research methods in mass communication,
floor 1
englewood cliffs, n.j. : prentice hall, c1989.
mass media--research--methodology.,communication--research--methodology.
research design for business and management,
floor 2
ang, siah hwee.
los angeles : sage, 2014.
business--research--methodology. management--research.
ion channel localization,
floor 2
lopatin anatoli n.[ed]
totowa, nj : humana press, c2001.
ion channels--research--methodology.
researching families and relationships,
floor 1
jamieson lynn[ed]
new york : palgrave macmillan, 2011.
families--research. families--research--methodology.
qualitative media analysis,
floor 1
altheide, david l.
thousand oaks : sage publications, c1996.
mass media--research--methodology. qualitative research.
second language writing research,
floor 1
matsuda paul kei,silva.tony[ed]
mahwah, n.j. : lawrence erlbaum associates, 2005.
language and languages--study and teaching--research--methodology. rhetoric--study and teaching--research--methodology. second language acquisition--research--methodology.
research methods for education,
floor 1
newby, peter.
harlow, england ; new york : pearson education ltd., c2010.
qualitative research,
floor 1
milton park, abingdon, oxon ; new york : routledge, 2012.
education--research. education--research--methodology.
research methods for criminology and criminal justice,
floor 1
dantzker, mark l
sudbury, mass. : jones & bartlett, c2012.
criminology--research--methodology. criminal justice, administration of--research--methodology.
qualitative research for the information professional,
floor 1
gorman, g. e.
london : facet, 2005.
information science--research. qualitative research--methodology.
research methods for criminal justice and criminology,
floor 1
maxfield, michael g.
belmont, ca : wadsworth thomson learning, c2008.
criminal justice, administration of--research--methodology. criminology--research--methodology.
research methods in linguistics,
floor 1
litosseliti. lia[ed]
london ; new york : continuum, [2010] ©2010
designing and conducting mixed methods research,
floor 1
creswell, john w
los angeles : sage publications, c2011.
social sciences--research--methodology.
field guide to case study research in tourism, hospitality and leisure,
floor 1
bingley, uk : emerald, 2012.
your psychology project handbook : becoming a researcher / clare wood, david giles, carol percy.,
floor 1
wood, clare patricia.
harlow ; new york : pearson education, c2012.
qualitative research in education,
floor 1
atkins, liz
london ; los angeles : sage, 2012.
education--research--methodology. qualitative research.
qualitative methods in social work research ,
floor 1
padgett, deborah.
los angeles, calif. : sage publications, c2008.
social service--research--methodology.
social research methods : a reader,
floor 1
london ; new york : routledge, 2004.
social sciences--research--methodology.,sociology--research--methodology.
key concepts in tourism research,
floor 1
botterill, david.
los angeles ; london : sage, 2012.
research methods: planning, conducting and presenting research,
floor 1
devlin, ann sloan
belmont, ca : thomson/wadsworth, c2006.
social sciences--research--methodology.
principles of methodology: research design in social science,
floor 1
6, perri
los angeles : sage, 2012.
social sciences--research--methodology.
research methodology in the life behavioural and social sciences,
floor 1
adèr herman j. [ed]
london ; thousand oaks calif. : sage publications, 1999.
knowledge into action: research and evaluation in library and information science,
floor 1
wallace, danny p.
santa barbara, california : libraries unlimited, 2012.
library science--research--methodology.
research beyond borders,
floor 1
smith lise-hélène,narayan.anjana [ed]
lanham, md. : lexington books, c2012.
social sciences--research--methodology.
research methods in psychology,
floor 1
schweigert, wendy a.
long grove, ill. : waveland press, c2012.
psychology--research--methodology. psychometrics.
introduction to educational research,
floor 1
mertler, craig a.
boston : pearson/allyn & bacon, c2011.
quantitative research in linguistics: an introduction,
floor 1
rasinger, sebastian m. (sebastian marc), 1977-
london ; new york : continuum, c2008.
practice theory, work, and organization: an introduction,
floor 1
nicolini, davide.
oxford : oxford university press, 2013.
research methods for social workers,
floor 1
yegidis, bonnie l.
upper saddle river, nj : pearson allyn & bacon, c2012.
social service--research--methodology.
research for social workers,
floor 1
alston, margaret.
london ; new york : routledge, 2003.
social service--research--methodology.
research methods for public administrators,
floor 1
o'sullivan, elizabethann...(
new york : pearson longman, c2008.
public administration--research--methodology.
projects in linguistics and language studies,
floor 1
wray, alison.
london : hodder education, 2012.
qualitative research: a guide to design and implementation,
floor 1
merriam, sharan b.
san francisco : jossey-bass, c2009.
a guide to practitioner research in education,
floor 1
menter, ian ... [et al.].
thousand oaks, ca : sage publications, 2011.
understanding social research,
floor 1
mason jennifer and dale.angela,[ed]
london ; thousand oaks, calif. : sage, 2011.
social sciences--research--methodology.
qualitative communication research methods,
floor 1
lindlof, thomas r.,taylor, bryan c.
thousand oaks, calif. : sage, c2011.
research methods for studying groups and teams,
floor 1
hollingshead andrea b.[ed]
new york, ny : routledge, 2012.
small groups--research--methodology. small groups--study and teaching.
a guide to conducting online research ,
floor 1
gaiser, ted j.
los angeles : sage, 2009.
internet research.,research--methodology.
researching communications : a practical guide to methods in media and cultural analysis ,
floor 1
london : hodder arnold ; new york : distributed in the u.s.a. by oxford university press, 2007.
communication--research--methodology.,mass media--research--methodology.,communication and culture.
media and communication research methods : an introduction to qualitative and quantitative approaches,
floor 1
berger, arthur asa, 1933-
thousand oaks : sage publications, c2011.
mass media--research--methodology.,communication--research--methodology.
research with children: perspectives and practices,
floor 1
christensen pia & james allison[ed]
new york, ny : routledge, 2008.
the craft of research,
floor 1
booth, wayne c.
chicago : university of chicago press, c2008.
conducting educational research: guide to completing a major project,
floor 1
boudah, daniel j.
thousand oaks, calif. : sage publications, c2011.
research design explained,
floor 1
mitchell, mark l.
harcourt brace jovanich, fort worth, ©1992
rethinking methods in psychology,
floor 1
/ edited by jonathan a. smith, rom harré, and luk van langenhove.
london ; thousand oaks, calif. : sage publications, 1995.