the hand,
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physical therapy
physiotherapy in some surgical conditions,
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cash, joan e.
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physical therapy specialty
managerial and supervisory principles for physical therapists,
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nosse larry j.; friberg deborah g.; kovacek peter r
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physical therapy management
the role of the physical therapist assistant,
floor 2
clynch, holly m.
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the principles and practice of physical therapy,
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physical rehabilitation,
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physical therapy,rehabilitation
neurological rehabilitation : optimizing motor performance,
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carr, janet h.
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neuromuscular diseases--physical therapy
careers in physical therapy,
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hawkins, trisha
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cardiorespiratory physiotherapy : adults and paediatrics,
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physical management for neurological conditions,
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physical agents,
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guide to evidence-based physical therapist practice,
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physical therapy for children
modalities for therapeutic intervention,
floor 2
michlovitz, susan l,bellew, james w,nolan, thomas,
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physical therapy,medical rehabilitation
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cotta, horst,karacoloff, linda a.
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fundamental orthopedic management for the physical therapist assistant,
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shankman, gary a.; manske, robert c.
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physical therapy for children,
floor 2
campbell, suzann k,vander linden, darl w.,palisano, robert j
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physical therapy for children,physical therapy
anatomy and physiology for physiotherapists,
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singh, inderbir
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pediatric physical therapy,
floor 2
tecklin, jan stephen
lippincott williams & wilkins, philadelphia, ©2008
physical therapy for children
orthopedic management of the hip and pelvis,
floor 2
cheatham scott w.,kolber morey j
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physical therapy