Available Books

These are the available books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

  • Ethiopian Collection
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Shelf No : 5
Pakistan in crisis
pakistan in crisis, floor 4 kapur, ashok. london ; new york : routledge, 1991. pakistan--politics and government.
Shelf No : 5
Pakistan chronicle
pakistan chronicle, floor 4 james, morrice, sir new york : st. martin's press, c1993. pakistan--history. pakistan--foreign relations.
Shelf No : 8
The Blind Mans Garden
the blind mans garden, floor 3 aslam, nadeem. new york : alfred a. knopf, 2013. pakistanis--afghanistan--fiction.
Shelf No : 19
Storming the world stage : the story of Lashkar-e-Taiba
storming the world stage : the story of lashkar-e-taiba, floor 1 tankel, stephen. new york : columbia university press, c2011 jamat al-dawa pakistan
Shelf No : 4
Restructuring Pakistan: a global imperative
restructuring pakistan: a global imperative, floor 4 saighal, vinod, new delhi : manas publications, 2002. religious fundamentalism--pakistan.
Shelf No : 4
Politics in Pakistan
politics in pakistan, floor 4 khalid b. sayeed new york : praeger, 1980. pakistan--politics and government.
Shelf No : 4
The Idea of Pakistan
the idea of pakistan, floor 4 cohen, stephen p., 1936- brookings institution press, washington, d.c., ©2004 pakistan
Shelf No : 4
pakistan, floor 4 talbot, ian st. martin's press, new york, 1998 pakistan
Shelf No : 4
pakistan, floor 4 sonneborn, liz children's press, new york, ©2013 pakistan
Shelf No : 4
Pakistan's Troubled Frontier
pakistan's troubled frontier, floor 4 abbas, hassan (ed.) jamestown foundation, washington, dc, 2009 federally administered tribal areas (pakistan) politics and government
Shelf No : 16
Baluchistan (Pakistan)
baluchistan (pakistan), floor 1 siddiqi, husain, akhtar university press of america, lanham, ©1991 agriculture aspect économique pakistan
Shelf No : 7
Spirit of a Mountain Wolf
spirit of a mountain wolf, floor 3 hawke, rosanne scarlet voyage, berkeley heights, nj, 2014 pakistan
Shelf No : 4
Daughter of the East
daughter of the east, floor 4 bhutto, benazir simon & schuster, london, 2007 pakistan
Shelf No : 19
I Am Malala
i am malala, floor 1 yousafzai, malala little, brown and company, new york, ny, [2014] pakistan
Shelf No : 4
The Savage Border
the savage border, floor 4 stewart, jules sutton, stroud, 2007 pakistan--khyber pakhtunkhwa
Shelf No : 7
Major Pettigrew's Last Stand
major pettigrew's last stand, floor 3 simonson, helen random house, new york, 2011 pakistanis
Shelf No : 16
A Shattered Dream
a shattered dream, floor 1 kibria, ghulam oxford university press, karachi, 1999 pakistan
Shelf No : 4
 The destruction of Pakistan's democracy
the destruction of pakistan's democracy, floor 4 allen mcgrath oxford university press, karachi, 1996 pakistan
Shelf No : 4
Amina's Voice
amina's voice, floor 3 hena khan salaam reads, new york, 2017 pakistani americans
Shelf No : 2
Daughter of the Wind
daughter of the wind, floor 3 staples, suzanne fisher walker books, london, 2002 pakistan
Shelf No : 2
In the City by the Sea
in the city by the sea, floor 3 shamsie, kamila, 1973- granta books, london, 1998 pakistan
Shelf No : 9
pakistan, floor 1 taylor, david clio press, santa barbara, calif., ©1990 pakistan
Shelf No : 15
New Nukes
new nukes, floor 1 bidwai, praful signal books, oxford, 2000 pakistan
Shelf No : 3
shabanu, floor 3 staples, suzanne fisher knopf : distributed by random house, new york, ©1989 pakistan
Shelf No : 9
A Case of Exploding Mangoes
a case of exploding mangoes, floor 3 hanif, mohammed jonathan cape, london, 2008 pakistan
Shelf No : 5
haveli, floor 3 staples, suzanne fisher knopf : distributed by random house, new york, ©1993 pakistan
Shelf No : 8
 The golden legend
the golden legend, floor 3 aslam, nadeem faber & faber, london, 2017 pakistan
Shelf No : 5
haveli, floor 3 staples, suzanne fisher knopf : distributed by random house, new york, ©1993 pakistan
Shelf No : 4
Pakistan: 1995
pakistan: 1995, floor 4 kennedy, charles h. (charles henry), westview press, boulder, ©1995 pakistan
Shelf No : 4
Pakistan 1992
pakistan 1992, floor 4 kennedy, charles h. (charles henry) westview press ; pak book corp., boulder, lahore, 1993 pakistan
Shelf No : 4
pakistan, floor 4 blood, peter r federal research division, library of congress : for sale by the supt. of docs., u.s. g.p.o., washington, d.c., [1995] pakistan
Shelf No : 4
Counterinsurgency in Pakistan
counterinsurgency in pakistan, floor 4 jones, seth g., fair, c. christine; rand corporation. rand, santa monica, ca, 2010 pakistan
Shelf No : 17
Just development: beyond adjustment with a human face
just development: beyond adjustment with a human face, floor 1 banuri, tariq;,khan, shahrukh rafi;,mahmood, moazam. (eds.) oxford university press, karachi, ©1997 manpower policy,pakistan
Shelf No : 9
 Stop press: a life in journalism.
stop press: a life in journalism., floor 1 ʻazīz, inʻām oxford university press, oxford, 2008 pakistan

Popular Books

These are the popular books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

The art of seduction

Shelf No: 14

Disney Princess Story Collection

Shelf No: 21


Shelf No: 15

Good Queen Bess

Shelf No: 3


Shelf No: 5


Shelf No: 4

Smithsonian Kids Digging for Dinosaurs

Shelf No: 1

How do dinosaurs go up and down

Shelf No: 21

A Fabumouse Vacation for Geronimo

Shelf No: 2

The Secret of the Fairies (Thea Stilton: Special Edition #2)

Shelf No: 2

A Cheese-colored Camper

Shelf No: 2

The magical gabi /written by Heldana Afework and edited by Essey Workie.

Shelf No: 3

Recent Books

These are the recent books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

Boosting immunity : creating wellness naturally / Len Saputo, Nancy Faass, editors.

Shelf No: 9

Introduction to hydrogeology

Shelf No: 4

 A childhood adrift / René Goldman.

Shelf No: 3

 Auditing : incorporating companies (amendment) act, 2000

Shelf No: 18

 Wisdom of aging / Dora Obi Chizea

Shelf No: 10

The U.S. military response to the 2010 Haiti earthquake : considerations for Army leaders / Gary Cecchine ... [et al.].

Shelf No: 19

African report on child wellbeing

Shelf No: 1

Ethiopian tax accounting : principles and practice.

Shelf No: 7

Using sources effectively : strengthening your writing and avoiding plagiarism

Shelf No: 1

 Infectious disease : medical knowledge self-assessment program, MKSAP 15

Shelf No: 9

User' s guide : peachtree complete & peachtree complete plus : release 6

Shelf No: 14

Fifty year of fiscal federalism

Shelf No: 17


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