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industrial psychology and its social foundations,
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be positive : a guide for managers,
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psychology applied to work : an introduction to industrial and organizational psychology,
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the maslow business reader,
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psychology, industrial,self-actualization (psychology)
everybody wins: transactional analysis applied to organizations,
floor 2
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psychology, industrial,organizational change
mean girls at work: how to stay professional when things get personal,
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psychology, industrial,personnel management--organizational behavior
introduction to industrial/organizational psychology,
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floor 1
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organizational and work psychology,
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managerial psychology,
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danger in the comfort zone,
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rogers' rules for businesswomen : how to start a career and move up the ladder,
floor 2
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quantum leadership : advancing innovation, transforming health care,
floor 2
porter-o'grady, timothy
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nursing services--administration,psychology, industrial
stress and quality of working life,
floor 1
meurs, james a,perrewé, pamela l,rossi, ana maria
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psychology, industrial
organizational design: a step-by-step approach ,
floor 1
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corporate culture,organization,psychology, industrial