everything's an argument with readings,
floor 3
lunsford, andrea a
boston, ma : bedford/st. martins, [2013]
persuasion (rhetoric)
nancy v. wood,
floor 3
wood, nancy v.
upper saddle river, n.j. : pearson/prentice hall, c2007.
english language--rhetoric. persuasion (rhetoric)
arguing about literature: a guide and reader,
floor 3
schilb, john,
bedford/st. martin's, boston, ma, 2017
persuasion (rhetoric)--study and teaching
dialogues ,
floor 3
goshgarian, gary;
longman, new york, ©2003
persuasion (rhetoric)
"they say / i say" : the moves that matter in academic writing,
floor 3
graff, gerald;
w.w. norton & co., new york, ©2009
persuasion (rhetoric)
floor 3
gary goshgarian
longman, new york, ©2003
persuasion (rhetoric)
how to argue and win every time : at home, at work, in court, everywhere, every day,
floor 1
spence, gerry
new york : st. martin's press, 1995.
persuasion (psychology),persuasion (rhetoric),interpersonal communication.
perspectives on argument (6th edition) (examination copy),
floor 3
wood, nancy v.
pearson/prentice hall, upper saddle river, n.j., ©2009
persuasion (rhetoric)
thank you for arguing,
floor 1
heinrichs, jay
three rivers press, new york, ©2007
persuasion (rhetoric)
writing arguments,
floor 3
ramage, john d.; bean, john c.; johnson, june,
pearson, boston, 2011
persuasion (rhetoric)
"they say,
floor 3
graff, gerald,; birkenstein, cathy
w.w. norton & company, new york, 2014
persuasion (rhetoric),report writing
they say / i say: the moves that matter in academic writing ,
floor 3
graff, gerald,birkenstein, cathy
w.w. norton & company, new york, 2018
persuasion (rhetoric)
arguing from sources : exploring issues through reading and writing,
floor 3
kaufer, david s.,geisler, cheryl
harcourt brace jovanovich, san diego, ©1989
persuasion (rhetoric),report writing
"they say / i say" : the moves that matter in academic writing,
floor 3
graff, gerald,birkenstein, cathy
w.w. norton & company, new york, 2010
persuasion (rhetoric)
practical argument : a text and anthology,
floor 3
kirszner, laurie g.,mandell, stephen r
bedford/st. martin's, boston, 2014
persuasion (rhetoric),english language--rhetoric
teaching argument writing, grades 6-12 : supporting claims with relevant evidence and clear reasoning,
floor 3
hillocks, george, jr
heinemann, portsmouth, nh, ©2011
persuasion (rhetoric)