Available Books

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Shelf No : 19
 Investigation the A-Z guide for forensic private and corporate investigators
investigation the a-z guide for forensic private and corporate investigators, floor 1 van rooyen, h. j. n. [south africa] : crime solve, 2004. private investigators.
Shelf No : 4
T is for trespass / Sue Grafton.
t is for trespass / sue grafton., floor 3 grafton, sue. new york : g.p. putnam's sons, c2007. millhone, kinsey (fictitious character)--fiction.,women private investigators--california--fiction.,caregivers--fiction.
Shelf No : 4
penance, floor 3 housewright, david woodstock, vt. : foul play press, c1995. private investigators--minnesota--saint paul--fiction.
Shelf No : 2
"G" is for Gumshoe
"g" is for gumshoe, floor 3 grafton sue st. martin's paperbacks : fawcett crest : h. holt, new york, 2007, c1990 women private investigators california fiction
Shelf No : 4
Greenwich Killing Time
greenwich killing time, floor 3 friedman kinky vandam press, new york, 2001, ©2000 private investigators
Shelf No : 8
Half-Moon investigations
half-moon investigations, floor 3 colfer, eoin miramax books/hyperion books for children, new york, ny, ©2006 private investigators
Shelf No : 7
Wild Card
wild card, floor 3 woods, stuart g.p. putnam's sons, new york, 2019 private investigators,barrington, stone (fictitious character)
Shelf No : 6
contraband, floor 3 woods stuart g.p. putnam's sons, new york, 2019 private investigators
Shelf No : 8
Blue Shoes and Happiness
blue shoes and happiness, floor 3 mccall smith, alexander abacus, london, 2007 women private investigators
Shelf No : 4
God Bless John Wayne
god bless john wayne, floor 3 friedman, kinky bantam books, new york, 1996, ©1995 private investigators
Shelf No : 8
The Full Cupboard of Life
the full cupboard of life, floor 3 mccall smith pantheon books, new york, ©2003 women private investigators
Shelf No : 4
Armadillos & old lace
armadillos & old lace, floor 3 friedman, kinky faber, london, 1995, ©1994 private investigators
Shelf No : 5
Chosen Prey
chosen prey, floor 3 sandford, john g.k. hall ; chivers press, waterville, me., bath, england, 2001 private investigators
Shelf No : 4
Mr. Monk on Patrol
mr. monk on patrol, floor 3 goldberg, lee obsidian, new york, n.y., ©2012 private investigators
Shelf No : 6
Double Dead
double dead, floor 3 hoover, terry five star, detroit [mich.], 2007 private investigators
Shelf No : 2
Seven Complete Nero Wolfe Novels
seven complete nero wolfe novels, floor 3 stout, rex avenel books : distributed by crown publishers, new york, 1983 private investigators
Shelf No : 2
The case of the confirmed bachelor
the case of the confirmed bachelor, floor 3 palmer, diana wheeler publishing, detroit, 2007 private investigators
Shelf No : 4
Finders weepers
finders weepers, floor 3 byrd, max allison & busby, london, 1985, ©1983 private investigators
Shelf No : 8
Her guilty secret
her guilty secret, floor 3 mather, anne harlequin books, toronto, ont., ©1999 private investigators
Shelf No : 10
The Kalahari typing school for men
the kalahari typing school for men, floor 3 alexander mccall smith abacus, london, 2004 women private investigators
Shelf No : 5
stardust, floor 3 parker, robert b., 1932-2010 putnam's, new york, ©1990 private investigators
Shelf No : 4
 Death is a lonely business
death is a lonely business, floor 3 bradbury, ray, 1920-2012 alfred a. knopf : distributed by random house, new york, 1985 private investigators
Shelf No : 5
Private L.A.
private l.a., floor 3 patterson, james century, london, 2014 private investigators
Shelf No : 9
The Salati Case
the salati case, floor 3 jones, tobias faber, london, 2010 private investigators
Shelf No : 8
Whip Hand
whip hand, floor 3 francis, dick harper & row, new york, ©1979 private investigators,detective and mystery stories
Shelf No : 2
Elizabeth's San Antonio Sleuthing
elizabeth's san antonio sleuthing, floor 3 brumbaugh, renae barbour publishing, uhrichsville, ohio, ©2011 private investigators
Shelf No : 5
McNally's Puzzle
mcnally's puzzle, floor 3 sanders, lawrence berkley books, new york, ©1996 private investigators
Shelf No : 8
Ladies' Bane
ladies' bane, floor 3 wentworth, patricia hodder and stoughton, london, 1981 women private investigators
Shelf No : 8
An Uncommon Murder
an uncommon murder, floor 3 anabel donald pan books, london, 2018 private investigators
Shelf No : 4
Chasing Darkness
chasing darkness, floor 3 robert crais pocket books, new york, 2009 private investigators
Shelf No : 2
The beekeeper's apprentice, or, On the segregation of the queen
the beekeeper's apprentice, or, on the segregation of the queen, floor 3 king, laurie r. st. martin's press, new york, 1994 private investigators,women detectives
Shelf No : 8
 Murder on the Orient Express
murder on the orient express, floor 3 christie, agatha black dog & leventhal publishers : distributed by workman pub. co., new york, [2006] private investigators
Shelf No : 8
After the Funeral
after the funeral, floor 3 christie, agatha, collins, london, 2012 private investigators
Shelf No : 2
Cradle and All
cradle and all, floor 3 patterson, james, headline feature, london, 2000 women private investigators,massachusetts--boston
Shelf No : 9
The Heart of Danger
the heart of danger, floor 3 seymour, gerald harpercollins, new york, n.y., 1995 private investigators
Shelf No : 2
 The beekeeper's apprentice, or, On the segregation of the queen
the beekeeper's apprentice, or, on the segregation of the queen, floor 3 king, laurie r. st. martin's press, new york, 1994 private investigators
Shelf No : 10
Messenger of Truth : a Maisie Dobbs novel
messenger of truth : a maisie dobbs novel, floor 3 winspear, jacqueline, 1955- henry holt and company, new york, 2006 women private investigators
Shelf No : 8
Boiling point
boiling point, floor 3 lean, frank arrow books2000 private investigators
Shelf No : 5
 McNally's chance
