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political corruption--italy--history--20th century.
political business in east asia,
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edmund terence gomez.[ed]
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political corruption--east asia.
corruption and democracy in brazil,
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edited -power timothy j,taylor matthew m
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political corruption--brazil.
corruption, anti-corruption and governance ,
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hough, dan.
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russian organized crime : the new threat?,
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organized crime--russia (federation),political corruption--russia (federation)
crime and punishment in soviet officialdom: combating corruption in the political elite, 1965-1990,
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clark, william a.
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political corruption--soviet union--history.
corruption and political reform in brazil,
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rosenn, keith s [ed].,downes, richard [ed].
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who will tell the people,
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greider, william
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political corruption,political participation
the criminalization of the state in africa,
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bayart, jean-françois;,ellis, stephen
international african institute in association with j. currey, oxford ; indiana university press, [london], bloomington, 1999
political corruption
haiti : the failure of politics,
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weinstein, brian
praeger, new york, 1992
political corruption
russian organized crime and corruption,
floor 1
webster, william h
washington, d.c. : center for strategic and international studies, 2000.
political corruption--russia (federation)
the 500,
floor 3
quirk matthew
bay back books, new york, 2013
political corruption
mark twain: the gilded age and later novels (loa #130),
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twain, mark,
new york : library of america : distributed to the trade in the united states by penguin putnam, c2002.
political corruption--fiction.
wealth and democracy,
floor 1
phillips, kevin,
broadway books, new york, 2002
political corruption
red notice,
floor 1
browder, bill,
simon & schuster, new york, 2015
political corruption
crisis of character,
floor 4
gary j. byrne
center street, new york, 2016
political corruption
the best democracy money can buy,
floor 1
palast, greg
robinson, london, 2003
political corruption
a game as old as empire,
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hiatt, steven
berrett-koehler publishers ; publishers group west [distributor], san francisco, berkeley, ca, ©2007
political corruption
an obedient father,
floor 3
akhil sharma
harcourt, san diego, ©2001
political corruption
controlling state crime,
floor 1
ross, jeffrey ian
transaction publishers, new brunswick, nj, ©2000
political corruption
spoils of truce,
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leenders, reinoud
cornell university press, ithaca, 2012
political corruption
saving faith,
floor 3
david baldacci
warner books, new york, 2000, ©1999
political corruption
the exception to the rulers,
floor 4
goodman, amy,
hyperion, new york, ©2004
political corruption
saving faith,
floor 3
baldacci, david
pan, london, 2003
political corruption
floor 3
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tor, new york, 2016
political corruption
the dictator's handbook : why bad behavior is almost always good politics,
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bueno de mesquita, bruce, 1946-,smith, alastair, 1967-
publicaffairs, new york, 2011
political corruption
global corruption report 2004 : [special focus: political corruption,
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hodess, robin .ed
pluto press/transparency international, london, 2004
political corruption