Available Books

These are the available books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

  • Ethiopian Collection
  • Reference
  • Computer Science
  • Philosophy And Psychology
  • Religion
  • Social Sciences
  • Languages
  • Natural Science
  • Technology
  • Art And Creation
  • Literature
  • History And Geography
  • Elementary And High School Text Books
Shelf No : 1
Like Sands Through the Hourglass
like sands through the hourglass, floor 3 hayes, bill, 1925- new york : new american library, c2005. television actors and actresses--united states--biography.
Shelf No : 1
Dear Fatty
dear fatty, floor 3 french, dawn arrow books, london, 2009 television actors and actresses
Shelf No : 4
Long, Lean, and Lethal
long, lean, and lethal, floor 3 heather graham onyx books, new york, ny, ©2000 television actors and actresses
Shelf No : 1
I'm Not Gonna Lie
i'm not gonna lie, floor 3 george lopez,alan eisenstock celebra book, new york, 2013 television actors and actresses
Shelf No : 1
Beam Me Up, Scotty
beam me up, scotty, floor 3 doohan, james pocket books, new york, ©1996 television actors and actresses
Shelf No : 1
 The sound of laughter
the sound of laughter, floor 3 kay, peter, century, london, 2006 television comedy writers,television actors and actresses

Popular Books

These are the popular books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

The art of seduction

Shelf No: 14

Disney Princess Story Collection

Shelf No: 21


Shelf No: 15

Good Queen Bess

Shelf No: 3


Shelf No: 5


Shelf No: 4

Smithsonian Kids Digging for Dinosaurs

Shelf No: 1

How do dinosaurs go up and down

Shelf No: 21

A Fabumouse Vacation for Geronimo

Shelf No: 2

The Secret of the Fairies (Thea Stilton: Special Edition #2)

Shelf No: 2

A Cheese-colored Camper

Shelf No: 2

The magical gabi /written by Heldana Afework and edited by Essey Workie.

Shelf No: 3

Recent Books

These are the recent books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

The feng shui dictionary / Lillian Too

Shelf No: 1

Simple Ways to bring out the best in your employees

Shelf No: 16

 State of the world 2005 : a Worldwatch Institute Report on progress toward a sustainable society /Michael Renner, Hilary F. French, Erik Assadourian

Shelf No: 17

A student's guide to the Value-Added Tax Act

Shelf No: 18

Block 2 : Arctic approach / Mark Brandon ... [et al.]

Shelf No: 17

Manual of HIV/AIDS therapy

Shelf No: 9

RED : the ultimate guide to using the revolutionary camera

Shelf No: 1

Faultlines : writings on conflict & resolution / edited by K. P. S. Gill & Ajai Sahni.

Shelf No: 13

The salesperson

Shelf No: 17

Organisational design and development.

Shelf No: 16

Natural resources management and gender : a global source book.

Shelf No: 17

 'Ain't gonna study war no more' : the lost agenda in education abroad / editors, Anthony Gristwood & Michael Woolf.

Shelf No: 20


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