mcnally's chance, floor 3 lardo, vincent,sanders, lawrence berkley books, new york, 2002, ©2001 private investigators
Shelf No : 8
The Good Husband of Zebra Drive
the good husband of zebra drive, floor 3 mccall smith, alexander, abacus, london, cop. 2007 women private investigators
Shelf No : 8
The Full Cupboard of Life
the full cupboard of life, floor 3 mccall smith, alexander pantheon books, new york, ©2003 women private investigators
Shelf No : 8
The Lovers
the lovers, floor 3 connolly, john hodder & stoughton, london, 2009 private investigators
Shelf No : 8
The Murder of Roger Ackroyd
the murder of roger ackroyd, floor 3 agatha christie harper, new york, 2011 private investigators
Shelf No : 8
The Miracle at Speedy Motors
the miracle at speedy motors, floor 3 mccall smith, alexander abacus, london, 2008 women private investigators
Shelf No : 10
An Incomplete Revenge
an incomplete revenge, floor 3 winspear, jacqueline picador, new york, ©2008 women private investigators,dobbs, maisie (fictitious character)
Shelf No : 8
The Full Cupboard of Life
the full cupboard of life, floor 3 mccall smith, alexander pantheon books, new york, ©2003 women private investigators
Shelf No : 4
Meanwhile Back at the Ranch
meanwhile back at the ranch, floor 3 friedman, kinky simon & schuster, new york, ©2002 private investigators
Shelf No : 9
The Danger Game
the danger game, floor 3 brooks, kevin macmillan children's, london, 2014 private investigators
Shelf No : 3
Grave Visions
grave visions, floor 3 price, kalayna roc published by new american library an imprint of penguin random house llc, new york, new york, 2016 women private investigators
Shelf No : 4
Winter of the Wolf Moon
winter of the wolf moon, floor 3 hamilton, steve st. martin's minotaur, new york, 2000 private investigators
Shelf No : 4
A Tap on the Window
a tap on the window, floor 3 barclay, linwood seal books 2013 private investigators
Shelf No : 3
The Big Sleep
the big sleep, floor 3 chandler, raymond,powell, lawrence clark vintage books, a division of random house, inc., new york, 1992 private investigators
Shelf No : 4
The Sentry
the sentry, floor 3 crais, robert penguin publishing group, [place of publication not identified], 2011 private investigators
Shelf No : 19
Desperate measures
desperate measures, floor 1 intravia, michael, word pub., dallas, ©1990 private investigators
Shelf No : 8
Morality for Beautiful Girls
morality for beautiful girls, floor 3 mccall smith, alexander abacus, london, ©2001 women private investigators
Shelf No : 5
Private Berlin
private berlin, floor 3 patterson, james,sullivan, mark t century, london, 2013 private investigators
Shelf No : 5
private, floor 3 james patterson,maxine paetro arrow books, london, 2011 private investigators
Shelf No : 4
the sixth man, floor 3 baldacci, david grand central pub., new york, 2011 private investigators
Shelf No : 9
 Death of an avid reader
death of an avid reader, floor 3 frances brody minotaur books, new york, 2016 women private investigators
Shelf No : 4
Parting Shot
parting shot, floor 3 linwood barclay orion, london, england, 2017 private investigators
Shelf No : 4
Rock-a-Bye Bones
rock-a-bye bones, floor 3 haines, carolyn st. martin's press, new york, 2016 women private investigators
Shelf No : 8
Lethal White
lethal white, floor 3 galbraith, robert mulholland books/little, brown and company, new york, ny, 2018 private investigators
Shelf No : 4
The spoilers ; : & the warlords
the spoilers ; : & the warlords, floor 3 braun, matt st. martin's paperbacks, new york, ny, 2019 private investigators,western stories,west united states
Shelf No : 10
After the Crash
after the crash, floor 3 bussi, michel hachette books, new york, 2016 aircraft accident victims,private investigators
Shelf No : 4
Sunset Express
sunset express, floor 3 crais, robert ballantine books, an imprint of the random house publish group, a division of random house, inc., new york, 2005 private investigators
Shelf No : 4
Tough Customer
tough customer, floor 3 brown, sandra simon & schuster, new york, 2010 private investigators
Shelf No : 8
The Handsome Man's De Luxe Café
the handsome man's de luxe café, floor 3 alexander mccall smith little brown, london, 2014 women private investigators
Shelf No : 9
Death Called to the Bar
death called to the bar, floor 3 dickinson, david, carroll & graf publishers, new york, 2005 private investigators
Shelf No : 6
The Blue Door
the blue door, floor 3 fulmer, david harcourt, orlando, ©2008 private investigators,pennsylvania--philadelphia
Shelf No : 19
The Pinkertons,
the pinkertons,, floor 1 cook, fred j. doubleday, garden city, n.y., [1974] private investigators
Shelf No : 5
Darkness, take my hand
darkness, take my hand, floor 3 dennis lehane bantam books, london, 2006 private investigators
Shelf No : 7
 I'm a fool to kill you
i'm a fool to kill you, floor 3 randisi, robert j. severn house, sutton, surrey, england, 2010 private investigators
Shelf No : 9
 Morality for beautiful girls
morality for beautiful girls, floor 3 alexander mccall smith polygon, edinburgh, 2002 women private investigators
Shelf No : 9
 Death at the seaside
death at the seaside, floor 3 brody, frances minotaur books, new york, 2017 women private investigators
Shelf No : 4
Devil knows you're dead : Book in repair : a Matthew Scudder novel
devil knows you're dead : book in repair : a matthew scudder novel, floor 3 block, lawrence morrow, new york, ©1993 private investigators
Shelf No : 4
Live wire
live wire, floor 3 harlan coben dutton, new york, ©2011 private investigators
Shelf No : 3
Perchance to dream
perchance to dream, floor 3 parker, robert b marlowe, philip (fictitious character),private investigators
Shelf No : 4
The sixth man
the sixth man, floor 3 baldacci, david macmillan, london, 2011 private investigators
Shelf No : 5
Dream girl
dream girl, floor 3 parker, robert b., 1932-2010 no exit, harpenden, 2006 private investigators

