state of the world 2005 : a worldwatch institute report on progress toward a sustainable society /michael renner, hilary f. french, erik assadourian ,
floor 1
renner, michael.
new york : w.w. norton, 2005
conservation of natural resources,environmental policy
environmental economics and natural resource management,
floor 1
anderson, david a.
london ; new york : routledge, 2010.
natural resources--management.
earth resources and the environment,
floor 1
craig, james r
upper saddle river, n.j. : pearson prentice hall, c2011.
natural resources.
creating africas,
floor 1
nustad, knut g.
london : hurst & co., 2015.
conservation of natural resources--africa. human ecology--africa.
natural resource conflict management case studies : an analysis of power, participation and protected,
floor 1
rome : forestry policy and institutions branch, forestry dept., food and agriculture organization of the united nations, 2003.
natural resources--management--case studies.
state of the world 2001 : a worldwatch institute report on progress toward a sustainable society / lester r. brown ... [et al.].,
floor 1
new york : norton, 1997.
economic development--environmental aspects.,sustainable development.,conservation of natural resources.
resource management for poverty reduction : approaches & technologies selected contributions to ethio-forum 2002.,
floor 4
addis ababa : esrdf, 2003.
natural resources--ethiopia.
application of advanced information technologies : effective management of natural resources,
floor 1
heatwole, conrad d.(ed)
st. joseph, mich., usa : american society of agricultural engineers, c1993.
natural resources--data processing--management--congresses.
investing in nature : case studies of land conservation in collaboration with business,
floor 1
ginn, william j.
washington : island press, c2005.
land use, rural--united states--states--planning--case studies.,nature conservation--united states--states--case studies.,open spaces--united states--states--finance--case studies.,conservation of natural resources--united states--states--finance--case studies.
the global 2000 report to the president of the u.s. entering the 21st century,
floor 1
global 2000 study (u.s.)
new york : pergamon press, [1980-
environmental policy.,food supply.,natural resources.,economic forecasting.
waiting for democracy,
floor 1
ribot, jesse c.
world resources institute, washington, d.c., 2004
natural resources--management
water treatment,
floor 2
belan, f. i.
mir ; distributed by central books, moscow, [london], 1981
natural resources: water treatment
natural resources measurements,
floor 1
avery, thomas eugene.
new york, mcgraw-hill [1974, c1975]
natural resources--measurement.
floor 2
maton, anthea [ et al ]
prentice hall, englewood cliffs, n.j., ©1993
natural resources--study and teaching (elementary)
the ultimate resource 2,
floor 1
simon, julian lincoln
princeton university press, princeton, n.j., ©1981
natural resources
world resources 1990-91,
floor 1
world resources institute
oxford univ. press, new york, 1990
natural resources
state of the world 2002,
floor 1
starke, linda (ed.)
w.w. norton & company, new york, 2002
conservation of natural resources
environment and conflict in africa : reflections on darfur,
floor 1
university for peace
university for peace, africa programme, addis ababa, ethiopia, 2009
natural resources
geography 91/92,
floor 4
gerald r pitzl /edtore/
dushkin pub. group, guilford, conn., ©1991
natural resources
when the grass is gone,
floor 1
baxter, p. t. w. [editor; other]
scandinavian institute of african studies, uppsala, 1991
natural resources--management
winner take all,
floor 1
moyo, dambisa
natural resources
floor 3
thompson, julian f.
h. holt, new york, 1992
conservation of natural resources,environmental protection
the plundered planet:why we must--and how we can--manage nature for global prosperity,
floor 1
collier, paul
oxford university press, oxford, 2010
natural resources--management
the international political economy of natural resources,
floor 1
zacher, mark w. (ed.)
e. elgar pub., aldershot, hants, england, ©1993
natural resources,strategic materials
building a sustainable future,
floor 1
world bank
world bank, washington, d.c., ©2002
natural resources--management
floor 1
gallant, roy a.
benchmark books, new york, ©2003
natural resources--management
short changed : africa and world trade,
floor 1
barratt brown, michael
pluto press ; transnational institute (tni), london, boulder, colo., 1992
natural resources
the earth's resources,
floor 2
knapp, brian j.
atlantic europe, [henley-on-thames?], 2000
natural resources
the twenty-ninth day : accommodating human needs and numbers to the earth's resources,
floor 1
brown lester r.
w.w. norton & company, new york, 1978
conservation of natural resources
global resources and international conflict,
floor 1
stockholm international peace research institute
oxford university press, oxford [oxfordshire], 1986
natural resources
conflict over natural resources in south-east asia and the pacific,
floor 1
lim, teck ghee;,valencia, mark j. (eds.)
united nations university press ; oxford university press, singapore, oxford, ©1990
natural resources--government policy,asia--economic history
world resources.,
floor 1
oxford university press, new york, 1996
natural resources
the wealth of communities,
floor 1
pye-smith, charlie,borrini, grazia,sandbrook, richard
natural resources--management
natural resources--management
this book is not rubbish,
floor 1
isabel thomas
wren & rook, london, england, 2018
conservation of natural resources
policy instruments for environmental and natural resource management,
floor 1
sterner, thomas,coria, jessica; resources for the future
resources for the future : world bank ; swedish international development cooperation agency, washington, dc, stockholm, sweden, ©2003
conservation of natural resources--government policy
world resources 1992-93: a report by the world resources institute,
ground floor
world resources institute,,united nations environment programme
oxford university press, new york, ©1992
natural resources,economic policy--environmental aspects
oecd environmental data = : donnees ocde sur l'environnement : compendium 1991,
floor 4
oecd, paris, 1991
natural resources,environmental monitoring
world resources, 2000-2001 : people and ecosystems, the fraying web of life,
floor 1
united nations development programme
elsevier science, amsterdam, 2000
natural resources
world resources 2002-2004 : decisions for the earth : balance, voice and power,
floor 1
world resources institute
world resources institute, washington, d.c., 2003
natural resources
the fragile environment : the darwin college lectures,
floor 1
friday, laurie, 1955-,laskey, r. a.; friday
cambridge university press, cambridge, u.k., 1989
conservation of natural resources
the conservation professional's guide to working with people,
floor 1
bonar, scott a.
island press, washington, dc, ©2007
natural resources--management
integrated natural resource management,
floor 1
campbell, b. m.sayer, jeffrey
cabi pub. in association with the center for international forestry research (cifor), wallingford, oxon, uk, ©2003
natural resources--management
natural resources and conflict in africa,
floor 1
abiodun alao
univ. of rochester press, rochester, ny, ©2007
natural resources
floor 1
raven, peter h.; johnson, george b.
ohn wiley and sons, new jersey, 2010
conservation of natural resources
environmental chemistry,
floor 2
bhatia, s. c
cbs publishers & distributors, new delhi, 2002
environmental chemistry,natural resources
environmental studies ,
floor 2
botkin, daniel b.,keller, edward a
c.e. merrill pub. co., columbus [ohio], ©1982
pollution,conservation of natural resources
our common future : world commission on environment and development,
floor 1
oxford university press, oxford, 1987
conservation of natural resources international