Available Books

These are the available books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

  • Ethiopian Collection
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Shelf No : 6
How doctors think
how doctors think , floor 2 groopman, jerome e. delhi : byword books, 2009. medicine--decision making.,medical logic.,physicians--psychology.
Shelf No : 6
First Aid for the USMLE Step 2: a student to student guide
first aid for the usmle step 2: a student to student guide, floor 2 le tao.[et al.]. new york : mcgraw-hill medical pub. div., c2003. physicians--licenses--united states--examinations--study guides.
Shelf No : 6
Point of origin
point of origin, floor 3 cornwell, patricia daniels. new york : putnam, c1998. scarpetta, kay (fictitious character)--fiction.,medical examiners (law)--fiction.,forensic pathologists--fiction.,women physicians--fiction.,virginia--fiction.
Shelf No : 6
Mountains Beyond Mountains
mountains beyond mountains, floor 2 kidder, tracy. new york : random house, c2003. physicians--biography.
Shelf No : 2
To comfort always: An autobiography
to comfort always: an autobiography, floor 4 trudeau, edward livingston big byte books, 2016 physicians
Shelf No : 8
Strange Case of Doctor Jekyll And Mr. Hyde
strange case of doctor jekyll and mr. hyde, floor 3 stevenson, robert louis floating press, [waiheke island], ©1991 physicians
Shelf No : 5
Nothing Lasts Forever
nothing lasts forever, floor 3 sidney sheldon warner books, new york, 1995, ©1994 women physicians
Shelf No : 3
camellia, floor 3 aiken ginny tyndale house publishers, wheaton, ill., 2001 physicians
Shelf No : 5
Nothing Lasts Forever
nothing lasts forever, floor 3 sheldon, sidney harper women physicians
Shelf No : 10
Sauver Ispahan
sauver ispahan, floor 3 rufin, jean-christophe gallimard, [paris], ©1998 physicians
Shelf No : 6
m.d., floor 2 pekkanen, john delacorte press, new york, ©1988 physicians
Shelf No : 6
 Doctors : the biography of medicine
doctors : the biography of medicine, floor 2 nuland, sherwin b. vintage books, new york, 1988 physicians
Shelf No : 6
A Comprehensive Review for the Certification and Recertification Examinations for Physician Assistants
a comprehensive review for the certification and recertification examinations for physician assistants, floor 2 com wolters kluwer health/lippincott williams & wilkins, philadelphia, ©2010 physicians' assistants
Shelf No : 3
The Syndrome
the syndrome, floor 3 case, john, 1944- ballantine books, new york, 2001 physicians
Shelf No : 19
Breakfast in Hell: a doctor's experiences of the Ethiopian famine
breakfast in hell: a doctor's experiences of the ethiopian famine, floor 1 harris, myles f. pan books, london, ©1986 physicians, foreign,ethiopia --famines
Shelf No : 3
The death committee
the death committee, floor 3 gordon, noah mcgraw-hill, new york, [1969] physicians,death
Shelf No : 4
bloodstream, floor 3 gerritsen, tess pocket books, new york, ©1998 women physicians
Shelf No : 6
 On call : three doctors on the front line
on call : three doctors on the front line, floor 2 jane f. carpineto st. martin's press, new york, 1994 physicians
Shelf No : 6
A Black Tie Affair
a black tie affair, floor 3 bodine, sherrill forever ; little, brown [distributor], new york, london, 2010 physicians
Shelf No : 5
Irresistible Forces
irresistible forces, floor 3 steel, danielle corgi physicians
Shelf No : 13
The shepherd became a surgeon : from top of mountain to top of surgery
the shepherd became a surgeon : from top of mountain to top of surgery, floor 2 belachew, mitiku,,mitiku belachew eclipse, addis ababa, ethiopia, 2020 physicians,ethiopia
Shelf No : 6
The summer of Katya
the summer of katya, floor 3 trevanian crown, new york, ©1983 physicians
Shelf No : 1
Yaʼaṣé Menilek yagel hakim : Do/r Māks Šetāynkular = Dr. Max Steinkühler : the German private physician of Emperor Menelik II
yaʼaṣé menilek yagel hakim : do/r māks šetāynkular = dr. max steinkühler : the german private physician of emperor menelik ii, floor 4 šifarāw baqala shama books, addis ababa, 2014 physicians
Shelf No : 8
osce & lmcc-ii, floor 2 gao, zu-hua,howell, jenika,naert, karen,ng, denise detselig enterprises, calgary, c2009 physicians--licenses--examinations
Shelf No : 9
Blueprints Q&A Step 3: Surgery
blueprints q&a step 3: surgery, floor 2 nelson, edward w. blackwell science, malden, mass., ©2002 physicians--licenses--examinations
Shelf No : 6
I will be a doctor! : the story of America's first woman physician
i will be a doctor! : the story of america's first woman physician, floor 2 wilson, dorothy clarke abingdon press, nashville, ©1983 women physicians,physicians
Shelf No : 6
The Tennis Partner
the tennis partner, floor 2 verghese, a harperperennial, new york, [2009] physicians
Shelf No : 4
In Search of Fatima
in search of fatima, floor 4 karmi, ghada verso, new york, 2002 physicians
Shelf No : 5
 Dancing in the moonlight
dancing in the moonlight, floor 3 thayne, raeanne silhouette books, new york, cop. 2006 physicians