Popular Books

These are the popular books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

The art of seduction

Shelf No: 14

Disney Princess Story Collection

Shelf No: 21


Shelf No: 15

Good Queen Bess

Shelf No: 3


Shelf No: 5


Shelf No: 4

Smithsonian Kids Digging for Dinosaurs

Shelf No: 1

How do dinosaurs go up and down

Shelf No: 21

A Fabumouse Vacation for Geronimo

Shelf No: 2

The Secret of the Fairies (Thea Stilton: Special Edition #2)

Shelf No: 2

A Cheese-colored Camper

Shelf No: 2

The magical gabi /written by Heldana Afework and edited by Essey Workie.

Shelf No: 3

Recent Books

These are the recent books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

Boosting immunity : creating wellness naturally / Len Saputo, Nancy Faass, editors.

Shelf No: 9

Introduction to hydrogeology

Shelf No: 4

 A childhood adrift / René Goldman.

Shelf No: 3

 Auditing : incorporating companies (amendment) act, 2000

Shelf No: 18

 Wisdom of aging / Dora Obi Chizea

Shelf No: 10

The U.S. military response to the 2010 Haiti earthquake : considerations for Army leaders / Gary Cecchine ... [et al.].

Shelf No: 19

African report on child wellbeing

Shelf No: 1

Ethiopian tax accounting : principles and practice.

Shelf No: 7

Using sources effectively : strengthening your writing and avoiding plagiarism

Shelf No: 1

 Infectious disease : medical knowledge self-assessment program, MKSAP 15

Shelf No: 9

User' s guide : peachtree complete & peachtree complete plus : release 6

Shelf No: 14

Fifty year of fiscal federalism

Shelf No: 17


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