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transportation--cost of operation
public transport : its planning, management, and operation,
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transportation and state
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usaf culture and cohesion building an air and space building an air and space force for the 21st century,
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smith james m.
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air transportation
intratheater airlift functional needs analysis (fna),
floor 1
stillion, john,orletsky, david t.,rosello, anthony d.
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transportation, military
transport economics,
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stubbs, p. c. (peter c.)
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goods vehicle costing and pricing handbook 1983,
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lowe, david, 1936-
kogan page, london, 1983
transportation, automotive--cost of operation
geography of transport,
floor 1
bamford, c. g. (colin grahame); robinson, h. 1915-
macdonald and evans, plymouth, 1978
alternative fuels and advanced vehicle technologies for improved environmental performance,
floor 2
folkson, richard
woodhead publishing, amsterdam, 2014
transportation, automotive--environmental aspects
transport and distribution made simple,
floor 2
benson, don,whitehead, geoffrey
w.h. allen, london, 1975
physical distribution of goods,transportation
geography of transportation,
floor 1
taaffe, edward j
morton o'kelly
transportation geography
transport and public policy planning,
floor 1
mansell ; distributed in the united states by h.w. wilson, london, new york, 1981
transportation and state
understanding travel behaviour,
floor 1
peter jones/
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urban transportation--mathematical models
transport prices and costs in africa,
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the carriage of dangerous goods by sea : the role of the international maritime organization in international legislation,
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henry, cleopatra elmira
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hazardous substances--transportation--law and legislation
planning, design & engineering of sustainable urban transport & system,
floor 1
jain, a. k.
khanna publishers, new-dehli, ©2012
urban transportation policy,urban transportation--environmental aspects
transport planning and traffic engineering,
floor 1
coleman o'flaherty,michael g. h. bell
arnold ; wiley, london, new york, 1997
highway engineering.,transportation--planning
floor 1
peter g. northouse
sage publications
transportation -- case studies.,leadership case studies
transportation engineering : railways, airports, docks & harbours,
floor 2
r. srinivasa kumar
universities press, hyderabad, india, 2014
transportation engineering
the economics and planning of transport,
floor 1
bell, g. j. (graham j.),blackledge, d. a.,bowen, p. j.
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urban transportation planning ,
floor 1
meyer, michael d.,miller, eric j.
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urban transportation--planning
networking simulation for intelligent transportation systems,
floor 1
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john wiley and sons inc, hoboken, new jersey, 2008
intelligent transportation systems computer simulation
statistical and econometric methods for transportation data analysis,
floor 1
washington, simon,mannering, fred l.,karlaftis, matthew g.
chapman and hall/crc
transportation--statistical methods
transportation economics : theory and practice : a case study approach .,
floor 1
mccarthy, patrick s.
malden, mass. : blackwell publishers, 2001.
transportation -- case studies.
urban mass transit: the life story of a technology,
floor 1
post, robert c.
greenwood press, westport, conn., 2007
urban transportation