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money and banking,
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kaufman, herbert m
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free banking and monetary reform,
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politics and the pound,
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budget financing and monetary control,
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political business cycles : the political economy of money, inflation, and unemployment,
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policymaking in the open economy : concepts and case studies in economic performance,
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monetary theory, policy, and financial markets,
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exchange rate policies in developing and post-socialist countries,
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claassen, emil maria
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world economic outlook october 2008 financial stress downturns and recoveries,
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budget financing and monetary control.,
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monetary management and institutional reforms,
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joining europe's monetary club : the challenges for smaller member states,
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jones, erik
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money and monetary policy in communist china,
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european monetary integration 1958-2002,
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emmanuel apel
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world economic outlook september 2003,
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international monetary fund
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monetary economics in south africa,
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e. j. van der merwe,s. l. mollentze
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the fed : the inside story of how the world's most powerful financial institution drives the markets,
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mayer, martin
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how the economy works : confidence, crashes and self-fulfilling prophecies,
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farmer, roger e. a.
oxford university press, oxford, 2010
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handbook of monetary economics : volumes 3b,
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friedman benjamin m. /editore/
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misunderstanding financial crises : why we don't see them coming,
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gorton, gary
oxford university press, new york, ©2012
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essentials of money, banking, and financial markets,
floor 1
miller, roger leroy
addison-wesley, reading, mass., ©1997
monetary policy,money
international financial integration: a study of interest differentials between the major industrial countries,
floor 1
marston, richard c.
cambridge university press, cambridge, 1997, ©1995
monetary policy--international cooperation
a europe made of money,
floor 1
mourlon-druol, emmanuel
cornell university press, ithaca, ny, 2012
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money and banking,
floor 1
kaufman, herbert m.
d.c. heath, lexington, mass., ©1992
monetary policy,money,banks and banking
handbook of monetary economics / edited by benjamin m. friedman and frank h. hahn.,
floor 1
friedman, benjamin m.
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money.,monetary policy.