የማኅበራዊ ፍርድ ቤቶች የዕውቀት የክህሎትና ተቋማዊ ክፍተቶች የዳሰሳ ጥናት,
floor 4
የኢትዮጵያ የሕግ ባለሙያዎች ማኅበር
የኢትዮጵያ የሕግ ባለሙያዎች ማኅበር 2010 ዓ.ም አዲስ አበባ
social justice,ህግ
seeking social justice through globalization,
floor 1
kitching, gavin
pennsylvania state university press, university park, pa., 2001
social justice
revolutionizing pedagogy : education for social justice within and beyond global neo-liberalism,
floor 1
macrine, sheila l.
palgrave macmillan, new york, 2010
social justice
gothic remixed,
floor 1
mazunik, linda [ed]
perfection learning, logan, iowa, ©2006
social justice
the stakeholder society,
floor 2
ackerman, bruce a,alstott, anne
yale university press, new haven, conn., ©1999
social justice
and justice for all,
floor 1
perfection learning, logan, iowa, ©2000
social justice
sustainable capitalism,
floor 1
ikerd, john e.
kumarian press, bloomfield, ct, 2005
social justice
and justice for all,
floor 1
editor: mazunik, linda,editor: ofner, terry
perfection learning, logan, iowa, ©2006
social justice