Shelf No : 8
How to be Good
how to be good, floor 3 hornby, nick penguin, london, 2002 women physicians
Shelf No : 7
Cutting for stone : a novel
cutting for stone : a novel, floor 3 verghese, a. (abraham), alfred a. knopf, new york, 2009 physicians
Shelf No : 3
On Doctor[i]ng
on doctor[i]ng, floor 3 reynolds, richard c., simon & schuster, new york, ©1995 physicians
Shelf No : 9
Love changes everything
love changes everything, floor 3 morgan, sarah (romance fiction writer) mills & boon, sydney, nsw, 2021 physicians
Shelf No : 4
The Physician
the physician, floor 3 gordon, noah,haler, wliiy simon and schuster, new york, ©1986 physicians
Shelf No : 4
crisis, floor 3 cook, robin thorndike press ; windsor : paragon, waterville, me., bath, england, 2006 physicians--malpractice
Shelf No : 6
The Dangers of Dating Dr Carvalho
the dangers of dating dr carvalho, floor 3 tina beckett mills & boon, richmond, surrey, 2014 physicians
Shelf No : 6
In the Wars
in the wars, floor 2 waheed arian bantam press, london, 2021 physicians
Shelf No : 6
Mountains Beyond Mountains
mountains beyond mountains, floor 2 : kidder, tracy random house, new york, ©2003 physicians
Shelf No : 2
 Cutting for stone : a novel
cutting for stone : a novel, floor 3 verghese, a. (abraham) vintage, london, 2010 physicians,ethiopia
Shelf No : 7
The Tiger's Wife
the tiger's wife, floor 3 obreht, téa random house trade paperbacks, new york, 2011 women physicians
Shelf No : 6
We beat the street: how a friendship pact led to success
we beat the street: how a friendship pact led to success, floor 2 davis, sampson;,hunt, rameck;,jenkins, george,draper, sharon m. dutton children's books, new york, ©2005 african american physicians
Shelf No : 2
The first woman doctor : the story of Elizabeth Blackwell, M.D
the first woman doctor : the story of elizabeth blackwell, m.d, floor 4 baker, rachel scholastic book services, new york, [©1944] blackwell, elizabeth, 1821-1910,women physicians
Shelf No : 15
Healing America
healing america, floor 1 charles martin w pub. group, nashville, tn, ©2004 physicians
Shelf No : 5
Turning point
turning point , floor 3 steel, danielle pan books, london, 2019 france--paris,physicians
Shelf No : 8
Where the heart is
where the heart is, floor 3 kate hardy mills & boon, richmond, 2005 physicians
Shelf No : 5
 Irresistible forces
irresistible forces, floor 3 danielle steel delacorte press, new york, ©1999 physicians
Shelf No : 19
 My own country : a doctor's story of a town and its people in the age of AIDS
my own country : a doctor's story of a town and its people in the age of aids, floor 1 verghese, a. phoenix, london, 1995, ©1994 physicians
Shelf No : 8
The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
the strange case of dr. jekyll and mr. hyde, floor 3 stevenson, robert louis university of virginia library, charlottesville, va., 1996 physicians
Shelf No : 19
My own country : a doctor's story of a town and its people in the age of AIDS
my own country : a doctor's story of a town and its people in the age of aids, floor 1 abraham verghese simon & schuster, new york, 1994 physicians
Shelf No : 7
Cutting for stone : a novel
cutting for stone : a novel, floor 3 verghese, a. (abraham) vintage books, new york, 2010 physicians
Shelf No : 7
Cutting for stone : a novel
cutting for stone : a novel, floor 3 verghese, a. (abraham) vintage, london, 2009 physicians
Shelf No : 4
 Harmful intent
harmful intent, floor 3 robin cook putnam, new york, ©1990 physicians
Shelf No : 9
confidentiality, floor 2 levin, charles,furlong, allannah,o'neil, mary kay analytic press, hillsdale, nj, 2003 psychoanalysis--moral and ethical aspects,psychotherapist and patient--moral and ethical aspects,confidential communications--physicians
Shelf No : 10
pediatrics, floor 2 vikas bhushan blackwell science, oxford, 2002 pediatrics,physicians--licenses--examinations
Shelf No : 9
Blackwell's Underground Clinical Vignettes
blackwell's underground clinical vignettes, floor 2 vikas bhushan blackwell science, oxford, 2002 psychiatry,physicians--licenses--examinations
Shelf No : 10
Blueprints Q & A step 2. Pediatrics
blueprints q & a step 2. pediatrics, floor 2 blackwell science, malden, ma, ©2002 pediatrics,physicians--licenses--examinations
Shelf No : 1
First aid for the USMLE step 1 2014 : a student-to-student guide
first aid for the usmle step 1 2014 : a student-to-student guide, ground floor le, tao.,[et al.] mcgraw-hill medical, new york, 2014 medicine--examinations,physicians--licenses--examinations
Shelf No : 8
Blackwell's Underground Clinical Vignettes
blackwell's underground clinical vignettes, floor 2 bhushan, vikas [et-al] blackwell science, malden, mass., 2002 physicians--licenses--examinations
Shelf No : 6
 Physician assistant
physician assistant, floor 2 ruth ballweg saunders/elsevier physicians' assistants
Shelf No : 6
The Professional Medical Assistant
the professional medical assistant, floor 2 eagle, sharon f.a. davis co., philadelphia, pa, ©2009 physicians' assistants

