

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Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself

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Philosophy : who needs it / Ayn Rand ; introduction by Leonard Peikoff.

Shelf No: 10

Harcourt Math : Challenge Workbook

Shelf No: 2

Positioning: the battle for your mind

Shelf No: 18


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