Popular Books

These are the popular books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

The art of seduction

Shelf No: 14

Disney Princess Story Collection

Shelf No: 21


Shelf No: 15

Good Queen Bess

Shelf No: 3


Shelf No: 5


Shelf No: 4

Smithsonian Kids Digging for Dinosaurs

Shelf No: 1

How do dinosaurs go up and down

Shelf No: 21

A Fabumouse Vacation for Geronimo

Shelf No: 2

The Secret of the Fairies (Thea Stilton: Special Edition #2)

Shelf No: 2

A Cheese-colored Camper

Shelf No: 2

The magical gabi /written by Heldana Afework and edited by Essey Workie.

Shelf No: 3

Recent Books

These are the recent books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

Art across time

Shelf No: 1

Handbook of Decision Making

Shelf No: 13

The Future of Capitalism

Shelf No: 16


Shelf No: 19

The study of urban geography

Shelf No: 14

Beginning Pl/Sql: From Novice To Professional

Shelf No: 8

Freedom on Fire

Shelf No: 13


Shelf No: 2

Managers as mentors : building partnerships for learning

Shelf No: 16

The threatening storm : the case for invading Iraq / Kenneth M. Pollack.

Shelf No: 5

Don't Jump to Solutions

Shelf No: 17

Law, war and crime : war crimes trials and the reinvention of international law

Shelf No: 18


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